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Posts posted by weyes

  1. when going out for the evening turns into worrying about what to wear, stressing out about running into certain people, spending money that one doesn't have, and running oneself ragged when one is already exhausted, it's probably time to re-evaluate and take some time off. going out is supposed to be fun, not stressful; when it's more of a drag or upsetting to go out than a good time, the solution is simple: take a break!

    tune in tomorrow.

  2. one can never know whose input/opinion/knowledge will prove most helpful. one example of this is when purchasing just about anything. while asking salespeople is a good idea, as they are generally well-versed in the merchandise in the stores where they work, talking to friends and even fellow shoppers who have experience with the products and other stores in the area can be useful, too. lots of salespeople are just trying to make a sale, whereas non-employees are looking for value and may have already tried out many brands of the item in question.

    tune in tomorrow.

  3. listening to critics, pundits, and even newscasters is NOT a good way to learn about politics and definitely not a good way to learn about politicians. if one wants to learn about the positions of candidates for public office, there are two most accurate ways to get that information:

    1) from the candidates themselves. one should find out what the candidates say they believe in on issues that one considers most important and find out what their priorities are. the candidates' websites are good sources for this information, and debates can be helpful.

    2) check out their voting records. one should see what the candidates have supported and opposed in practice, as opposed to what they claim they have and will vote for and against. one should hold his/her elected officials accountable.

    watching the post-presidential debate coverage on cnn right now i'm finding that the "best political team on television" has a very different impression of the debate from mine. i'm glad that i saw the debate for myself and didn't take their word for "how it went" :shaky: .

    "it's almost like we were watching two different debates," one of the reporters just said to another; that's how i feel.

    tune in tomorrow.

  4. being sick and hacking up yellow-green phlegm, especially doing so for many days with no respite, is generally a sign of infection and an illness that needs antibiotics to be cured.

    weyes hopes she is finally on the road to recovery after finally getting some antibiotics; her roommate, who has been sick for about 10 days, has not yet gotten any pills - or any better.

    i'd like to include a picture of the interesting phlegm i've been producing; it's like that stuff on tv that wears suspenders and hats and carries luggage in that it's got some serious body. i'm not the type to actually post pictures of mucus, though, so here's an approximation, for your amusement:



    tune in tomorrow (my computer is fixed, i'm getting my car back, and i'm on antibiotics :spin2: !!!).

  5. wowsers - i have been absent for a while 'cause i can't get on the internet on my laptop and i still can't figure out why; i also haven't been to work (why my computer functions) since this problem arose, seeing as i'm sick as, well, whoever got me this damn sick :mad: . i write this on my roommate's computer.

    onto the column.

    one of my credit card companies sends me checks to use at a lower percentage rate as an incentive to use their services, as i haven't used this credit card at all in a long time. i just threw them out so as not to be tempted to use them. but now that i need to pay for repairs to my car, which got broken into, broken, and had property from it stolen, i have ended up needing those offers.

    i called the credit card peeps today to ask for some more of the checks. they offered, instead, to wire money directly into my account, at 0% for a year. they also suggested that they send me a crapload of money - up to $7,000 - so i could pay off other credit card debt at this low rate. my first reaction was to say "no," just 'cause i always say "no" to things that sound too good to be true. but i thought sbout it, and my current credit card w/ a boatload of debt on it has an apr % rate in the teens. even though the 0% lasts for a limited time, it goes to a comparable rate as the current one after that, so i have a year of an advantage.

    it just took a little thinking in a different frame of mind.

    tune in tomorrow.

  6. there are certain smells that nothing can cover up, no matter what commercials or various sketchy people say. sometimes nothing can substitute for washing. really. and just because one is in a smoking area does not mean that it's ok to smoke cigars; that is a whole other level of stank that doesn't get out of clothes, and it isn't fair to inflict that on passersby, no matter what ghetto casino one may be visiting :shaky: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  7. one certainly has the right to complain about service one gets from all types of professionals, from retail clerks to auto mechanics to college professors. one should keep in mind, however, that a lot of bosses/people in upper management both take complaints very seriously and are often looking for reasons to fire people. one shouldn't be cavalier about jeopardizing other people's jobs.

    tune in tomorrow.

  8. receipts can be invaluable, and one never knows which those will be till the time comes that one needs to produce them. even though it may seem silly, it's better to save receipts for eveything, just in case. anyone who has ever had anything lost or stolen or who has seen the people's court knows what this is all about :aright: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  9. those who steal are missing way more than anything they could ever take.

    let me be clear, though, it is NOT ok to break into weyes' car by smashing a window and breaking her door lock, and steal her radio, cds, other choice items in her trunk, car, and glove compartment, and break off the lever that opens her hood, making it impossible to open it, as well as the cover to the fuse box, and who knows what else under the hood. weyes' car was filthy and cluttered, is over 10 years old, and was parked in gated parking behind her own apartment; she doesn't understand why she was the only victim in a parking lot with many much nicer cars. and it's fucked up not feeling safe in one's own parking lot. what to do now :boohoo: ?

    tune in tomorrow.

  10. i'm [going against my "no wig" rule and] gonna be hellga from american gladiators! i'm starting this weekend too; i have to make the skirt/belt.

    will definitely want to be keeping up w/ you; you know how to do halloween up right :aright: and it's been way too long!

    rock on, girl!

  11. some "once in a lifetime" chances aren't worth their prices solely due to their uniqueness; just because something won't happen again doesn't mean it's worthwhile. while that may be cause for considering something more carefully, one should emphasize the "careful" part; some horrible deals/offers are well-masked under "last" or "only" chance labels.

    tune in tomorrow.

  12. records get broken!!! i'm not talking about vinyl and i'm not talking about olympic. part of what makes life great for some and bearable for others is that what "always" or "never" happens to us does change. losers win, and winners may have to break their winning streak so that there's room for them to do so. "impossible" tasks are finally doable. today i'm so thankful for that that i'm not even bothering to put the column in third person at all :aright: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  13. when writing for someone else, i.e. essays, articles, papers, or even letters to people, it can be easy to come down with a case of writer's block. one good way to move past it is to write whatever comes to mind - even stuff that one knows is under par, redundant, or not well-phrased - just to start. besides getting the ball rolling, having the attitude that everything can be edited later often makes a writer less self-critical - at least for the time being - and can open up the imagination.

    tune in tomorrow.

  14. when people lose or gain weight, they not only show these changes in different areas of their bodies, but different parts tend to be the ones that gain/lose as time passes. in other words, one may usually be the type who loses weight in his/her midsection before anywhere else when in his/her 20s, but then lose it first in his/her fingers when thirty-something.

    all of this is important to keep in mind when buying anything wearable, including things one wouldn't think of, like rings or hats [losing hair might change one's hat size :worry: .]! remeasurement is a good idea to make sure of a proper fit and to prevent disappointment and/or waste :funny: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  15. weyes was chatting with someone today who mentioned that a certain celebrity was afraid of houseplants. while this probably sounds preposterous to most, this same person to whom i [weyes] was later speaking told me that she hasn't driven in about 9 years because she's freaked out. this may seem preposterous to that celebrity.

    while all fears are valid, as all feelings are valid, they are worth periodic re-examination, just because having fewer generally increases one's quality of life.

    tune in tomorrow.

  16. one shouldn't underestimate the knowledge, know-how or intelligence of secretaries - especially the ones who appear to have been "stuck" in those positions for a while. very often they know more about how things work and how to work things than management ;) .

    tune in tomorrow.

  17. "when it comes to children," weyes' roommate says, "you can tell who's annoying right away."

    the point, really, is that children are up front about who they are - no pretending to be anything or anyone else, for better or worse (up to a certain age, of course). when some suggest we go back to basics, being true to ourselves would be a good start.

    tune in tomorrow.

  18. while it's true that one never gets a second chance to make a first impression, it's never too late to change a standing one. the observant and open-minded will notice changes in appearance and behavior as well as personal growth, and those are the people with whom one should surround oneself, anyway :aright: .

    *weyes will admit that the quickest way to draw attention to changes one is making is to start with appearance :funny: , but while people are noticing the new look, it's a good opportunity to demonstrate the personal growth!

    tune in tomorrow.

  19. with all the pundits, analysts, and politicians on television telling us what we should care about, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters to us. if one knows what his/her priorities are, s/he shouldn't let someone on tv tell him/her that they aren't important and/or that they should be replaced with other things. s/he should remember what motivates these people: money, corporations, lobbies, their own personal situations. it is important to always keep an open mind, and just as important to keep open eyes.

    tune in tomorrow.

  20. when someone in a higher position at one's workplace but not directly related to that person is not supportive of him/her, it's important for him/her to remember that support is nice to have, but not necessary.

    case in point: weyes is working a position that is incorrectly classified, and therefore doesn't pay as well as it should. the title under which she currently works has a job description that does not encompass what she does on a daily basis; it describes what someone in a far lesser position does. she is going to apply for reclassification to get her job titled as what it is that she really does; there already is a job description for it. this was suggested by her union rep.

    someone with whom she works closely does not want her to go through with this because

    1) he is lazy and thinks it's too much work, even though he doesn't have to do any of said work


    2) he is bitter that he can't get reclassified and earn more money.

    this is irrelevant, however, as he has no say in any of it.

    in summary, the point is, even though weyes works closely w/ this person every day and his position is higher than hers, his approval and support are not required for her to get this done :nono: .

    tune in tomorrow.

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