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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by jennEfer

  1. Originally posted by trancerxn112

    You tell em... better yet get a harness lasso that fucker and ride him into submission... :laugh:

    :laugh:This kid has pissed enough people off that I might have to break out the spurs and riding whip as well. (lol jk) :laugh:

  2. Originally posted by usa

    yes we predicted 9/11 attacks back in 94. do listen to it goto jtf.org and scroll down until you see:

    I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning!

    click on it and it wil play the audio in real audio format.

    Okay... this is www.clubplanet.com... this is a website dedicated to electronic music, clubs, and making friends with the same interests. Granted other topics pop up every once and awhile... but at least those people post things about clubs and music also. Yes, there is freedom of speech, you are expressing your so-called facts/opinions... but please, if you are going to be on this message board dubbed clubplanet then you could at least post topics about clubbing, electronic music, and the like. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR POLITICAL, 9/11 BASED TOPIC POSTS ALREADY!! I am sure that there are plenty of intellegent people on this message board who read the paper, watch the news, and keep up with current events to the extent that we don't need you informing us of these occurences. Stick to the forum's intentions, or stop posting.

  3. Originally posted by arcticshdw

    lol So we are down in FL at the new Adventure Island attraction waiting to be shot up like 300ft in the air. We get done being strapped in and are awaiting the moment of liftoff...that doesnt seem to come. Jenn turns to me and says "I wonder when we are going uuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!" Perfect timing stretched out that last word from the bottom to top in a pitched scream that I'm sure dogs heard back in Jersey...

    :laugh: hehe:laugh:

    That was funny

  4. If my memory serves me correctly... a couple of months ago we were trying to come up with ideas for a different kind of CP meetup and Six Flags Great Adventure was suggested. Well, the park opens at the end of the month... and I know this is alot in advance... but as of now its just an idea. If we can get a group of at least 15 people together we can get a group discount. If we buy the tix before April 20th... then its even cheaper. Is anyone else down for this?

    Here is all the info: http://www.sixflags.com/parks/greatadventure/GroupInfo/index.html

  5. Originally posted by origskeemr

    there are a lot of times i go to hear Danny and walk out upset as well as JP. its the preference of music that most people argue about on this board pots and pans blah blah. truthfully i think a lot people rant and rave over Danny cause who he is not what he is. i would never knock his skills cause i cant he is verrrrrrrrrry let me stress very talented. The point is when i go there i see a lot of crackheads also. anyway this conflict has been beatin to death already so i dont want to start it again. My point is half of the kids in there dont have a clue about music and only go to say i heard Danny period. and i know a lot of Vynl heads that would agree.

    No disrespect to you Jenn ya know i love you but this had to be said:tongue:

    I never made reference to Danny... I have heard his off nights... I have my favorites ::cough:: Carl Cox ::cough::

    I just don't think that a DJs talent should be based upon the length of his or her set is all.

  6. Yeah it is def. annoying. I don't even take my phone to class... who the fuck am I going to need to talk to in class?? Noone. It can wait till I get back to my dorm I am sure. The best is when the teacher makes an ass of the person with the cell phone (happened in lecture the other week).

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