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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. fleury might not have the skills that kariya has, but please dont tell me you're comparing the 2.....fleury is a crazy mofo and will throw down with any goon in the league. kariya is a little bitch. he can score and skate, but he cant fight for himself or do half the shit fleury does...
  2. yea that was awesome. remember what team he was on when it happened eh? yea thats right biatch!
  3. there's an award he never should have won. it should be a 1/2 mvp. too bad for him he'll NEVER win the CUP
  4. are you serious? you only say that because you're a RANGERS fan.. sucks for you. i would nominate the one and only Eric Lindros as the biggest bust in NHL history...wasnt he supposed to be better than gretzky and lemieux? yea right
  5. Joey joey joey :nonono: sometimes when you’re right….you’re wrong A) they were definitely all in the same division (patrick) mets, knicks, giants? Me a front runner? I know you were a mets fan from 86-90? Until the yankees suddenly got good. Just like the rest of the yankeefegs around here turned on the mets:finger: C) and i like the metrostars and they suck D) kovalev for nedved. ok if you give me some beer and future considerations
  6. i've never been hated so much in my life...hahaha. im actually hoping they strike so all these people have to walk to work... i take the bus everyday and it doesnt affect me so if anything it will make it easier because no one will be allowed to drive in unless they have 4 people in their car.. thats the best. except i have to walk like 10 blocks now instead of the subway....i love these old people complaining...yeah..strike strike strike..
  7. for the billionth time....it all goes back to the Norris Division...back in the day when the rangers/islanders/devils/penguins all played together. and all my feg friends were devils and ranger fans. i needed a team and a jersey to be different and all the teams pretty much sucked. islanders had pat lafontaine and mic vukota, rangers had bernie nicholls and darren tucock devils had i dont even know. penguins had lemieux,stevens,recchi,coffey and troy loney used to beat everyone up...so naturally i watched the penguins dominate for years and grew up loving it so i could laugh at all the losers who liked the rangers when they were terrrible...now they all pretty much suck again but at least the penguins are still exciting..when they're not hurt. and dont tell me you wouldnt LOVE to have Kovalev back...:laugh:rock: go penguins. and they had cool uniforms
  8. this is a stupid topic. rangers suck, they will always suck, now you're starting the devils garbage and richter is UNTRADEABLE anyway....his career is over. you got lucky in 94 go penguins!
  9. oh how cute. i have a cute little colombian spokesman.
  10. everyone i've met from this board is a geeek
  11. the 2 of you...seriously. get a room already
  12. i heard you 2 are gonna be at metro for NYE ehhh? gonna be
  13. this board has sucked for 6 months
  14. i was looking thru my little brother's yearbook the other day and i saw someone who looked amusingly like a young tyco...oh wait it was you ....i was about |-----------| this close from firing up the scanner....lol. "the silent dog is the first to bite" nice quote
  15. i couldnt believe it when i heard....my thoughts and prayers to you, your friends, and especially his family
  16. i hate you....i think i asked binoy 5 times...ask him to play mariah ask him to play mariah ask him to play mariah...oh yeah and while your asking him to play mariah, how about angel too? you could have at least called my cell and let me listen from the comfort of my bizzzzed... next time im hitching a ride
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