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Posts posted by jennEfer

  1. Okay this is just one of those random questions out of curiosity and boredom. I guess it is kind of club related since every clubber reeks of smoke everytime they exit a club.

    Who here smokes cigarettes and who doesnt?

    Why or why not?

    I choose not to smoke cigarettes cause I have been trying to get my mom to quit for years. I think it is a nasty habit, but that is just my opinion.

  2. The Robotica one was definately the best... along with the satin sheets.

    I thought the hamster/rabbit one was too cute... and yes it made me giggle too.

    The lipton one was funny but at the same time it was plain weird.

    Then there was the one with the monkey... I just think the monkey and showgirls thing was kinda cute.

    And did anyone else wonder what the fawk mlife was? They had all these commercials and they never really said exactly what it was.... so then you were urged to go on the website and check it out.... now that is marketing brilliance.

  3. Originally posted by mugwump


    (when it opens in Spring)

    Nice white trash entertainment!~


    Also... we could all make a Jersey shore trip... maybee for a weekend rent a couple hotel rooms or something (god knows they are cheap enough). Yeah, it sounds like a HS senior prom thing to do but it would be fun to lie on the beach during the day (think of all the cp hotties in bathing suits), and then party at night. Just an option. This could also work sinonimously with the AC idea. Even if you are a youngin you can still chill in hotel rooms and get trashed w/ the other youngins.

  4. Originally posted by djklutch

    i spin in the hip hop room at roxy and ur right its way to small and the line thing is retarted but its good in a way cause it stops from overcrowding but i guess theres not much u can do to stop that problem unless roxy makes the hip hop room bigger and for the kids who say " who listens to hip hop " try goin to somewhere CLASSY and u will see where hip hop over rules all jus cause u cant appreciate all types of music doesnt mean u should make judgements on something use no nothing about the funnie thing is this hip hop dj prob knows more bout house music then anyone of use who commented on hip hop BELIEVE THAT lmaoo

    > > SaL kLuTcH

    Sorry... was being sarcastic. I am not a big fan of hip-hop but I respect all kinds of music. Except for maybe country... country music deserves no respect.

  5. I went cause it was free... and I am a poor college kid.... so anything that is free is OK in my books. Would have went to Vinyl but I just didn't have the cash... along with the fact that I had shit to do today.

  6. Originally posted by djmikebugout

    plus some random misplaced Factory guy was dancing, then praying and then attempting to fuck something that wasnt there....hmmm....good thing he got off the stage by himself b/c I think bids to push him off were up to $100 dollars were they not?

    :laugh: :laugh: OMG!! That guy was too funny. I think people were doing random impressions of him all night long.

    Hold on a sec.... you mean that if I really did shove him off the stage I would have gotten $100?!? dammit... i should have done it, god knows i need the money more than anyone.

    All in all it was a fun night... I am glad Teklord dragged me... I had fun dancing with the CP stage crew.

    Until next time...

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