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Everything posted by visions

  1. HAHAHAHA I thought you were takin me?
  2. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!!?!?@#@#!#@!$#@!?! That is the sickest shit I ever heard!#$!@#$ I don't give a fuck who you are or how much you wiegh I would jump back and say WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!@?#!@?#!@! If he gave me a hard time, I'd be happy to leave, in fact I'd be runnin out that fuckin door!@#!@#
  3. No doubt kid...it's on..me and you hun off to the islands
  4. Good point kid, you can't escape discrimination. The best thing we can all do is make the best of it. And don't fight ignorance with ingorance. Obviously that night at the door that particular bouncer was an ignorant fuck! And like someone said before you walk into Exit and I would say the majority of the population in there is asian. Or at least a large portion. So let's not try to let one bad experience at night club bring us down to the point where your ready to make a lot of sacrifices over a silly little game of pride. I speak of all this because I think that if everyone lightened up a little bit and we all learned to communicate a little more we could avoid a lot of these situations.
  5. I hope you do not intend to use these for commercial purposes. I am a web/graphic designer for a living, I would love to consult on some of the best ways of going about getting yourself a phat cd cover. I have alot of friends in the print business too. You ever hear of rob devs and kliprock. My boy rob does all print. I could even design it for you and then have someone do the professional print job. You can check out my website and if you go to the design section there is a digital link with some of my digital designs, you might wanna check it out and see if you like my work. Maybe we could work something out. http://www.visionsofmind.com
  6. I'm sorry that has been your experience. Your gonna whatever you think is right. I wish you the best of luck.
  7. I didn't even see the fashion show! I was mangled in the VIP room. You get comps. I could probably get you on a list if your not on one already. Just let me know. I only chill in the VIP room cause the free booze. It actually is kinda wack back there but hey free is free. I love how it closes at around 6 it's just right. 4 you feel like you gotta go to after hours but when 6 rolls around your like fuck it, time to go home. Get home by 6:30 and I'm chillen, maybe finish jar and it's off to bed
  8. Were you there last week? It was kinda dead. The week before was off the hook! That shit was crazy! They were throwin mad dudes off the line. You ever chill in the vip room?
  9. Thank you.... It's good to know that not all think my 2 cents is useless.
  10. Your definitely right. And Risa06 I'm at world a lot and lately it's been puttin factory to shame. By the time I get to Factory most of the hotties are cracked out anyways. When you walk by the line at world. You can't believe how many hot girls there are.
  11. Okay first of all I'm jewish so don't try to come to me with that you don't understand shit! Second of all there is no such thing as useless cents or opinions. Just cause mine is different than yours doesn't mean it's useless. Third off how the hell you gonna compare slavery to a few kids not getting in a nightclub. Comon dude. How many freakin times you been denied to a club because your sneakers or your outfit? Paris has looked me right in the eyes and laughed. Do I give a fuck? Do I cry no, you come back again and try next week. When she lets you right in because she remembers you didn't make a big stink. Were talkin about nightclubs not your fuckin rights as a citizen. This shit is way too dramatic for me. I can appreciate that this kid did some research and does not wanna lay down to a night of racial profiling. But comon lose the sensitivity and racial complex. My 2 cents and don't call that shit useless cause I'm arguing the facts.
  12. visions

    Brendan Frasier

    You guys like tweeder from varsity blues? Or ben from felicity, I've been said to look very similar to both of them. I actually grew up with scott caan who played tweeder.
  13. For all those EXIT haters myself included. Why don't you just let it go! Why would anybody waste their time and energy dealing with that bullshit? Okay so you get a lawyer, you go to court every two weeks for a year, you get some shitty settlement which half goes to your lawyer. Then they let you back in some shitty club that clearly doesn't want you there so WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANNA BE THERE? All this politically correct shit is garbage. We all get oppressed and offended and rejected discriminated against from time to time. LET IT GO, MOVE ON. Stop whining and crying about everything that doesn't go your way. [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-23-2001).]
  14. Please, it's all a joke. First of all looks are all in the eye of the beholder, just cause one person finds you attractive doesn't mean a damn thing to another person. and looks don't get you past hello. If you walk around with an attitude as though your better than anyone, your gonna isolate yourself from the world. Werd. And good lookin with the compliment, I appreciate that you find me sexy [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-23-2001).]
  15. You asked for it. Now Now one at a time please! [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-23-2001).]
  16. Yea I wish I had all that time. We get it and were cookin that fucker up right away! But I might have to try the slow cook. I heard the steam is good too. Danny who? I played at Marist from 95-99. I definitely know him if he played ball.
  17. Used to live in Bushwick, But now I'm border Bushwick in Ridgewood, and I am the sexiest man alive.
  18. You can peep my shit at http://www.visionsofmind.com use Internet Explorer though it's the best browser. For anybody that uses netscape, It's not compatible with layers (web talk).
  19. That's cool that your down with the blue's. I wish I was. Actually believe it or not, there is a grey cap around from ttokkyo and it's actually better than the blue's IMO. We cook in the mic for 2:10 and we used to have the grinder which was money till my boy just recently got busted and had to get rid of all his paraphanelia so sometimes we might not break it up as good as we should like if were rushing out. So you went to ST. Johns? We used to play against you guys in football, I played at Marist. I know a few heads that went to St. Johns
  20. How you know mike? is he promoting hush now? I work out at the same gym as him. Good kid.
  21. Actually the purples are from Mexico they just say ttokkyo on the box. But I can't believe you would say that. Those to me are the exact two reasons I think the purples are so much worse. First off the ttokkyo's smell and taste like shit and by the end of the night you got half the jar stuck in your nose cause that shit is like cake. The blue's are also a much groggier high. I actually know some people who like the ttokkyo but personally me and my crew thinks there garbage compared to the yellow's. I wouldn't wanna make any assumptions but you probably didn't do that much of either. Just a guess though. Usually people who don't know much about K and have only done it a few times prefer the ttokkyo, sorry if this is innacurate, but if it is I understand where your coming from.
  22. Yo bratnick, you know mike giovanni? and personally I think hush is wack, half the place you can't decipher whether your listening to house or hip-hop because of the way the two rooms are adjacent to one another.
  23. To all you k hatas: I personally think you don't know what the hell your talking about from a strong k advocate point of view. K is and will always be my drug of choice indefinitely. But I will tell you now it is not the same since the yellows have banished from existence. On K at times I have twice the energy and experience that some pill could ever provide. Pills ruin you for days at a time, sometimes you take a pill and yawn yourself to death. K hits me right everytime and you sure as hell wake up feeling a hell of a lot better than if you were on pills. I also got sick of chewing the inside of my mouth like it was some kind of gourmet meal. K is something that is an acquired passion. Those who know how to do K without ending up in the so called "k-hole" understand what I am talking about. Pills are played, pills are wack, pills are just not the same, no matter what you say. E makes you smile, but k makes you laugh. E fucks up your vision, k does not. E makes you sweat, k does not. Whatever this all just my opinion. Everybody has there preference.
  24. Hey bucca, you see my lil reply to your reply "in the have you ever been dicked over by someone you thought was your friend????" Thread? Take it as a compliment
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