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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. Yep, it was Stacey. How is she doing? I saw her after she got back from the hospital, but I keep meaning to call Mike and see how she is now.
  2. I had a good time. The night started out bad though, with my date gettin sick and me having to go with my best friend and his asshole girlfriend. They of course fought all night and left me there. Then I went to dance with my friend and she buckled and fell face first on the floor. The bouncers had to come carry her out. Ambulance cops and all. She split her eye on that bone above your eyesocket. I felt so bad!!! Rydell was unfuckinbelievable....and was I totally fucked up or did I heard Trippin?????? I left at like 6am, but people went back down at like 7.
  3. Dont fuck with me like that!!! You are going to Factoryu...and I dont know you!!!
  4. tonight??? My date is sick (pussy) and I know im stuck with a hotel room and an extra ticket! Any takers...cmon....im a lot of fun!!!!!
  5. Ill be looking forward to it. And ill respond it the most &cough* respectable way possible.
  6. Apparently so. Does that mean I cant be friends with Kat anymore? Shit, I didnt get the memo.
  7. I dont know what all the drama is about. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I happen to agree with this thread. When Im dancing and havin a great time, I get really annoyed when the music stops. I dont care whos fuckin birthday it is, or who is getting married next week. Dont stop the music please!!!!
  8. Thats a little harsh dont you think. Please try not to speak for EVERYONE with your statements.
  9. I assume you wanna go out in NYC??? I would say Vinyl for Howells cause it will be unfuckinbelievable!!! BUt if thats not your scene check out the sticky thread above about last minute NYE tickets. CP will have a bunch of ideas of ya!! Good luck...and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
  10. Someone grab a kiss for me!!! I will not be in attendance...
  11. My two friends were at the game yesterday. One is a huge Eagles fan, the other is a Giants fan. One of them called me on the way home, they started a fight in the stands cause they were pushing each other around. One of them got pushed down a couple of sections and then all hell broke loose!!! Whoops! And I dont even like football, but the last 4 minutes of that game were probably the most exciting thing Ive seen in a while!
  12. ...and I got it for $75 instead of $200!!! Ahhhh, there are some bonuses of working for my company!!! We own the hotel chain!!!
  13. Ohhhh....feels like old times around here!!! 5000 posts huh...I think Im gainin on ya Rob!!! And my to my fellow brit...where ya been!!! Hope all is well!!! Happy New Year!
  14. At least you have an office!!!! A HUGE ASS F.U. goes to my next door neighbors fat disgusting white trash kid who plays his fuckin music so god damn loud that I have to bang on the walls!!! Its sounds like thunder! I have no clue what it is, but I FUCKING HATE THAT FAMILY!!!
  15. Oh cmon Mo!!! I know you are going back there for NYE! Stop playin!!! Hehe Yeah, I agree with Mo. It was a little super-cheesey for my taste and Im from Jersey!!! I didnt see the gold chain hiding girl though! That would have been worth the trip!!!
  16. Freak!! Put that thing away before you hurt someone!!!
  17. I dont care if you have a problem with a board, and my post was not just to you but to everyone who says people get banned from VIP. I could care less about anyones beef with Lainey except that sometimes it makes for good reading. I was just letting you know that it goes beyond what you thought it was about. And you must know by now that no one keeps beef off the board, especially when thats where it started! *nobeefwithyoumydear,justsquashingsomerumors!!!
  18. I went there once, like 3 years ago, when it first opened? I was a little wasted by the time I got there, but I think its like a restaurant/bar type place. Its nice though. Not sure about the music they play now.
  19. Dude...you said yourself that you were gonna get slack for your post. All I was doing was clearing up some "myths". As I stated, only one person was banned from VIP, but that has all been cleared up. As far as everyones beef with Lainey, it goes far beyond the IP address thing. And I never insulted you. I never said anything mean or insulting. As far as you not posting on VIP, I know you didnt say you dont post there, but your words implied that you didnt care for the board.
  20. Now thats no way to get people to come to your parties. I thought it was funny!!! Lighten up pal.
  21. Exactly who are "they"? All VIP'ers or just some? Lemme set some things straight... as far as I have seen NO ONE bashed CP. Most VIP peeps were at one time and are still posting on CP. Thats where most of us met each other, thats where most of us started. With the exception of a certain someone, no one gets banned from VIP. All that nonsense has already been cleared up. If ya dont like VIP, then dont fuckin post there, but dont sit here and pretend you dont. Cause ya do, and there is nothing wrong with it.
  22. Dude...did you just give away the secret ending?????
  23. good movie...could have done without the whole ear thing.
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