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Everything posted by suedenyc

  1. Wow, this is interested.. Whoever reads this threat, please keep bumping it up so that everyone gets a chance to read it--who knows, it might help save someone!
  2. Hey everyone. I was cruising around the DanceSafe website (excellent site by the way) and came across a slideshow about ecstacy and how it works. It gets kind of technical but many of your questions may get answered (ie. Prozac w/E, depression afterwards, nerotoxicity, etc...) Check it out but make sure you've got your concentration caps on...it gets very technical. 2 important things I got out of it were: a. If you take Vitamin C after rolling, you may be able to prevent cell damage (which does happen every time you roll btw). b. Stores such as GNC may sell an amino acid called "tryptophan" which gets converted to seratonin. Your seratonin gets depleted after rolling...takes up to 2 weeks to come back...Tryptophan can help speed that up. (FYI: Tryptophan is in food too--Turkey meat has it and it is the chemical that causes you to be tired on Thanksgiving after eating a lot of turkey). Here is the link to the slideshow: http://dancesafe.org/slideshow/slide1.html Here is a the link to the DanceSafe website: http://www.dancesafe.org Let me know what you think. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  3. Sorry Crack. You're too late...haven't you learned a lesson yet??? You have to book my services first thing in the morning! I've already got another "crack" to visit tonight. Sorry hot stuff...give "Five Finger Frieda" my best. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  4. BUMP! Still searching for the perfect place. HELP!!! PS. I DON'T LOOK LIKE TOM GREENE!!!
  5. Just "discovered" a new twist!!! You know how when they pop a Corona open, the first 2 inches of the bottle neck are air? Well, you get the bartender to fill the rest of the bottle with Bacardi Limon!!! It's terriffic...smoothes out the "beer" taste and 2 of them gets you wrecked. About 2 shots fill the neck up. Try it! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  6. Yup, that's the one honey. I know I'm not supposed to be playing it in public but I felt it was too good for no one to hear...I wanted to share it with the board.
  7. Wow!!! What a beautiful set of...eyebrows! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  8. Hey there. I have a Gemini MX-6200 mixer from my old days as a "living room DJ". It's nothing fancy but great for that purpose. Has 4 Channel inputs (for 4 music sources: turntables, CD, Tape, etc.) Has Delay, Repeat, and Echo effects. Also has Left/Right 7-Band onboard EQ. Like I said..it's nothing fancy or elaborate but it's great for mixing records and stuff. If interested, I'm willing to unload it for $50.00 PM me if interested. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  9. Yeah, Gioia has a very unique, destinctive voice. Some of you might remember her from her Expose days: Come Go With Me, Point Of No Return, Exposed To Love, Let Me Be The One, Seasons Change, What You Don't Know, Tell Me Why, I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me, etc... The right deal will come along someday and when it does...Look out! Thanks for your ears everyone, Rich ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  10. Ok...this thread was supposed to be about this particular song and it's affect on me...I wanted to see what you all thought of it. IT'S ALL ABOUT ME ME ME!!! [This message has been edited by suedenyc (edited 01-18-2001).]
  11. I am entertaining about 15 people this Saturday night from the ages of 25 through 35. Mostly straight girls. They want to go to a club/lounge but with specific requirments: 1. Some people don't dance so couches/lounge/bar area is necessary. 2. Some people dance so a dance floor is necessary. 3. Some people will be rolling on E so a chill area would be cool. 4. Music- mainstream club music (103.5 club music type) 5. Crowd- hopefully a big variety with all walks of life. Ideally, I'm envisioning a setting similar to Twilo's VIP room upstairs--a dance floor surrounded by seating/couches but with mainstream music. I NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS PLEASE HELP!!! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  12. Ok, I guess nobody cares to hear the song I posted or comment (except for Ooana)...I'll just let the thread die gracefully with the song.
  13. Hey, if I were having straight sex it would have been the same thing. It was the song & you....you weren't a sexual object at all!
  14. So last night, my other-half and I sat down for a long overdue romantic evening--candle-light dinner, music and hot, passionate monkey-sex! I went into the living room and pulled up Napster and allowed it to randomly play all of my downloaded songs then went into the bedroom. Well, about 40 minutes into the action..."I'LL HIDE YOU" comes on!!! In my mind I could see Myrlin standing next to the bed with a big grin on his face and just dancing in place! Luckily my other-half doesn't know of the story of Myrlin & "I'll Hide You"....this was all in my head. However I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the image in my head...my partner thought I was laughing from pleasure---I was laughing from the look on Myrlin's face!!! Songs can do the funniest things to you sometimes! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  15. Thanks Chris. I'll be in touch with you tomorrow. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  16. Sorry..I'm actually editing it right now..distorting some parts to prevent copying...be done in 5 minutes.
  17. There was a time when my other-half and I broke up after 3 years. My singer-friend Gioia sent me this demo she recorded and I lost my mind. He had to hear it...I emailed him a copy...10 minutes later, my phone rang...there was nothing but silence...then sobbing. We both finally spoke after breaking all ties for 6 weeks...we both ended up leaving work early that day and that all led to us working things out---ah the power of music!!! Anyway, here are some of the lyrics; "You moved into my life, like salvation to my soul. Your touch was like a fire, your voice was like a willow. And the words you chose to woo me, brought my senses to their knees. Until you had my trust and my belief. You hold me like a lover, protect me like a saint. You promised that no other, would ever take my place. Chorus: I love to hear you say how much you love me. I love to hear your every reason why. As I lay here with a special card you left for me to find (you know how I love a good surprise); Just never thought I'd hear you say, Goodbye. -------- Thankfully, I'm actually very happy these days. We've now officially hit 3.5 years and our relationship is better than ever. The song was recorded as a demo by Gioia and produced by Tony Moran. It was written by a man who has since passed away however his wife would not sell Gioia the rights so she can't use it...I guess it's too personal. The sad thing is that the world will never hear it. I wanted to share it with all of you. Please don't record it or make any copies...it is copywritten and heavily protected. Here's a "secret" link to the song on her website...I had to add static noise here and there to mess up any attempts at copying it. http://www.gioiabruno.com/RealAudio/never.ram Have a good cry, Rich ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  18. Anyone here or outside the board personally know any mainstream club DJs/Radio People/Record Poolers/Label People? As some of you know, I work for a singer named Gioia (pronounced Joy-a) from the 80's/90's girl group Expose. Anyway, Gioia has just recorded a string of dance songs and is working on a label deal. She will be performing at Miami's Winter Music Conference in March (I know Diva, Jammy & Co. will be going). Anyway, in working her NYC circuit, I was wondering if anyone knows any commercial DJ's/Poolers/Radio People/etc...that I can get demos to and set up live club gigs with. Thanks, Rich http://www.gioiabruno.com ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  19. It's a love thing. I'm fond of all body fluids! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  20. Who are you calling a FAIRY? If you weren't my little sister I would have f*cked the snot out of you by now! And as for Crackorn's head(s)--I'll take the one between his shoulders for a wall trophy...he offered the other one to me many times with the same results always---after my laughing fit/asthma attack I thank him for the offer and move on to an able bodied man. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  21. HEY!!! It's funny you say that! I'm in Bay Ridge and my DSL has been down for hours!!! I watched "Gladiator" (great movie btw) and it finished and I'm finally back on!!! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  22. Chicken cutlets are for boys...Real men use the whole chicken! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  23. GAZEBO!!!!! What the "f" were you thinking!!! I live in Bay Ridge my whole life and have been there only once...that was enough for a lifetime. Too much chest-hair and gold chains....the guys are pretty skanky too!!! I have to admit..the 1 time I was there, I loved the music and after my 4th tequilla shot I had fun but after 4 tequilla shots I could have fun at an insurance seminar. Stay away...stay very far away!!! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  24. My site features one of my best friends in the world and former member of the 80's/90's super girl group Expose. Her name is Gioia...she working on a solo deal with an album to hit this year sometime. http://www.gioiabruno.com ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  25. Hey all. Just wanted to let you know that a co-worker of mine is in a cool band called "The Living". They usually do gigs at The Lion's Den and places like that. Anyway, tonight they're being featured at the Hard Rock Cafe on 57th bet 7th & 8th at 8:30. I know it's not the CP genre but they're a great band (alternative/rock/funk style). Sinem, Vic, Jammy and myself are going and tons of people from my company. We'd love to see you guys there if you're in the area and feel like stopping by. You can hear some of their music on MP3.com at : http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/108/the_living.html Hope to see some of you there...then at Twilo later. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
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