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Everything posted by visions

  1. god damn triple post! [This message has been edited by visions (edited 04-09-2001).]
  2. sorry [This message has been edited by visions (edited 04-09-2001).]
  3. I think you would be better served in using your manners and not pass judgement on a youngster who clearly did not recieve some of the benefits that you did during your upbringing. Instead of a frustrated, irritated attitude, feel grateful and compassionate that YOU can be the person that makes a difference in someone's life. Just a suggestion.
  4. Heeelllll yeeeaaaaaaa!!!!!! My college education basically consisted of blunts and animal planet and um uhh howard stern at 2 and um uhh alotta sportscenter oh oh and um uhh reporting my car stolen when it was really in another parking lot at another bar and uhh ohhh the benefits of a 100,000 dollar education god I miss that place sometimes....
  5. Wierd right? Funny thing is I was chillen with your boy to...I've met andy a few times..and I was talkin to him for a while by the bar..and then when he left..it's all good..I don't think any of us are goin anywhere, anytime soon...
  6. my shit is all phuct up...ALL DAY!!! it's pissin me off..it's workin but I got no buddy's...and you can just leave that statement at that...aight
  7. awww sit...get em girl
  8. well i didnt expect u to ACTUALLY SHOW UP THIS TIME so i left my cell in my jacket!!! lol... what if i dont wanna meet yo sorry ass anymore.. huh then what r u gonna say to that tuff guy Oh no...what I'm gonna do now? anybody gotta tissue...I think I'm gonna cry
  9. Yo freaky I called your ass but I got one of those stupid "please enter the 10 digit # of the person you are tryin to call"...like I supoze to member that shiiit..yea jewel's my girl from back in tha day...don't worry hun..your day will come...
  10. I'm just LMAO at all that jazz someday hun I can't waaiittt to meet you...nothin betta than a crackhead
  11. HAAA yo some funny shit to my trip to cancun... you know how they sell that shit over the counter right? well my boy (sick fuck) bought some viagra and just popped that shit at like 2 in the afternoon (just to fuck with his boys) were chillen in the lobby in the oasis with little girls all over the place and my boy is just wearin some mesh shorts rockin the maadd stiffy...fuckin girls were hooorriiffiiedd shit was hilarious..two hours later were gettin dressed in the room...I look over and sure enough my boy is gettin ready, puttin his gear on and again with the fuckin stiffy...I almost lost my shit.. You wouldn't believe the amount of kids in there young 20's out there poppin mad viagra's..crazy shit
  12. Mad Cool...I appreciate that kid! I hear ya about gettin fed up..sometimes I walk through factory and think to myself "what the fuck is this place coming too and what the fuck is that guy doing" but I would never be an advocate of knocking other people..you also seem mad cool, and have had objective arguments on dancin, and glowstickin or whatever...that's why I was dissapointed...and oh god don't even talk about yellows...those days are long gone..and I'm still making serious strides to distance myself from the white caps...and true that shit is funny...no matter where ya go there's gonna be some amusin shit...I almost lost my shit last night when I seen jesus bustin out with some crazy ass dance moves..HA..aight kid pressures on to, you betta bust out some crazy shit when I get a chance to see you do yo thang....
  13. Comon now girl...well it's a good thing my face made a lasting impression well whatta you know face to face already...I was with aaron and casey chillen by the speaker, do you have a stud in your nose...really that's like the only girl I can remember cause she was sittin down in front of us at the very end of the night when they announced that the winner would be announced today? Who introduced us? or did we just kinda cross paths? I dunno...it's funny how even sober it's kinda one big blur...
  14. RLMFAO...see girl I got that well rounded shit goin on..I'm down for whateva...Go to the sound factory dancers thread, I even gave ya a shoutout...I think you'll find it quite amusing... There's no light to be shed...I'm a headbangaboogy...but you've seen now...I pop up every once and a while...ya know shake that ass a lil bit...and be on my way
  15. AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW Beat it jewel144317 ya damn freak!!!! Wussup sweets, well I'll be damned that a funny lil discovery...I had a good time last night...you were shakin that ass girl this is great now I can talk shit to you all the time
  16. I'm very dissapointed in you glowsticks, now true there is a lotta dicks who need some kinda serious attitude and dancing skill adjustments at factory...but what makes them worse than you...now factory may be a bunch of meatheads...but there fuckin bangin there heads off the wall partyin..screamin, throwing their fists, doin whatever the fuck they wanna do...and their's people like you who sit back and pass judgement on them making assumptions that your above them, because possibly you can move a glowstick better than them. The number one thing wrong with alot of twilo heads is they got there heads so far up there ass with concern of what the best club is, and what the best track is and where danny tenaglia is and who tried to bite digweeds track but fucked it up and blah blah blah....where is that good vibe, enjoy the music, have fun attitude that twilo is supposed to represent. And true as mentioned before the dancers in the basement put anyone to shame, those guys are like old school rock steady crew, that pull more weight in this city than any damn twilo glowsticker or photon or whatever...and I personally was actually blatantly walking around twilo last night looking for some kids to dance with...just get loose, do a little yelling...whatever...just party...I like twilo, that's why I go and either I have fun or I don't but never do I concern myself with what other people are doing and how they look doin it...get over that shit bro... just being objective and debatable about your comments, not tryin to start beef. I had this same conversation last night with a girlfriend of mine and laughed the whole conversation...it's all good.
  17. Daamnnn girl...were bad huh? you more than anyone (based on the factory fetish) we have probably crossed paths the most...we probably made eye contact numerous times but neither have the cognition to recognize one another...I'm sure there will be a time when there's all sorts of hugs and kisses at every hello
  18. Yea I was right there with the egyptian girl with the pink shirt and her girl with the black diva shirt (also a hottie) the girl with the pink shirt was friends with my boy aaron...it's kinda hard to say what's up to someone when you don't who your saying what's up to...not that I don't say hello to a stranger if he's like chillen next to me, but I ain't gonna just walk up to some group of people a say what's up...what were you wearin? I'm sure there will be a time and a place where I cross paths with each and every one ya's and when I do it the pleasure will be all mine
  19. For one I think this is just a dumb statement. I don't wanna go on and on about it, but what might be a fair weather fan to you may be someone who was chillen at twilo when you were in diapers. I just hope you don't represent yourself with that attitude. As for the night I agree with everyone else...real good vibe, real good music...a little slow at times for my taste but I thought all the dj's were great personally though I'm gonna have to give it to TM I thought he totally ripped it. Me and a couple of the fellas danced are asses of for the last 45 min. I probably am meeting a bunch of you's without even realizing it, I was wearing a long sleeve grey shirt with cargos and a white t-shirt at the end of the night we were chillen by the back bar for the majority of the night by the speaker. Well All in All a great, sober night. [This message has been edited by visions (edited 04-05-2001).]
  20. How old are you? I know everyone and there mother from floral park...played college ball with joe tardi...good friends with sheila verbeck and play flag football with rob mallon, malone, wacko jacko, terence, fusco, chris, rob, steve....etc...
  21. No doubt hun you seen my final note on my first post, I don't pass judgement or try to preach but sometimes different perspectives can help lead people in different directions, so I was merely offering a different prospective.
  22. What's this Mr "I don't give a shit" is overanalzyzing, I never once made a direct personal statement towards anyone, it was a very objective generalzation while actually speaking in first person. So Reelax...practice what you preach and don't over analyze my comments. Thank you
  23. wussup girl am I gonna get some credit for this thread or wha I'll tell ya right now for all those people who don't give a fuck and your out there bangin out pill after pill lik after lik like I did for so long, punchin people when they bump you wrong (which got me 2 weeks in jail, 2 years in court, a million dollar civil suit) sleepin through class, shitting on everyone around you, bascically just not giving a fuck about you or the people around you.... all I can say is WAKE THE FUCK UP to think you can breeze through life without givin a fuck your just ignorant and naive. It all catches up to you...believe me when your in jail you'll care, when your depressed from doin to many drugs you'll care, when people around start dissapearing you'll care no doubt about it I am a clear cut case of someone who would do anything at anytime to anyone, anywhere...and now it's definitely beginning to take it's toll. It's a very humbling experience. So maybe analtyical and not giving a fuck are two different things most definitely..but this is my perspective of not giving a fuck and how it's played out over time.... To each his own I would never suggest a lifestyle to anyone. We all work in different ways.
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