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Everything posted by ml2k1

  1. MERGE IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!! Heres the bottom line.......... You, the Metro Lounge/Merge family, have given us the most incredible summer we could have ever asked for. In return, we have tried our hardest to give YOU the best possible club, the best possible staff, and the best possible events that we could.IT LOOKS LIKE THE COMBONATION WORKED!!!!!! I have never EVER seen a vibe at the jersey shore as i have witnessed every weekend at Merge. We sincerly THANK YOU. This past saturday night. SICK SICK night. RICHIE RYDELL proves over and over and over why he is at the head of this incredible MERGE/METRO LOUNGE FAMILY. I have spent a lot of nights at many retrometro's, and also some of the "spin offs", Richie Rydells retrometro@merge was SO, SO awsome.Then around 2 oclock "it" happened. Fire inspectors, cops. etc.The bottom line........we were over crowded, getting a fine for that i am sure, caught 2 people (as i was told) with fake ids (which in turn we gave our video tape of the lincences that we scaned from the night.) Everyone was free to leave...............MERGE is OPEN FOR BUSINESS as usual. So before any drama starts, this is what happened. And yes, we were told EVERYONE (all the clubs) has a little surprise coming to them(true or not true, that what we were told). When asked why OUR surprise was last night, they said Merge was the place everyone is talking about. I guess its a catch 22, if its slow, no one bothers you, when its off the hook, You get your surprise first ANYWAY, HERE THE GOOD NEWS.............. For the very first time I am gonna ask you guys, my CPpeeps for a favor: I want you to let EVERYONE IN CLUBLAND know that MERGE IS OPEN! And i am asking for everyone to gather together this saturday night at MERGE, and show just how strong the Merge/metro family is........This saturday night was gonna be a customer apprecitation party, and it still is, but now to us, i think it has even more meaning, personally. so heres the deal This saturday night aug 17 2002 @ Merge in seaside heights Music by........the one and only RICHIE RYDELL The Merge/Metro family Apprecation Night: and ............a special treat for everyone, the last 2 hours of the night will be a continuation of retrometro@MERGE (which was "suddenly" interupted last night) Richie just barely started to scrach the surface of all the classics, so get ready to take it to another level. The first 300 people to enter MERGE THIS SATURDAYwill recieve a Metrolounge Vip card (yes everyone , its almost that time) And as always, the CP comp list is in effect, but this time there is a little twist ..............i want you to bring as MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT TO BRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i encourage you to BRING AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! Respond to this thread with only YOUR name.Thats it! And arrive before 11:30 at Merge and FREE ADMISSION to you and AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU ARE WITH, 1 OR 100! THATS IT! FREE,FREE ,FREE. So, just respond to this thread with you name and show up before 11:30 with as many people as you want for free admission! Hope to see everyone this sat. Thanks eveyone and i am sorry about the interuption of last night. Lets make up for it this saturday:D George B .
  2. Well, consider yourself UNBANNED! I dont know of anyone thats banned from metro. If you like ,pm me the details. But i can almost guarentee, what ever problem you may have had is long forgotten. If you come in, stop by and introduce yorself to me. I am at the bar by the dj booth. George b.
  3. Thank you "the hype". Very cool of you to do. Glad you enjoyed Merge. I am really happy to say we have had an INCREDIBLE summer. It took ALOT of hard work to break in the shore crowd. I am glad to see that the crowd has caught up to the potential of the club. The crowd, the vibe , and the clubi tself has turned into everything we had hoped for. Glad you enjoyed it. Stop by and say hello next time you come in. I am at the first bar when you walk in. We have a retro party this saturday, and i have a special comp list for CPpeeps, try to come in, check out the thread for retro- metro @ MERGE. gEORGE B.
  4. Actually sandman, the ac WAS on full blast. It was just so crowded with so many people in there at one time, it would just not cool down. It was real humid also, that might have contributed tit also. It just seemed like it never really cleared out. You should have let me SPRAY you down!
  5. Good seeing everyone fro the board. It was an incredible night at merge this past sat. I have to agree, i dont know what was up with the show. They better get there act together if they are gonna be on ktus beat stock. Anyway, overall it was a sick night , richie slammed and you guys were great! (and i was a drunk mess) Thanks.
  6. Thats right everyone! This Saturday, relive all your favorite memories from the last 4 years of the city, the shore,and of course Metro Lounge/Merge its...... RETRO -METRO A NIGHT OF DANCE CLASSICS @MERGE SEASIDE HEIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Music in the main room by :RICHIE RYDELL Music on Level 2 by: UNIQUE Get ready guys, this will be the only night to hear all you favorite VOCALS and ANTHAMS from the last 4 years at Merge, since Richie plays mostley new cutting edge tracks. This will be a fun night, a night to relive your favorite nights in clubland,lets relive them together! I also would like to ask, instead of listing ALL your requests (since that can get real long) please list YOUR TOP 3 (THREE) favorite retro-metro songs of ALL TIME. We will choose 3 of the songs that you list and we will have special live performances of them this saturday @ MERGE.Look foward to seeing everyone. And yes, due to the overwhelming response, we will have once again, a COMP LIST FOR CPpeeps. Post your name + how many people AND your top 3 favorite songs (dont forget to list your favorite 3 songs)on this thread and you will be comped at the door THIS SATURDAY at MERGE before 11pm! Thanks again.............george b.
  7. Hey guys, just want to remind everyone about this sat at Merge and my special COMP list. Respond to the thread "drugs,r&r,badass vegas hoes,late night booty calls" with your name + how many people and you will be admitted for FREE.Remember, you must enter BEFORE 11PM, the list is closed after that. You can only respond until tomorrow night(friday)Hope to see everyone, its gonna be a great night.......... george b.
  8. Come say hello tonight. Thursdays are insane, week after week!! Music is awsome (dj richie rydell) great vibe also, TONS AND TONS OF GIRLS!. I am starting to get very excited to come back to Metro Lounge full time. Dont get me wrong, it has been the summer of my life at Merge, but i have to say i miss the one and only................................METRO LOUNGE!!
  9. "SHINEY DISCO BALLS" A Merge Nightclub Exclusive live Performance & THEME PARTY This Saturday August 3rd, 2002 The song of the summer.......the event of the year........ "Shiney Dicso Balls" live on stage only @MERGE Music in the main room by the one and only..........RICHIE RYDELL Music on level 2 by.......dj Unique vibe, energy, crowd by............YOU!!!!!!!! Thats right everyone its time for another Merge Theme Party. Alls i can say is Merge is gonna look INCREDIBLE for this special event and the performance of t everyones favorite song of the summer "shiney disco balls" (except my pal saleens;) )is gonna be awsome. We suggest everyone arrives early, i have a feeling this is gonna be ................LARGE!!!! I have also been given permission, once again, to give FREE ADMISSION to any CP Member who arrives BEFORE 11PM!!!!!! If you would like to get free admission to this incredible event, respond on this thread (for some reason i did not recieve some of the requests on my PMs last week at Metro for thurs night, so i dont want any screw ups.) So if you would like free admission BEFORE 11PM this saturday: post on this thread..your name plus how many (ex. george +3) and when you enter this saturday BEFORE 11PM, tell the cashier you are on georges cp comp list and...........free admission! So respond on this thread now! Thanks guys, and get ready for this saturday............... George b.
  10. See saleen, there ya go again, just when i think you "may" know some peeps that give you pretty good info, you screw up. I was actually gonna ask you what clubs xxxx and xxxxx and djxxxxxxx. You are way off with this, inless i dont have any knowledge of it. Maybe the saleen knows more then me:rolleyes:
  11. Actually, i dont have the track, but i plan on getting it. And how could you say the madonna sucks?! I think that might even be BETTER than the luz. That song is sick. Maybe you have to see it being played in front of a crowd that appreciates it, like Metro or Merge, and FEEL the reaction...............
  12. Saleen, i think that might have been the only thing you were right about all summer:D I really would like to know, how did you know richie was gonna play it? Not bad saleen..............You know ALMOST everything.........................I stress ALMOST
  13. Lynn nice meeting you also. I do remember seeing you both at merge and metro. Glad you had a good time, and yes every thurs has been great all summer. But last night takes the cake. Unbelievable. George b.
  14. By the way dan, i would like to know who on earth says that this song is all hype. The reaction of the crowd (those who may have heard it and those who probabably heard it for the first time last night) proves how incredible it is. I heard it once a looooong time ago at factory, but i really did not remember it. And PK kept telling me that it was one of the best songs he has ever heard, and one of the most incredible crowd reactions every time the song is played. Well, i saw it with my own eyes.I have NEVER seen a crowd react to a song like that, but then again i have to say they went just as crazy to the madonna also. BOTH THOSE SONGS ARE REAL,NOT HYPE!!
  15. WOW!...............Thats really all i can say about last night.
  16. Oh no, a Metro Newbie? You know whats gonna happen after tonight..................another hardcore Metro/Merge family Member.The "family" keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger . See ya tonight.
  17. Thanks for the replies everyone. Looks likw there are gonna be a lot of cp heads at Metro tonight. You can still pm until around 5pm tonight, for free admission for you and your party. See everone tonght.
  18. Opps, heres the rest of the post, sorry (wrong button) Hey guys, i have good news for everyone from the board (thoso that post or those that DO NOT post but read) .This thursday at Metro Lounge, i have been givin permission to give FREE, yes, FREE ADMISSION to anyone that is on my CP list. I always talk about how much you guys support us and we thought it would be cool to do something nice for you guys. And also keep in mind, this is NOT being done because of lack of business (as when most people would offer something such as this) THURSDAYS @ Metro Lounge have been PACKED every week all summer, anyone feel free to say different. Thats why i tink it is EXTRA special for us to do this. So, heres the deal: THURSDAY NIGHTS @METRO LOUNGE Music by Richie Rydell crowd, vibe , energy by............YOU! Just PM me before thursday at 4pm with your name +how many people (ex. stacy +4) you can bring as many people as you want.THANK YOU. Hope to see everyone!
  19. Saleen , i guess you dont know, you are not allowed to give open bar in nj...no one is. You are also not allowed to sell liquer for less then it cost, VERY BIG trouble if you do from ABC. Thats why no one does it.
  20. Well said binoy. I said a while ago, there is nothing wrong with friendly competition(not to use "that" word , but you know what i mean.. And who wins when the competition is strong............ YOU the CUSTOMER! eVERYONE WORKS HARDER!!!!Thats a good thing. And also think about what big murrary said a while ago, forget about club world for a minute, people make there livings at all these places ,from djs to barbacks to the owners, NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOCK ANYONE FOR TRYING TO DO THERE JOB! support ALL the shore clubs and lets finish the summer off right!!!!!!!!!!!LETS GET BANGED UP!
  21. saleen, how can you say we blew it? This song is, like it or not , the song of the summer. Everyone, at temps and at Merge , goes nuts when it is played.........that makes it a move TOTALLY in the right direction. And i also agree with you about shows. We (at metro /merge ) are not really into live performances, but when a song like this generates the kind of response that it does,YOU GO FOR IT!!!! And let me also point out that this night will not just be a live performance. It will be another one of our THEME PARTIES based around the song, and you will not see anything like it ANYWHERE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!And as far as tempts having a live act and not being recieved that good, are you sure they had a show? I did not hear anything about an act at tempts. And just because a act does not work somewhere else does not mean it would not work with us. That is what i think the major problem with most clubs. We try to go out of our way not to copy promotions and things that other clubs do. Thats why you dont see or hear most of the stuff we do at metro or merge happing at other clubs.Dont be surprised if you start to see theme parties at other clubs at the shore soon, something that they never would have done in the past. Unfortunetly, thats what clubs do. We try our hardest to be original and not copy the other clubs. Thats why saleen, Merge looks,feels, and is TOTALLY different from EVERY club in seaside (which i believe , at one time saleen ,you said we were "stupid" NOT to look around us and justcopy what we saw at all the other clubs at the shore). I think we have proven, above and beyond, we WERE NOT so stupid.............. i MISSED YA SALEEN! By the way, do you have any pictures of this act, just in case anyone pulls any funny stuff? THIS NIGHT IS GONNA BE GREAT!!!! Hopr to see everyone george b.
  22. Oh yea, we cant forget kosta P 's b-day, that an event in itself!
  23. I cant believe you are gonna be 23 already:eek: Happy birthday from the metro lounge/merge family. I am shore we will be celabrating all week. George b.
  24. This saturday July 27th @MERGE Desiel Groove Records presents A record release party for their brand new Dance party cd First 200 people get a new Desiel groove recors cd. Opening dj Greg Padula.... and then..........the one and only....... **********RICHIE RYDELL TILL 4AM ************ GET READY FOR ANOTHER INSANE SATURDAY NIGHT! I also wanted to thank EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE who came down to Merge this past saturday for Richie Rydells b-day party. I think everyone i have ever met from this board was at Merge this sat. It was like fourth of july weekend in there. UNREAL!!!!! And i dont even want to get into how incredible Richie Rydell was...............absolutely superb!!!!!!!!As usual, the vibe and crowd was totally insane, and now, the attendance has caught up to the vibe, totally packed to the walls...........THANK YOU SO MUCH for making Merge what we all knew it could and should be. Week after week after week you guys really give us something special to remember.We will not let you down!THANKS AGAIN! Also, let me be the one to let the cat out of the bag...... coming next saturday Aug 3, 2002 MERGE NIGHTCLUB presents The BIGGEST song of the summer will be transformed into a special event theme party & live performance.......... "SHINEY DISCO BALLS " performed by Who da Funk live on stage only @ MERGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Saleen , gather the troups and start investigating ) See everyone this thurs at Metro Lounge and this friday and saturday @ Merge And also speaking of fridays at Merge............Tempkid is right, i dont understand why there are not more people out on fridays in seaside. With richie santana at xs and teo t at merge there should be alot more people supporting......LETS GO GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kICK IT INTO GEAR, The weekend starts on friday (well thursday , ya know the "weekend warm up at Metro ) But seriously, teo is AN INCREDIBLE DJ, and sounds awsome at Merge............come check him out fridays.
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