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Posts posted by jennEfer

  1. I would never expect my bf to pay for anything. In fact... I hate when he does. We work 50/50 most of the time; he will pay for dinner one night, and I will pay for it the next. However, giving me rent money or paying for my car would be a definate negative. I like to pay for my own stuff and be independent from people. I don't know what kind of girls you are talking about, but definately pull yourself away from those materialistic, spoiled drama queens.

  2. I drive a 92' red Toyota Celica convertible. My car is 10 years old, but she still looks good and runs good for her age. She isn't fast, but she gets me from point a to point b and is fun in the summertime. I guess me being a bubbly blonde makes sense that I would drive a little red convertible.:D

  3. Originally posted by cintron

    Simple :)

    "I like you and you're a nice guy. But we're just friends. That isn't going to change.

    If you disrespect that, you will be sitting down to take a piss for the rest of your life."

    :D Make Friends and Influence People!

    I agree with cintron here. You just have to be straight up with him but polite at the same time. If he doesn't get the clue then that is the time you use the "fuck off" phrase and go to HR.

  4. Originally posted by PFloyd40

    why is "fake" tanning so disrespected while tanning by natural means is not...

    apparently, someone who goes to the beach a lot during the summer and gets dark is *better* in some way(unbeknownst to me) then the person who lays in the tanning bed..

    From a sociological point of view...

    Way back in the day it was not attractive to be tan because if you were tan then this meant you worked outdoors. Not having a tan was a sign that you were rich and you leisurely sat indoors all day hence the pale complexion.

    Today, the opposite is true. If you work all day, 9-5, indoors then you are obviously not going to be tan but pale. When you are tan it shows that you have the money to do leisurely things like go on vacation.

    Unfortunately the only way most people have the time and money to get a tan is to "fake and bake". So, people with real tans are more respected cause this means they have the leisure time to vacate or sit on a beach. To "fake and bake" would be like buying fake designer clothes rather than spending more money on the real thing.

  5. Originally posted by glayzell

    1- Dissagree strongly, 2- Disagree, 3-Neither agree nor disagree, 4- Agree, 5- Strongly Agree

    a)I live for the moment (5)

    b)Developments in the media have influenced club culture (4)

    c)All clubs are the same (1)

    d)Superclubs (Cream, Ministry of Sound, Gatecrasher) have lost touch with reality (3)

    e)The music within club culture has the smae impact on me as it always has (2)

    f)Accurate information on club culture is readily available (3)

    g)I do not take life seriously (1)

    h)Club culture will last another 13 years (1)

    i)Club culture is experienced equally by men and women (5)

    j)Club culture is heterosexual (3)

    k)A persons ethnic origin will determine a positive experience of club culture (1)

    l)Club culture is not politically orientated (3)

    m)A person from the working class may not enjoy their experience of club culture in the same way as someone from the middle class (3)

    n)An individuals religion will distance them from club culture (1)

    o)Club culture is distanced from reality (3)

    p)Ecstasy enbles an escape from reality (1)

    q)There is on theory to explain all social life (3)

    r)The media present a distorted image of club culture (1)

    s)Club culture can be split into many different musical genres, but no one is dominant (4)

    t)There are no social constraints in club culture (3)

    u)Variety will be an important factor in the continuation of club culture (5)

    v)Club culture cannot keep reinventing itself (1)

  6. I don't think it's Twilo... cause their exit was kind of weird and it was upstairs by the bar and facing the little shop. Plus there was always a bouncer standing near it. My guess is that is is Vinyl. Cause when you walk out of Vinyl you walk towards a wall then turn left to go out the door. And there is a big sign on that wall saying "all exits are final". Just my guess.

  7. Originally posted by mugwump

    Well My ex was Polish

    and I think it warped my brain..

    I still crave perogies and

    Compost like once a week..

    So I took a train ride over to

    get my Polish fix..

    Came back with

    blood sausage,

    borst and home made perogies..

    And then on the way home

    I started to talk to this Cutie Polish

    "clubby" chick that just moved to NY..

    She's even into Breaks..


    Hey Jeniffer I didn't know you where Polish!

    Do you speak polish too?

    No I don't. I am half polish... my grandparents were straight off the boat. My last name still boasts my polish heritage though (Bujalski makes me a dead ringer). The other half of me is English and German.

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