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Everything posted by visions

  1. Yea go the fuck back to baltimore where they still think glowsticks are cool you probably still rock a fuckin pacifier too raver_mania. This is 2001 dick not 99. Form of expression? What the fuck are you expressing, that your a dick who's playin himself out. What are you fuckin married to your damn glowsticks, you take it personally when someone doesn't like your glowsticks, were talkin about preference, just cause we don't agree on something you call me an ass. Who's the fuckin sensitive ass who cry's when someone talks about his glowsticks. oooohhhhhh your a fuckin homo. Next time I comment on a subject mind your fuckin business and don't comment on me as a person. Then you try to question my intelligence? Who is the dumb fuck here who cannot decipher the difference between a commment on a argumentitive topic or a personal attack!
  2. Why don't you go the fuck back where ya came from?!?! and if I wanna bitch, don't bitch about my bitchin cause then it would just be a bitch and nothing else. It would die and never be heard of again. But your glowstick lovin ass gotta comment on my comment, which makes you more of an ass than the original ass so why don't you deal with me. What the fuck is a matter with some people? I comment on a topic and your call me an ass. Go fuck yourself! Don't come at me with that personal bullshit.
  3. I need to read no further!!! My words exactly
  4. The first night of the network party was pretty dope... First off the friggin playmate that was there was the hottest girl I've ever seen in my whole life!!!! Secondly, Jason Priestley is a dork but his girl probably had to be the Second hottest girl I've ever seen!!! I was about to bitch slap him and take his woman. Third, that kid Al Santos from Ronkonkoma who's plays the wise ass kinda player kid on the new show on the wb, grosse pointe is maaad cool I was chillen with that kid for a while, he was lovin my girls. So he was chillen with us doin mad shots (which were free by the way) I'd say it was a good turnout definitely good lookin crowd, and the music was good. Just in case anybody gave a fuck
  5. Would just like to say THAT LEEOOSSS ARE THE SHHIIITTTTT!!!
  6. The same way I know you! Through Cregan, so how'd the party turn out Fri? I was actually gonna go, but the trip from queens is kinda rough.
  7. This is what I do for a living, well really websites, but here's a few digital pieces I've done recently.
  8. So avalon: How is Avalon these days? I heard paradise is startin to pick up on fridays?
  9. Crop it in photoshop. If you don't have photoshop just use some photo editor and either downsize the image or cut out your boys, I'd suggest cuttin out gabrel cause he's not very photogetic
  10. YUP....I'm always this happy [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-29-2001).]
  11. I'm still rockin 5.5 I definitely wanna get 6 soon. I work as a web designer here's a couple of digital pieces I did.
  12. Yea no doubt I know arthur, you tell him alex from ny said whatup, he'll know who I am. Gilman's boy, I might be at world sat. If I see arthur I'll say whatup
  13. That's cause the towel is red that faggit is spittin blood all over the place
  14. j303j: Your money's safe kid, that illiterate fuck is still on the ground pickin up his teeth. If he could of read what I was sayin I wouldn't of had to of gone buck on his dumb ass. spoonyd: pay up!
  15. Hair pulling match? What are you some kinda bitch?
  16. Learn how to read dick! you said I said I hadn't heard of CK, I never told you that I didn't hear of CK maybe missed that? you said I said I danced better on CK, I told you I danced better on K not CK maybe you missed that? you said you never said why I should go to a club, You told me maybe I should go to a club to enjoy music, maybe you missed that too. As this continues to develop sounds your the dumb fuck doesn't it? And as far as you saying you didn't get peronal when you say you before every sentence it's usually directed at an individual now isn't it. I may be paranoid but your just DUMB. Understand what you have read and what you have stated before referring back to it. Then your just puttin your foot in your mouth you dumb fuck.
  17. First of all don't tell me what I have and haven't heard of. I'm speaking of it's popularity. Second of all don't make any assumptions about whether or not I do this. Third of all mr. music don't talk to me about why I go to a club and what to appreciate when I do. Lastly don't act like my fuckin mother and tell me to leave my snorter at home. The only one with a snorter is you and your nosy ass nose. Don't get personal with me. [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-26-2001).]
  18. Sometimes by mixing two opposites, you get that just right high in between. 6 months ago if you asked someone to mix coke and k they would of thought you were out of your mind. Now it's becoming a club favorite. and people for the LAST TIME!!! K does not make everyone want to sit in a whole. I dance better on K than I do E. So let's not try to generalize people.
  19. SIMOOAASSSS I could eat whole box of those things! The caramel, and the chocolate, with that coconut on top. Oh my good I'm starvin right now!
  20. I work at a dotcom. I work out religiously! I need it, it serves as my mental therapy. For all you e-heads I'm not sure if you are aware of this but physical training increases your seratonin levels dramitically. No matter how shitty your day might be you can bet your ass your comin out of the gym feelin like a million bucks. That is just one of the many rewards of workin out. I played college football so a workout regimen has always been a part of my life. You find a way to work it into your everyday schedule. For those that have active lifestyles whether it be dancing, or rollerblading or skiing or whatever that's all good too. Now training is far beyond anything physical, psychologically it is far more rewarding than physical. Looking good is the bonus. And I work out at Power Factory in Queens. Love that fuckin place a bunch a diesel meatheads all tryin to outlift each other with workboots on. Keeps you motivated, this gym maybe has one woman who'd probably beat my ass. I like it like that, I go to the gym to focus on my workout, not some girl with a nice set a tits. We'll save all that business for World [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-26-2001).]
  21. ma bad I thought you were gettin defensive [This message has been edited by visions (edited 01-26-2001).]
  22. Yes his hair it's all just an expression, he being freaky, his do being freaky, jus chill homie, I didn't mean to disrespect your "cutie" I will never talk about him again.
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