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Everything posted by bodi

  1. Man, I had major drama that nite with my girl, basically just killed my mood for going out that nite. Still owe you a couple of rounds, will have to make it up to ya at the next meet up kid.
  2. Way to rock to that charmed life Mike, this should take care of your tuition dilemma. Good luck on landing the interview and the job!
  3. Apples...nice pics... Marko.....nice faces...., you're like plasticman bud!
  4. Spragga, Represent for the CP board upstate man! You will be missed, make sure you visit often!
  5. Such a beautiful woman! I heard she might be the lead singer for the new band consisting of the old members Guns & Roses without Axl of course!
  6. My condolences to you & your family, I just read about in the paper as well, your dad sounded like a great man.
  7. I'll quit indulging in narcotics when GM stops making SUVS! Stupid mis-guided ads about smoking marijuana impairs your judgemet. etc. I guess alcohol and tobacco which is legal and responsible for thousands of more unwated pregnancies, auto accidents, & deaths, etc isn't as evil as pot huh?
  8. Kiko, I wish you a swift and safe return home, thank you for defending what all of us on occassion here take for granted...FREEDOM. Godspeed my man Bobby
  9. Dude quit school and train Wilson to be a stunt double for that Aflac duck! Look at the money you could be embezzling from them! https://www.aflac.com/ http://www.grandstandinc.com/gsm/p_Aflac_Duck_1.asp
  10. Anyone have this bootleg of Bush's "Come Down", it has some dudes rapping over the original song? I heard it on KROCK's Solid State on Sat nite, no one on Kazza or Soulseek seems to have it. Thanks for the help!
  11. Why would you call someone an asshole if they just pointed out an observation they wittnessed? It doesn't imply that they had anything to do with the observation nor do they condone or discourage it.
  12. Inflammatory, convenient, establishments......big words for such a simpleton like yourself L&R. Assmonkey, Fuckface now that more like your M.O. !! Let me break it down so even someone as bright(dripping with sarcasm) as yourself can understand. If I were a bigot or a simpleton such as yourself and wanted to instigate(cause trouble) drama I would have referred to muslims/pakistanis using more derogatory(offensive) terms. Kinda like the colorful language you use to refer to me! Like I said pal, since you obviously feel no compassion for the many human lives that may be lost in a war. Why do you keep your head warm and stick it up your ass?
  13. Ironic that your name is LogikandReason...clearly you don't have much in that dept. Do us all a favor my man and don't try to tread where your brain fears to go. Keep your un-intelligent replies to yourself.
  14. Thats a helluva alot of American men & women there putting their lives at risk. I noticed while walking through Queens this past weekend that I saw American Flags hanging on Chinese, Korean, Phillipino, Italian, Greek, & Indian stores, restaurants, etc. But I didn't see one American flag draped in the windows of any Muslim/Pakistani owned store http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/ap/20030114/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/troop_deployment&e=2&ncid=514
  15. My Border Collie (12 wks old)
  16. DG, If your claim is true my advice is...get a tetanus shot. If its not, you have to admit this post has some of the best one liners this board has seen in a long time! Good Post!!
  17. You guys....settle on a time to meet please. I get to pop my meet-up cherry at Heartland Brewery oh jjoy! Someone tell quoth about this, I know he's been MIA but this occassion requires ALL CPers to be there!
  18. The music, the crowd, the vibe...an amazing nite period! Props to Andy and the rest of the promoters! Centro-Fly is the best club currently in NYC!
  19. Andy, Codica I'm assuming you guys and some other folks from CP will be at Centro-Fly tonite. Are you guys having a meet-up at some time tonite? Please let me know where and when!
  20. Thats gonna leave a scar! Funny pic of the nun/bartender cutting you off of the shots D!!
  21. Thats pretty cool...you could train it to say "Aflac", make it make funny faces, & get it into showbiz????
  22. Man I almost spit up what I was drinking when I saw the topic! How pray tell did you do that?? Is he/she fidgeting around the place, talking non-stop???? :laugh:
  23. This guy sounds like a Rhodes scholar! Believe it or not pal, while recreationally indulging in various drugs few people if any will have the uncontrollable urge to log on to clubplanet to give replies to topic related questions.
  24. My condolences to her family and all who knew her...
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