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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: siiiiiiiick it was
  2. bottom line is kirk called you out to see what you can do.... go back to your $11 an/hour job and post tomorrow after work
  3. i'll put this up all night :rolleyes: yea thats right the rolleyes..and you will reply to it everytime and make yourself look like more and more of a fool than you ever have.. i could give 2 shits about my "persona"....go ahead and click on my username and research and see my profile and past posts and what i care about and ask questions about and waste time to see how much of a fool i am and try to dig up gosssip and make me look stupid.....blahblahblah. as if i care. all you do in every post is make yourself look more and more like a fucking tool who thinks he is SOOOO MUCH COOOLER than everyone else. . .congratufuckinglations
  4. you're a geek liquidtouch.. best advice i ever heard was from my father about 7 years ago before he lost his mind and we sent his ass to the nursing home this past month. . . they're all crazy bitches. . .except your mom and your sisters. i've lived by that motto all my life and i have yet to be proven wrong
  5. dood seriously. . . i might be drunk right now and i have never talked shit about n e one on this board EVER...about music,drinking,drugs,girls,id's,dancing,drama,dj ing, ANYTHING. but you have no idea wtf u are talking about. because he plays to the crowd and he plays what the owners and bosses expect him to play, why the fuck would u even try. he packs everywhere he spins. hes good to the people. he hangs out. he knows what to do to get people to show up. he has a hot wife. a great life, a nice car, a good residency...kirk has been around longer than u have probably been able to legally drink. so why dont you shut the fuck up keep running around with YOUR ELITIST ATTITUDE...."I AM SO HIGH AND MIGHTY BECAUSE I GET ALL THE BEATS BEFORE YOU AND I CAN ID ANY SONG WITH 1 OR 2 WORDS" no one takes you seriously because we all know you are a fucking joke! list some fucking clubs that you have beeen to and i'll be more than happy to hang out there and check you out to see how you spin and what kinda music you play and how you get the crowd moving and etc. etc. etc.........no one gives a shit about you. SHUT THE FUCK UP! but im from jersey so what do i know riiiiight? kirk is sick.:rolleyes:that kills you when i say it doesnt it?
  6. wakeup played at my bar mitvah a few years ago...he was SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK
  7. another 18 and you should begin to develop a 3rd breast
  8. not to take anything away from the buckeyes championship season....but that was the worst late make up pass interference call i have ever seeen....the guy called it INCOMPLETE. then 30 seconds later pulls the flag?
  9. congrats. i'll give you props for the win....if there is one thing you will always get outta me, its the brutal truth. you beat miami. you were the better team. you win the championship..... isnt it time for you to go overturn some cars and loot some clothing/electronic stores? Hey maurice, hit the lights on your way out...
  10. tempkid get my nomination for "most likely to call and complain about a not-so-flattering picture of himself that someone posts" and starbryte get the nod for "most likely to sing a show tune or sing in general at any point of the night under any circumstances"
  11. dont worry jay, i feel your pain...not to the same extent, but a loss is a loss.....the only thing left to do is lay it all on the G-MEN sunday
  12. you're in trouble. she's gonna find a nice irish boy and then its all ovah! you know what they say. once you go irish, you never go back...
  13. my friend apparently knows the owner....joeeeeeeeeeeeey from what i've heard its a fairly upscale type place...along the lines of suede, bungalow8, suite 16 etc...
  14. my good friend billy once said..."only the good die young" biggie, 2pac, john lennon...
  15. was that before or after you were sitting on the dancing block using hand signals to confirm you were alive because you couldnt speak..
  16. . u r so gay. spell it with me G-A-Y. i'l bet straight up then that we beat you. 7am, metro? i was passed out like an old man. i think the final words i heard were "get back here right now and party with us or i will never talk to you again"
  17. gimme the 3 1/2 and maybe we can discuss some side action? GO BIG BLUE!
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