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Posts posted by weyes

  1. if one is truly proud of something, that is a fact and doesn't change depending on that person's surroundings or the company s/he is currently keeping.

    this means that if a pregnant woman refuses to marry her boyfriend who has proposed on the grounds that pregnancy is not reason alone to get married, she does not have the right to introduce him to certain people as her "husband" when she feels that it may increase her standing in their estimation. this is disrespectful to the boyfriend and makes her lose all credibility when she claims that she is not ashamed to be simply in a long-term, committed relationship.

    tune in tomorrow.

  2. worrying about something achieves nothing. as hard as it may be to let go, it is only to one's benefit to release that stress and tension and occupy oneself with other activities, especially ones that particularly self-nurture instead :heart: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  3. with many companies laying off workers these days, people in lots of different fields find themselves looking to just about anyone for any kind of tipoff as to who may be laid off next. unfortunately, this type of situation leads to a lot of misinformation and rumors being spread around like wildfire. while one may find oneself believing what s/he hears when it's all that's being said, it is important not to panic and only to trust information that comes directly from official sources.

    tune in tomorrow.

  4. although tooth pain may come and go, tooth problems, much like car problems, generally don't fix themselves. unfortunately, these two things are also alike in that they tend to cost a ridiculous amount of money to fix. the difference, however, is that a car can always be replaced; one's health is priceless.

    tune in tomorrow.

  5. when buying presents for a mother-to-be it can be tempting to buy cute stuffed animals and toys, but she will be swamped with these by other people who couldn't resist this urge. she will appreciate necessities like diapers, baby soap, and diaper rash cream much more, even though they may not seem as much fun to give.

    tune in tomorrow.

  6. most women remember how little boys used to show their affection and/or demonstrate that they had crushes by chasing their female counterparts around the playground, teasing them, pulling their hair, or otherwise being annoying 104.gif . it didn't seem to make sense to girls why boys would be obnoxious instead of nice, but older folks would explain that that's how things work.

    unfortunately, there are some men who never gain the social skills to learn how to relate to women in whom they are interested in any other way. these men may nag, annoy, or tease women because it's the only type of conversation they know how to have and they don't see that the quality of a conversation matters as much as the fact that one is taking place.

    so, ladies, that guy who won't stop pestering you about your outfits, your lunch, your car, etc., may not really be trying to piss you off; he may just be trying desperately to make conversation 'cause he likes ya dontknow.gif .

    tune in tomorrow.

  7. paying the admission price into an establishment does not grant one the right to behave in any way one chooses. examples of inappropriate behavior generally include loudly swearing at and insulting other patrons, starting fistfights, and destroying property (either that of other people or the premises itself). logic applies.

    tune in tomorrow.

  8. when traveling, (this may sound like common sense, but it really is BEYOND a pain in the ass if forgotten, so it bears mentioning) one should doublefuckingcheck that s/he has his/her medication packed before leaving. getting it replaced when across the country, on a weekend, after hours, or any combination of these is much more complicated than one may imagine and often incredibly expensive (for reasons that no one can truly justify). even one's minor health problems never seem so severe as when one has to argue about getting pills for them over the course of 20 phone calls and 2 days :cuss: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  9. a tip for insomniacs: when it's late and time to be in bed but when you find yourself dragging your feet for fear of not being able to fall asleep, a good time to get motivated and just head to bed and give it a shot is when you find yourself at a positive point. when something gets you in a content, satisfied, or happy mood, it's a great time to try to end the day :aright: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  10. when one's life gets hectic, it can be easy to let one's e-mail, regular mail, and even voicemail go for a while. it's important not to let this happen, however, because one never knows what important messages or even emergencies s/he may miss. also, when these things pile up, essential items can get lost among the junk :worry: .

    tune in tomorrow; i'll try 8.gif !

  11. when one hears news that is hard to believe, or, in other words, questionable, it may be wise to question it :aright: .

    case in point: say that someone tells you that president obama has suddenly made marijuana legal all across the united states. you may wish to first consider your source (that may actually be all that you need to do), then the date; if this "news" has been brought to your attention on either april 20th or april 1st, it would be wise to not regard this as a factual bulletin :laugh2: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  12. if one finds that the person with whom s/he lives often cleans a certain area or does a particular chore that s/he doesn't, it can be a tipoff that that action is something that s/he may be annoyed by doing every time; if not, one's living partner may just really appreciate it if someone else did it every once in a while. either way, it's worth doing.

    tune in tomorrow.

  13. it is one's own responsibility to keep on top of what is within one's rights and what it is to which one is entitled. if there's a fee being assessed that doesn't seem fair, one should investigate it. if a service is being cancelled that one enjoys or upon which one has come to depend, s/he should research the legality of that cancellation. if one doesn't research one's rights, one has no right to complain ;) .

    tune in tomorrow.

  14. there are a number of health concerns one should not just brush aside and ignore. if someone is compelled to mention a health problem to an acquaintance (meaning someone s/he hardly knows), it must be bothering the afflicted party quite a lot. these include, but are not limited to the following things, all that i have heard recently at work from people i barely know:

    1. "i can't use shampoo at all 'cause it makes me break out."

    2. "i hear voices, but it's no big deal."

    3. "hey, what do hives look like? are these hives? what do you think this rash is? is it something i ate? i didn't use a new detergent or anything... or maybe my roommate was around cats or something. but it's all over my body and if i scratch it it gets all raised and red. i'm totally freaking out. does anyone here know what hives look like? should i google it or what?"

    ok, in the case of #1, settling for greasy, dirty, smelly hair all-year round is not acceptable. assuming that one is allergic to all shampoo invented is ridiculous, unless s/he really is just looking for an excuse not to wash. but seriously, if s/he really is allergic to shampoos s/he has tried, s/he should see a dermatologist.

    person #2 should see a psychiatrist. really.

    it turned out, when i asked her, that person #3 had been taking antibiotics; she failed to mention that in her anxiety attack where she theorized about every other cause she should come up with. but if she had called the doctor who prescribed those pills like any rational person would have done, she and i wouldn't have had that waste-of-time of a conversation and she would've felt better sooner.

    if one has decent insurance, there is no excuse for ignoring health concerns. one just needs to remember that everything is valid. whether major or minor, every issue is worth addressing.

    tune in tomorrow.

  15. this has become such a litigious nation that people have gotten the idea that almost anything is lawsuit-worthy. even the most unglamourous of court shows have somehow glamourized the small claims process. just one thing people should consider before filing a suit is whether or not the suit is truly justified (and therefore deserving of a win); frivolous lawsuits, even though now common, still make their plaintiffs look like douchebags.

    tune in tomorrow.

  16. in this age of "going green" and all things digital, many have gotten into the swing of abandoning hard copies of things like addresses, bank statements, bills, phone numbers, etc. it's easy to just put faith in one's computer or phone or in the systems of one's service providers. on the other hand, it's easy to lose a phone, have a computer crash, or for one's bank's system to go down when s/he needs it.

    and other reasons to keep paper copies of bills and statements: for tax purposes, in case of audits, lawsuits, or when banks buy other banks out and decide to throw out the records of the failing bank (seriously!). and if one feels terrible about the "going green" aspect, s/he can always recycle the paper after many years have passed :aright: .

    tune in tomorrow.

  17. whoa - been gone for a while; work has been sucking me dry. and here's the column:

    even in a bad economy, one needs to be able to have a job that does not destroy his/her quality of life. just as one should have standards in every other area of his/her life, one's occupation is no exception. a person wouldn't eat something that s/he hates, so why would s/he spend 40 hours a week at a place where s/he is underappreciated, underpaid, and overworked?

    it is now, as it has always been and always will be, a bad idea to quit one's job without already having another one all set up. just quitting the hated job without having something to take care of one's finances is not wise, no matter how horrible the job is. but one must take action to improve one's life at every turn, no matter how terrible the economy is. happiness is worth it.

    tune in tomorrow.

  18. anyone who's ever had a bottle of shampoo (or something similar) explode in his/her luggage probably learned to tape his/her toiletries/makeup shut thereafter. scotch tape doesn't wrap very well when taping and packing tape requires scissors to cut, though, so both of those are impractical to pack along to use for the flight back. 3m now has tear-by-hand packing tape that tears very easily by hand yet functions just as well as packing tape. it's more expensive, but a fantastic item to store in one's suitcase permanently for future trips.

    tune in tomorrow.

  19. before volunteering for anything, even something that seems like it would be nothing but enjoyable (i.e. taking up a hobby, joining a club, enrolling in a class, promising to do something that one usually likes to do), one should fully research and consider how much work it could possibly turn into. what may begin as a small project could easily turn into something a lot more time-consuming, expensive, and/or unpleasant than one might think.

    tune in tomorrow.

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