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Everything posted by suedenyc

  1. Hi honey. That was me. Just a little black vest I picked up ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  2. Hey honey. I'm glad your ok. I'm so happy we got to officially hang out together. I had so much fun with you guys...sorry we had to leave so early...next time we're out for the long haul! LONG LIVE VOCALS!!!!! Thanks again for that fancy water and for the candy..I owe you. Love ya, Rich P.S. I'll stop by this week to pick up whatever clothing I left at your apt. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  3. I'm doing research for a project I'm working on and need some info about cool vocal music: Can you please reply to this thread with a few amazing current vocal tracks such as those played by David Knapp & Junior at Twilo this past Sat. night. Also, please include any vocal tracks worth mentioning. They must be current, contain a full vocal set (not just samples), and must have the magic to dance people into a frenzy! Thanks, Rich ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  4. OH MY GOD!!!!! Ok, first off, my intentions were to stay in last night on the couch and veg...with that in mind, I get the call and end up at Leopard Lounge with Sinem & Vic. I'm glad we went 'cause I got to see all of you. The music was moving me and we were having so much fun (thanks Al, Hugh, Joe, Nicki, Mo, Pharoah, Jammy Jam-Me, Charlie, Mike, Ooana and whoever else I'm missing--sorry). So then Ooana mentioned Twilo and I put my foot down and said "No way..I wasn't even supposed to be here tonight"...2 hours later, I'm at Ooana's apt. getting ready with everyone and then off to Twilo. Whoever opened for Junior layed down some amazing vocal tracks...but that was nothing compared to Junior's explosion! It was my first Junior night and guys...after that I don't know how often I'll be there on Fridays but I will be there on Saturdays whenever I possibly can. Me and Vic ended up under the mist-freeze when Junior came on...he then dropped this huge updated version of Information Society's "What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy) on us for what seemed like 10 minutes and mixed it into the actual 80's club mix--since we coincidently heard it at Ooana's apt, we were totally engulfed in it! Anyway, the floor was lit up with energy (or else my roll was really kicking in hard) and everyone (gay, straight, drag queens, freaks, geeks, etc.) were stomping and feeling it. So I know how most of you feel about vocals and all but...I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MY VOCALS!!!! So Vic, Noiseboy Mike, Jammy, Sinem, Billy, Ooana, etc... Thanks for NOT listening to me and making me go to Twilo. Lovin' ya'll, Rich P.S. Sinem- thanks for standing back and watching me roll all over the place!!! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede [This message has been edited by suedenyc (edited 01-28-2001).]
  5. Hey freak! I'm so excited and happy for you!!! Best of luck. My pointers: 1. Steam your voice before you go (shower, vaporizer, whatever) 2. Right before you walk in, down a packet of sugar (sweetens the vocal chords) 3. Take long, deep breaths. 4. Last tip (taken from an old music teacher who used to yell at the girls..) "Sing from your vagina!!!" Good luck kid...I'm praying for ya! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  6. I just checked with my peeps and YES!!! We will be there. Please add: SuedeNYC (myself-Rich) SgBrooklyn (Sinem) FuegoNYC (Victor) Also..please make a note for EVERYONE TO BRING THEIR SECRET SANTA GIFT if they haven't given it already ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  7. Word has it that he's been going through a really tough time right now with some very personal issues. I hear it has effected him on every level, including his work/spinning. Hopefully things will get better. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  8. Funny you should post this. I haven't smoked in quite a while. Last night I was feeling particularly mischievous so I lit one up. While I did not burst out laughing, I did find myself with this ear-to-ear smile from time to time. I found myself sitting there alone smiling like a moron at absolutely nothing. I've always felt that pot just enhances your current mood/personality. If you're tired it makes you more tired. If your happy, you get hysterical. If your sad, it could make things sadder. Just my $0.02 Rich P.S. Till this day, I've never had any baked goods containing weed--someone's gonna have to do some baking for me! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  9. I have an office mate! The jury is still out on him and I'm so NOT attracted to him. I'm afraid if I take it out, he may be magnetically drawn to it---so that's out! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  10. I hardly ever work at work. I usually find things to occupy my time (play with software, download something randomly and try to figure it out, play on the net, chat, spin in my chair...whatever) I'm having one of those days where nothing is amusing me and my usual pass-times are boring me to death. Any suggestions? What do you do at work when you're bored? Rich Anyone know any good computer virtual pets out there? I've got the spider from www.virtualcreatures.com and killed my Mopy fish (he was too bored to live)--suggestions? ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  11. ...There's only you in my life The only thing that's right My first love, you're every breath that I take You're every step I make And Iiiiiii, I want to share All my love, with you No one else will do SORRY!!! I COULDN'T RESIST ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  12. I thought we covered this last week!!! If you want any base hitting with me, you have to request my services early in the morning...my schedule fills up quick!!! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  13. DAMN! I wish I could bring you all with me...imagine all of us on a remote island partying 24/7! Likmylipz- speaking of glowsticks, I lit my first one Sunday morning--can't discuss details in public...I'll IM you later. Apotheosis-- don't worry about the 5!!!! Jammy Jam-Me-- a bikini eh? You tryin' to make me a switch-hitter? Yuuummmmyyyy! For the record...I don't read so a book is not going to do it for me. So the answer is: tons of batteries, lots of sex, drugs, and immodium. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  14. I haven't seen this new video but I like the song. I wonder if Morgan Fairchild knows that Christina Aguilera is her long lost daughter---the resemblence is uncanny! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  15. No offense but you're right on both counts honey. No polka dots and my third base is off limits to chicks (unless they've got dicks or plenty of cash of course ) Love ya, ~R~ ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  16. As for PVD...nope. I'll be leaving for my trip on the 8th so that's out too!!! And if there's one thing my father taught me (and I quote this): "Richard, neither a lender nor borrower be...especially with your codpiece!!!"...I hope you'll take my dad's advice! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  17. I am seriously not coming. I really can't as much as I would like to. I'm conserving my funds, energy and wonderful new candy for my trip in 2 weeks. Plus I have a wedding the week before and my best friends birthday as well...it's just too much!!! However, you're more than welcome to bring your codpiece to my house and have a few cocktails prior to your going out. I found a site you might like: http://www.teleport.com/~codpiece/menu.html ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  18. So one of my best friends and her fiancee are scuba divers and got engaged on the tiny, remote island of Bimini near the Bahamas. They fell in love with the island and decided to have their wedding there. So the bride & groom and 112 of their closest friends/family are flying to Bimini on Feb 8th for the wedding on the 10th. Our 112 people will outnumber the amount of locals living on the island (it's that uninhabited). It will be a huge drink fest since both the bride, groom, and majority of the guets are drinkers and there is really nothing else to do other than scuba diving and spear fishing. So here are my concerns: 1. We fly to Ft. Lauderdale then hop on little 6-seater water planes--UGH!!!! 2. Me and Vic will be the only gay guys on the island surrounded by "macho" Irish men (no offense but this crowd fits the stereotype) who drink beer for breakfast. 3. The only music on the island is a few locals that play calypso music and whatever will be played by this "Jimmy Buffet" addicted crowd. 4. No bars, clubs, shopping places. 5. No TV or phones in the rooms 6. No internet access--not even a computer on the island!!! I'm both excited and terrified by this trip! Maybe I'll bring a Wilson Soccer Ball with me (reference to Tom Hanks in Castaway). Any advice to help me cope with my departure from the modern world? ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  19. I was going to dress up as Josephine Bonaparte (Napolean's wife) however my corset doesn't fit the way it used to since I've put on a couple...so that's out of the question. I've also decided not to go to S&D this month due to some high expenses coming up (including a wedding on the remote island of Bimini next month). Have fun without me you fascist whore! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  20. I have a tattoo on my penis that appears to say "W H Y" when I'm soft...however when it becomes erect it clearly says "Welcome to new york, Have a nice daY" Only kidding. In all seriousness I only have my ear pierced. Have a huge roaring lion's head in a heart with a tribal arm band on my left upper arm. I also have a sun with the saggitarius symbol in the middle of it just below my right hip. My other-half has the same one one below his left hip but with the leo symbol in the middle. ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  21. WOW! I don't what to say. Well, here it goes: You're cool too! I love you, ~R~ P.S. I'm not wearing no cheese-ass tafita bridesmaid dress! ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
  22. BUMP! This is important guys...keep bumping it up so everyone gets a chance to see it!!!
  23. Gotta thank Sinem for bringing me into the ClubPlanet world. Gotta thank Hugh for being concerned...my first night at Twilo and I just mentioned that I was getting hot. Hugh ran and got me water figuring I was overheating on my roll--thanks. (of course it was that same water that helped me spread strep throat to everyone I was hanging with that night--sorry!) To Jammy...for being so f'in cool ALL OF THE TIME! I love you! And to the straight guys that are secure enough to hang with a few of us gay guys without the hangups: Crackorn, Edge420, MarionNY, j303j, Ezdreamer, etc... (the rest of you know who you are.) To Ezdreamer for teaching me how EZ it is to Dream while I'm awake To Vic for being my big, dumb animal for the last 3.5 years--love ya Chewbacca! Ok, this was too gay even for me! Gotta vomit now. Love ya all! Rich ------------------ Peace,Love & Hairgrease, Rich Suede
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