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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Hey I'd love to take advantage of that. Is it okay I've been once before? btw you sounded GREAT last time I was there, had a lot of fun that night Keep it up
  2. This one's cute too: *DuH* wait I accidentally submitted before attaching hold on...
  3. Hahaha I don't have many here but here's one that could be cool in a collage:
  4. Hahaha well maybe it's just me but I loooooooove cars. Talk to me for hours about your car, what you installed in it, what's wrong with it, what you wanna get to replace it and why and so long as you aren't talking about a mustang chances are I'll be pretty well enthralled. Oh, but be prepared to hear it all back from me too... **Natural Born Car Chick**
  5. I look like I got punched in the face a few times minus the bruises (thank god) mostly cause whatever they used to hold my mouth open made my lips swell something fierce. However, they gave me some intravenous pain killer that made me float for a while. Now I have a big bottle of hydrocodeine (which I'm scared to try, that stuff fucked my sister up bigtime after her knee surgery) and three other bottles of pretty colored pills. I'll be on a nice diet of apple sauce, jello and pastina for the next few days (ehhhhh) and I hear alcohol is out of the question. BUT it looks like I will be up and clubbing Saturday night!!! woowoo!
  6. Hahahaha yeah, it's a lil tough to do that when they are impacted in your jawbone and have not come through the gum yet.... Thanks everyone for the advice, and thanks Phatman, for my Greek Lesson I didn't swell much and I haven't been in too much pain - they gave me some intravenous pain killer that sent me to Lala land for a while but when it wore off I still wasn't too bad. It's just about time to get my Jell-O though so I'm off.... hehehe if nothin else I'm gonna miss solid food for while
  7. At 11 a.m. and I am TERRIFIED!!!!!!! Hellllllppppppp!!!! Am I gonna be in awful pain afterward???
  8. Here's what started it all:
  9. Does Talla ever keep an appointment? He cancelled on GLOW like 160 times way to be reliable!!
  10. Hmmmm....VD? International Talent? I don't recall Staten Island becoming a separate nation. I do hope that the management can follow through on all this and eventually get real clubbers into the venue, but they will have to be willing to sacrifice big numbers and dancefloors packed with guidos for smaller numbers and less revenue certainly for a while. They are taking a step in the right direction, though, and props to them for that!
  11. I know someone with a list on thursdays but... Make sure you stop in this SATURDAY for MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!!! pm me about the lists
  12. Thanks professor highmay, but I think the problem here was not WHY people were being searched, but HOW the candidates for search were chosen. btw, you just incriminated yourself... exithead hehehe
  13. Wow! I see my birthday has sparked quite the discussion! Thanks, Crown, for the lil horoscope and cake Alright so thus far options are... UK hard house which may or may not be the club equiv of something called buttrock... trust.. I will be 20 but I have ID... hmmmm where else around the city? buttrock bwahahahahah sorry that just gets me every time I say it.
  14. ok lol nevermind I get what you're sayin now. And on that point I agree - in fact, I heard a lot of comments at the club about there being too many Asians there... wtf is that? I can't see why that should cause a problem for anyone, and there's no reason to complain about or look down upon people for their physical appearance you'd think we'd be past all that by now
  15. vixenfoxxy

    po po

    Whoa... either the Karma forces are after you, or you pissed off some seriously cowardly people. If they ahve issues with u they should take it up with you instead of fucking up your car all the time. It might be worth buying one of those 360 degree mini cameras and mounting it in your car to see who it is, save you a lot in paint repair $$$
  16. Word - Revive on the way home from the clubs!! I would fall asleep behind the wheel if wasn't for that!! (and you can go to sleep right after you get home unlike coffee that's gonna keep you up and fawk up your sleep)
  17. You know, although your skanky hoe assertion makes sense, I resent the implication you make there. Not only was I dressed in normal club clothing (and I saw for the first time what "exit hoe" dress is... whoa ) but I had a big fluffy coat on too.
  18. Next FRIDAY, MARCH 15th... It's VIXEN'S BIRTHDAY! And I want you all to help me get ancient and come party with me somewhere!!! I have no idea where I want to go, someplace with good music, something that isn't run by panorama... Hmmmmmm Who's at Buzz? Who's at 1223? Apparently not Ty Who's at Red? Who's where that seems like a good plan? :bounce:
  19. That's weird - niether of the two times I went to exit was I searched, in fact last time, they specifically sent me up that staircase instead of to the right where the rest of my friends went Both times I was expecting a hardcore search too.
  20. There will be no mention of Gyro consumption on this board!!! Yeeeeehawwwwwwww Lainie!!! I hear you're a master of the lasso!!! Can you DIG it???
  21. Bwahahhaah yes but only after you ride the pony on the texas ranch!!!
  22. ....And don't forget to ring THE cellie tomorrow and tell the world what color undies you AREN'T wearing!!! :laugh:
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