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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. On a Monday? Doesnt anyone have to work anymore?
  2. Really? Strange. The sex board mod, clubkat and gabo, can delete threads, Im sure of it. Ill have to check with em.
  3. Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahaha!!! Ichi...i love you! Lets get married! *nevertoomuchsarcasminonehousehold!!!!
  4. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I definately dont remember being this stupid/naive either! Not to say EVERYSINGLE newbie is an idiot, but the large majority of them are. ANd HUGE ass kissers!!!!
  5. *crickets* No one left hon. I bet barely anyone knows you anymore. Its so sad. Alas....we have been forgotten... NOT!
  6. I dont think you can have set rules on this. Guidelines yes, but rules, no. We all know what the annoying posts are and who the annoying posters are. I would say deal with it on a post by post basis. I mean if some ass is gonna post 6 times about the same fuckin party, then delete 5 and move one of them to the correct forum.
  7. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! So true, so true!!! Im not old by any means, but Im too old to be staying up all hours of the night and feeling like crap for 2 days.
  8. Well, duh. I just cant escape it.
  9. Any post that goes into great detail about a specific party. You know what Im talking about. Theres nothign wrong with...hey...check out such and such party...details on the promoters forum. I know this is gonna piss all the promotors off and I do appreciate what you are trying to do. But we all know there is a promotions forum, so if we are looking for something to, guestlists, blah blah blah we can go there and look. This board has become totally over run by promotional threads. Nothing interesting to read or reply to. Hope that helps.
  10. Just an FYI, i think you may be new to these parts. YOu can quote someone by hitting the little button that says quote at the bottom of that persons post. This way you get the bolded quote....as seen above!!!
  11. See, now Im confused. I believe the subject of this forum was about closing threads. NOT about BTM/CCD/whatever other names there are. Vampie was not attacking anyone, simply stating that closing a thread because someone has said something you dont particularly like is ridiculous. Shit, if the real world was like that I'd walk around with a Remote Control Hitting the mute button. So, in conclusion, you callin people losers was jumping the gun a little no?
  12. Hapy Birthday Baby!!! I cant believe its been a year already!!! Have a wonderful day...Ill see YOU this weekend!!! MWAH!!!!
  13. Thats probably the best response Ive seen in a long time. If your having trouble enjoying yourself when you go out, maybe its not the club, maybe its you. Just something to think about their guccigirl(?)
  14. Speak for yourself girlie!!! Im not ready for my walker just yet!!!!
  15. ...from patting themselves on the back all the time? I gotta tell ya, its getting a little ridiculous.
  16. We had a very successful meet up there last April. Im not sure of the final count, but there was ALOT of people. It was a NY board meet up so you can rest assured alot of people showed up. The place was nice, the food was good and we really only got in "trouble" for going beyond the imaginary line to smoke. Keep in mind how hard it is the plan one of these events and if you think you can do better, you probably cant.
  17. Of course anyone who went to Apples last time remembers that we got in trouble for smoking on the wrong side of some invisible line. So keep that in mind before you whip out the dominatrix gear!!!!
  18. Who are you???? I assume you were at the first one, so which one were ya!!! And hey, just cause you didnt see anything, doesnt mean it didnt happen!! YA HEARD!!!! I do believe Shagfest2 will be a little wilder, partly cause MissKittie and I will be there together (yikes) and the terrible threesome is back in action again (me, moonie, clubkat) AND cause more people are finally comin outta there shells!!!! Kitte.....you were in Seattle baby!!!! We missed ya~!
  19. SHIAAAATTT!!!! They are all comin outta the wood work for this thread!!! Wassup girl!!! Damn right...we were fuckin DIRTY!!! But Kats right...repetition gets to ya and you gotta move on!!! I can only talk about who likes Anal Sex for so long ya know!!!!
  20. The do!! Its the promotor forum!!! JBR...the sex board moderators can move and delete threads. You should have that ability as well. Did you try to use the move/close/delete options???? Moderator in name only? Thats BEAT!
  21. Awww, dont get your panties in a bunch!!!! Everyone here knows you ALWAYS say that about not going!!! AMERICA meet up...ring any bells!!!
  22. Your hysterical! Who the fuck are you?
  23. OK yeah, i got it now and yes it scared the crap outta me.
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