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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. My question, how does a group of men stand around with their hands on their dicks, rubbing a bit, waiting and watching... Also what about the last guy??? Does he not get a worn out piece of pussy????
  2. Big Moles.... Dated a guy once and we were about to get busy and I was rubbing his back and came across a mole the size of a 8 oz steak. Freaked me out!!!! It totally ruined the mood for me.....
  3. How are you 100% certain??? And once that is answered I would tell the friend, however be careful....... I did that once and lost the friend. The guy was serious over the girl with the STD and he thought I was trying to sabotage the relationship and the girl had already told him as well, although she had lied in the past to others she had been involved with, she was serious as well and wanted to be honest. It turnd into a soap opera mess!!!
  4. An Econo Lodge in NJ, on the bathroom floor, while a full-fledged party was going on outside..... got up and thought if this is what all of the fuss is about, I should have waited longer! It is mucho better the second time around!!!!
  5. I can think of a reason... You generally do not use a condom in the shower and maybe this person is concerned with not having protected sex. It might be a health or concerned about pregnancy issue.
  6. cracky u r caaaawwwwaaaazzzzyyyyy!!!
  7. The difference between Boy's and Girl's prayers GIRLS PRAYER >Lord Before I lay me down to sleep, >I pray for a man, who's not a creep, >One who's handsome, smart and strong, >One who's willy is thick and long. >One who thinks before he speaks, >When he promises to call, he won't wait weeks. >I pray that he is gainfully employed, >And when I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. >Pulls out my chair and opens my door, >Massages my back and begs to do more. >Oh! send me a man who'll make love to my mind, >Knows just what to say, when I ask "How big's my behind" > >One who'll make love till my body's a' twitchin, >In the hall, the loo, the garden and kitchen! >I pray that this man will love me to no end, >And never attempt to shag my best friend. > >And as I kneel and pray by my bed, >I look at the creep you sent me instead. >Amen. > > A Boy's Prayer: > > Lord I pray for a nympho with huge boobs > who owns a beer store. Amen > _________________________________________________________________
  8. It would be a life of endless masterbation, if those were my only choices.....
  9. I admit, I have puked in a club before, only once out in the open though... It was the PVD night at Twilo it was close to two years ago I in the coat check area in the corner....... I felt like pure D hell the rest of the nite, went to the VIP area, and sat on a sofa and chilled...... That was before I learned that LESS WAS REALLY MORE!
  10. Where I agree that we should all be permitted to state how we feel, I think we need to learn to use correct words and state a case rather than attacking.....
  11. whatever Ali i know love u any more....
  12. Well I wuv you, I hope that helps......
  13. My mom's best friend sent this to me. It made me cry all over again... My family lives in the mid west and had just been here to visit. They knew how close my office building was to the WTC. Thankfully I was in our LI office that day!!!! I wanted to share..... Subject: Thinking of You Attachments: View As Web Page Dear Stephanie: I have thought of you so much today. I will always think of you on September 11th. That phone call that came to your mother as we were driving to Indianapolis on September 11, 2001 will always be a vivid memory. To think that you were safe and you were thoughtful enough to immediately let your mother know, saved us so much worry and grief. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts at this time when we share both sad thoughts of those who were not so fortunate, and praise that you were safe. Love, Ruth -
  14. Thanks Mugz! I liked reading it again as well. It gave me the chillies, etc..... I hope all is well!
  15. I never met Casey however did a few of the meetups she got together. However because of these meetups I have met some amazing people and I thank her for that! My thoughts and prayer are with her family, friends and fiance on this day!!!
  16. Since I do not have to work today and I do not want to sit in front of the the boob tube, I have a laundry list of things to do today and I was wondering how others were spending their days? -Car Inspection (due in July) -Return a dress to Macy's -Gym -10:30 Conf Call (one work thing) -Meditate -Laundry (literally) -and so... I want to keep myself as busy as possible..... Sitting idle only makes me think, worry and wonder....
  17. Lite Bright and Coors Light... A bunch of smart ass people that love to have a good time! Welcome aboard, it is addictive at best.......
  18. I am not a New Yorker by birth and after 9/11 last year I was frightened! It took a while to feel comfortable being out in the evenings in the city. I would have to say sometime in mid-Oct when I returned to our building downtown for the 1st time, I began to feel a sense of security again and could sit back and have a good time again. However my pre 9/11 party habits have gone away!!!!
  19. We are off today our building is across from the site. The firm decided that first the commute would be to hard, that it could have a negative impact on our people and no work would get done, cause everyone would be standing at the windows.
  20. Maudy your posts and threads (although sappy at times) always bring a smile to my face and make me laugh. It is good to see that even as we age/mature that there is still a kid in each of us ready to go out and play when the time is right. Reading this today when I feel a bit low, made me smile! Thanks!
  21. The promo was the best as you enter the CP site this morning!!! You guys did a great job and it is appreciated...
  22. Oh goodness I remember this thread and remember thinking, I AM OUT OF HERE.... However one year later, I am here and spent the last year on a restoration/relocation project for my firm. Our buildings 1WFC and 2WFC were damaged and needed some work. I am now 100% sure I am staying and feel as if I leave than I would be allowing those assholes to win and take away some of my freedom!!!! Thanks Mugsy for pulling this thread and allowing us to see CP 1 year ago today! Loves and hugs, Steph
  23. If you don't feel safe than stay home.
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