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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. wow...i won an award. my mom will be so proud...
  2. can we find out our room #s before we check in for nye????
  3. the lyrics sound more like he's addicted to crack...
  4. the question should be is north jersey ready for ME? its gonna be like my first time at tempts...except its not tempts. and its december. and its metro....nevermind. you know how we do yo
  5. you suck haha 5-1 second period? whoa
  6. NORTH JERSEY SUCKS. i have no idea wtf any of you are talking about. last time i went to jimmy's a fat kid spilled my friend's drink and when he mouthed off to him, he said "i'm your worst nightmare" after we got done laughing our asses off they fought and i got stuck throwing a skinny kid into the bushes...jimmy's sucks
  7. the girl in your sig gets my vote for best ass of the year.
  8. please keep your ass away from my hand...
  9. i'm thinking about going myself....wait, twist my arm. ok i'll go
  10. happy gilmore. you owe ME a dollar now:tongue:
  11. i had a tur-duck-en for christmas dinner last night...it was grrrrrreat. and i drank a little too much wine. so i feel your hungover stomach ache right now
  12. i got a great gift last night... and i cant wait to get my late present from another friend.....wait till she sees what i got her...
  13. boy george on the 1s and 2s.......you heard it here FIRST
  14. pip's revised wisdom of the day...."never bet on-line" electronic $$ is not real. its much more exciting to owe vinnieboombotz $$
  15. ehhh. a little bit of both. the markets are all flat and the kids are all watching rudolph. i'm torn between watching the 2....right now i think rudolph would be a better and more exciting choice. so i guess you could say i'm just here
  16. seriously laurie...get over yourself. i think you mistook his sarcasm for a serious attack of alcoholism...
  17. who goes to raves anyway? i think the last time i went to a rave was....hmmmm. come to think of it, i've never been. pip's wisdom of the day - "never bet the over in a giants game"
  18. one step ahead of you dood. i just polished off my first coffee of the day....im all geeeeked up
  19. i thought this biatch was from miami
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