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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. The night was definately insane... the real party started when diggers dropped that first track as everyone filed inside. Does anyone know the name of it??? ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  2. Welcome to the board.... let me warn you... ITS ADDICTING!! I haven't been in the club scene for more than a couple months myslef, but you learn alot coming on here. Have fun!! ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  3. I have 3 pets.... A dog (airedale terrier) named Ginger, a cat Figment, and an Iguana named Godzilla. ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  4. i never listen to the radio, but if i do.... 103.5 100.3 97.1 92.3 ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  5. Yes we do. ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  6. ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  7. Ooooooh, I remember this like it was yesterday. The first time I rolled was at a friends house. At the moment I peaked the song Ssssssst.... Listen was playing and one of the kids we were chilling with was glowsticking. For the longest time I could not remember what the song was that made me peak, until one day I bought a cd and that song sent chills up and down my back, still does it to this very day. ------------------ Is it Friday yet??? Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.
  8. You must call me, haven't talked to ya in awhile. What are u up to?? Are you going to Twilo this Friday? ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  9. Hey mee too, I have a bunch of papers to write soon. And I am the biggest procrastinator!!! ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  10. I heard the older you are, the more it hurts. And sometimes you won't get them in until you are 20. ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  11. wow... that would be nice. ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  12. anyone?? ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  13. I feel for ya.... was really looking forward to seeing sasha, but, Diggers should be able to hold it down just fine till he gets better. ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  14. NO MORE SNOW!!! WHERE IS SUMMER!!!!! Even spring would be nice. ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  15. Yummm!!!!! Definatly the best pick-me-up!!! You are tempting me to run out to DD right now!! ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  16. OMG!!! LMAO!!! TOO FUNNY!!! The sad thing is I have seen people dancing like that in clubs before... kinda funny to watch. ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  17. Does anyone agree with me here?? I feel that the next British invasion will be an increased popularity in rave/club music and the club scene. Think about it... vinyl sales are soaring in the UK, and the club/rave scene in Europe is extremely popular. Trends in Europe tend to eventually carry over to the U.S., do you think that this will be the next big thing to hit our shores? ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  18. I can remember it like it was yesterday... at least most of it. I hate to say it, but it was the drugs that got me into the music. We were hanging out with a bunch of kids who somehow talked us into rolling for the first time. We spent the night at this kids house listening to house music off of his computer. The song that made me peak..... ssssst....listen. Then it was all down hill from there. Began to buy house cds, went to London on a school trip and went crazy in all of the music stores (unfortunately some bastard stole all the cd's i bought in London). The first club I went to was SF. I wasn't quite 18 yet and it was the easiest place to get into on looks alone. For my 18th b-day i had my dad rent me a limo and a few friends and I went to Exit (boy have i learned my lesson). Now, Twilo all the way. Still a newbie to the scene, but learning something new all the time. ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  19. I think that if you have it you should flaunt it, but it also depends on the occasion. The oscars are a very classy event, which should be complimented with classy, elegent dress. Showing your nipples to the millions watching the Oscars is not my idea of class, that would be like wearing the same dress to a wedding or your HS prom. And Jennifer wonders why people fuss about what she wears, she brings it upon herself. However if she was to wear something as revealing to a club, more power to her!!! ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  20. You can't be serious...... hello?!? Diggers?!? ------------------ Is it Friday yet???
  21. Looks like April will be an excellent month. I myself am looking forward to PVD, but have to get through Diggers (and possibly countdown) this weekend. I will show my excitement for PVD come Sunday.
  22. I will be at Twilo Friday nite to see Diggers... but I dont know about countdown yet.... contemplating about whether or not i will be too cracked out to go. Need motivation!!!
  23. Boat races!!! I'm in!!!! Dont know about the natty ice though, that stuff is NASTY!!!
  24. I HOPE HE GETS BETTER!!!! And hopefully this is not a big joke, this is not a laughing matter. I had a big night planned for this weekend with my bf, and was looking forward to a magical night with the dynamic duo. Diggers should be able to hold it down just fine. By the way, does anyone know who the special guest DJ is yet??
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