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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. eggs and gatorade..... doesn't sound so yummy but it works... thank god i work at a deli on the weekends!!!
  2. Yeah, I am definately loosing my hearing before my 25th b-day. I have a system in my car, which is constantly blasted, and the whole club thing isn't helping much either.
  3. Unfortunately... hate to break it to ya... but it is really easy to tap a phone (and really illegal). For example, my parents have been going through this whole divorce thing for the past couple years, yet they still live in the same house together. My dad, years back, in order to spy on my mom tapped our phone, he has tapes that he plays for my mom as blackmale, has also tried to blackmale her friends as well. The funny thing is, my mom knew about the tap and used to f**k with him all the time. Pretty wacked out shit. The phone is still tapped to this day... I would love to find the tapes and totally fuck my dad over. But, to answer your question, it is easily done, even by stupid people s/a my father.
  4. did you know that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?? haha, jk. They will be at Twilo, I don't think S&D would ever humiliate themselves and spin at Exit. Although, there would probably be more dancing room in Exit.
  5. Its nice living in New Jersey, in a house, with no close neighbors. The only complaints I get about loud music is when i forget to turn the volume down in my car (oops). I am usually curteous enough to do so.
  6. everyone is dead from the weekend and fails to post... where is everyone?!? How was everyones weekend/ st. patties day?!?
  7. I will be there, and my ass will be on the dance floor ALL NIGHT LONG!!!! I can't fuckin wait... it should be INSANE!!!
  8. Have you ever had anyone tell you that you look like someone famous?? If so, who??? Alot of people say I look like that chic from Devil's Advocate, Charlize Theron.
  9. I once had an nsync crush... Justin. I find Ryan Phillipe super sexy!! I just love the blonde hair blue eye thing i guess.
  10. I know this is alittle bit early but I CANT WAIT!!! The dynamic duo is going to tear shit up and I will be on the dance floor ALL NIGHT LONG!!!! Will anyone join me???
  11. I wish...... that the weather would get warmer that graduation day will come soon for a vacation
  12. 35%... still "too straight", will always be "too straight"
  14. I hate guys who smoke and nasty teeth. I also don't like hairy guys either.
  15. I agree that it is possible to have fun in Jersey clubs, but I just happen to be one of those people that go to clubs for the music, and the only place for that is NYC.
  16. this board is VERY addicting!!! get off while you still can!!!
  17. saving my $$$ for the 30th... trying to cut down on the clubbing thing.
  18. Hey Javi!!! Didn't do much this weekend, trying to take a break... going through club withdrawl but I do have more money than usual. What did u do??
  19. How awesome would it be if for, say, 3 days straight some of the worlds best DJs (ex: PVD, S&D, DT, CC, Oakie, etc...) came together and spun in some big ass place for thousands of people (kinda like Woodstock). Wouldn't that be wonderful??
  20. It is definately a possibility, and it does happen. I have found that special someone and am falling more and more in love with him every day. Both of us are all about going out and have that "We just left a party, LETS GO TO ANOTHER ONE" attitude. It's so great to have finally found someone thats as into this club stuff as I am. But besides that, he is my other half, possibly my soalmate. I was just lucky enough to find him.
  21. Sorry, but I have to come out and say it... you are a fucking idiot. Extacy is alot more dangerous than alcohol, and it does alot of damage to your body. Yeah, so does alcohol, but it takes alot more alcohol to do the damage that one pill might do. You obviously need to learn how to drink responsibly, because believe it or not, it is possible to drink within your limit, everyone can do it. And, you can OD on extacy and yes you do get sick from extacy. There is no drug out there that does not fuck with your body chemistry: whether it be alcohol, ecstacy, or even tylenol, and they all must be used in moderation.
  22. Of all the times i went to exit I have never gotten searched. I have even had friends of mine get searched and they would just send me upstairs to coat check. Yeah, I'm a girl, but who says that an "innocent" looking person wouldn't be carrying a weapon into a club? They should really be more careful, and possibly even invest in metal detectors or something (don't remember ever seeing those there). Exit doesn't have the most friendly atmosphere either... there always seems to be some sort of rivalry between the orientals/ juiceheads/ ravers that I will never understand. I am not trying to start another Exit v. Twilo thread, but not only do they search EVERYONE in Twilo but the overall vibe of the place is fantastic... everyone is there to enjoy the music, meet cool people, and to have a good time. Exit is a beautiful venue, but the vibe isn't as friendly.
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