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Everything posted by visions

  1. It's all good, and I wouldn't wanna deter you from any of your desires so you go on with your bad self girl
  2. MARRY ME [This message has been edited by visions (edited 02-14-2001).]
  3. SSSHHHHH!!!! Sarah what did I tell you about lettin everyone in on our business. I said AFTER the party not DURING. Comon girl get with it.
  4. Thanks Hun I hope you and your man have an awesome day! Tell me bout the plans. He betta have something nice planned for you! Or I'm have to catch some wreck on that fool!
  5. Everyone Better Lose this wack ass depressing, complaining attitude About how today is a sad day! Today is a great day with our without a significant other. Have we all forgotten that our own company is our best company. OK....let's get a who's wearing what.... I'll be that real sexy kid in the greenish button down shirt. And for all you sad single ladies out there attending tonight's festivities, I'll see what visions can do about bringing a smile to your face on this lovely day
  6. First of all I'm not here to impress you. So if you wanna compliment me fine if you don't wanna compliment me fine, but don't act like I gotta show you more in order to get that compliment. If you want you can pm with your e-mail and I can send you some more pics. So I can maayybbbee get that approval that I long for. And while your at it, let's see what you look like.
  7. Oh yea kid I'm rockin the 9.9! Go ahead and vote....you gotta cut and paste the URL or it won't work. http://www.amihotornot.com/r/?eid=NSSZSY&key=FJE [This message has been edited by visions (edited 02-08-2001).]
  8. Wuzzup Fareeky Maybe I'll go with you. I'll drive there. My radio got jacked last week in Ridgewood, so no beats on the way, but if you wanna do this, it might be the perfect excuse for me to check one of these things out. Cause it all sounds mad corny but I'm an open minded person and always willing to meet new people.
  9. 1. Evidence from rap group dilated peoples (Mike Perretta) 2. Scott Caan 3. Sage Stallone 4. Daryl Hannah 5. Jackson Browne 6. Meila Jahovovic 7. Alchemist the producer 8. Paul Glaser (producer of the running man) 9. Steve and son Gabriel Macht (both done some tv) Those are just people who I know on a personal basis. Ones I've met, I'm not even gonna go there. I grew up in LA so these people are everywhere. You meet someone in the entertainment industry on a daily basis. Nothing special really
  10. Probably if we could put a name with every face, we'd know a lotta muthafuckin names
  11. You gotta give me something to work with here hun I don't know maybe when it's real late and your in a deep deep sleep. Whallaaa I appear as the man of your dreams
  12. Two words BRASS MONKEY 2 @ Roseland Ballroom. DJ Tim and Misjah were fuckin NUTS! Those were the good old days.
  13. There you go again...embarassing me in front of everyone. I told you it's embarrasing when you talk about me like that
  14. Thanks Hun How the hell are ya? Drop me an e-mail.
  15. AWWWW whodaman, do you like Jason? I'm sorry I didn't know you guys were so close. Next time I have an opinion on something or someone when your around. I'll make sure not to share it with anyone. OKAAYYY. Good.
  16. BLAH...BLAH...BLAH RU serious with this 3 month dramatic experience? Your in your early 20's and your having problems with some relationship, 3 months into it and you actually give a damn? Better now than later, when something doesn't feel right just cut it the fuck off and don't think twice or even look back, we don't have time in our lives to deal with people that are just gonna fuck with our emotions. And the sooner me and you get together the better!!! Ohhh how I look forward to that day
  17. I'll be there, Donny is one of the guys throwin the party, I'm sure it's a collaboration of people, they probably definitely know each other. Does your friend have blonde hair, pretty girl who was wearing a white coat?
  18. You know Donny? The playmate was that slammin blonde girl chillen by the DJ booth. We were all chillen over there with Jared, he went to high school with one of my boys.
  19. Yo I'm definitely feelin that! The Playmate had no problem struttin her shit around. She was just havin a good time doin her thing. Were all these people downstairs? How the fuck did I miss all these people I looovveee Ananda. Priestley was chillen up in the little vip room in the back of the main floor. You goin next week? I think this party is gonna blow up real fast (which I'm actually not to excited about, I like the house/college party feel at a club)
  20. You seen JayZ? Or just his bodyguard? Which one was he? Did you hear what happend to priestley's girl? I heard (just heard) that she broke down a door got grabbed by a bouncer, tried to hit the bouncer, squirmed away and tried to run, No idea what all that craziness is about? How hot was that blonde playmate? It's so wierd though she was like signing girls chests all night?
  21. You actually really just made me laugh I'm not homophobic it was just an expression and this shit is dead, I'm sorry if I offended you and your glowsticks. Sincerely. If I knew that people would take offense to negative comments I would of kept them to myself. I'm not tryin to offend anybody. Cool....cool.......
  22. Now I have read through this thread and I would just like to say. I got no beef with people who use glowsticks. I by no means tried to attack anyone on a personal level. If I'm out and someone is rockin glowsticks, more power to ya. I just stated an opinion and some fuckin asshole had to call me an ass because he's gotta sensitive complex about a damn set of glowsticks. If I got a pair of sneakers he doesn't like, am I gonna call him an ass? NO? where the fuck is this kids head. To the rest of you go on with your badself
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