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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. I didnt start anything!! It was just a suggestion... the 30th is nearing ya know.
  2. You can do one of 2 things... 1) Get someone who is 21 who kinda looks like you (same hair/ eye color, height, etc) and take thier information to the dmv telling them you lost your licence and you need for them to make a new one. I know a few people who have done that. 2) In the city you will see places that say "photo IDs made here", they usually make fake IDs. I don't know names of any specific places, but they are all over the city.
  3. The Jersey board is dead today... what did everyone do last night?
  4. Starting on a Friday night with (A) I would hop on a plane to get to location ( and while I am there participate in © followed by (D). Yup, you definately can't choose just one.
  5. i wholeheartedly agree... there is nothing better than cuddling with your special someone, but its also better if you both dont smell.... i also agree with showering together
  6. And do you ever notice you always get the most dirty if you are wearing light colors on which the dirt shows more? Many pairs of kakhi/white pants have been ruined this way!!
  7. I've learned that Jav isn't as evil as he appears to be!!!!! On a more serious note: ~ age is a state of mind ~ everything happens for a reason ~ no one is perfect, but there is one person who is perfect for you
  8. Don't have that problem... I am 18. I hope boa's philosophy proves to be true, I am having the time of my life right now, I could only imagine what it would like in a couple of years!!
  9. nope... definately have the same problem. i am up at 6 every weekday morning at sometimes have to get up for work on the weekends. Whenever I can sleep, I am not able to. I got a total of 5 hours of sleep all last weekend, and to tell you the truth, it didn't really bother me at all. Damn, I have problems.
  10. what would your handle be? And if you already are one, what is yours?
  11. what would your handle be? And if you already are a DJ, what is your handle?
  12. I will be there... saving up my $$ and energy as of now... it will be a crazy night.
  13. Jennifer Dawn Bujalski.... and my last name is pronounced exactly how it is spelled, how people always f**k it up baffles me.
  14. Hrmm... lets see... I draw, horseback ride, haven't done the sex thing in awhile, club(obviously), shop(typical girl).
  15. I will be at Rutgers, Livingston College next year, what college are you going to down in New Brunswick? If you like the city definatly do not go to school down in Maryland. I had a boyfriend that lived down there and there was never anything to do. I myself was looking at Towson University, but decided I couldn't live without being a train ride away from the city. Rutgers would be the better choice.
  16. stargazer lily... definately my fav. flower, we even have some planted in our front yard
  17. actually... i change my answer... on a sailboat
  18. If you go to the main menu, scroll down a bit, there is a board devoted to these questions. But out of good fun.... on bunk beds.... what makes it so crazy is my friend and my b/f's brother were doing the same on the top bunk.
  19. "An all expense payed trip to your cerebral cortex."
  20. No polock bashing allowed!!! haha... I am not italian, however i do find them very attractive. (50% polish, 25% english, 25% german)
  21. I think that there is so much contraversy over the subject that the banning of abortion in the united states will never happen. Thats the beauty of our government... there is not one man that makes all decisions for the people, we have to vote on it, the house and the senate have to vote on it, and so does the supreme court. With all the opposing views on whether or not abortion should be made illegal, it will never happen. And even if it did, there would be a number of people who would give themselves abortions instead, which would be alot more dangerous than if they kept it how it is now. So president Bush can kiss my ass because it will never happen.
  22. I dont even take pills... maybee like once in a blue moon but thats it.
  23. HEY JAVI!!! I havent talked to you in awhile!! I tried calling you back yesterday but you didn't pick up your celli. You must give me a call sometime today and tell me bout your weekend.
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