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Posts posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. ...the New York board has to relate only and exclusively to clubbing in new york at all times? It seems like every time someone posts something that doesn't have a guestlist or a club name in it, the newbie post topic gestapo comes out to regulate. WTF? If nybeauty's dog was named SoundFactory I suppose it would be okay to post about it :rolleyes:

    I was just talking to another old member - as of about a year ago and before that time, I seem to remember that at least half the posts had nothing to do with new york clubbing. Relax, people, no need to break out the whips and chains... it's no wonder the board got tired....

  2. Try www.statravel.com

    Fabric is great - Sunday nite appears to be gay night and if you are cool with that the music was sweet, I had a great time there and everyone was really really friendly. Drink prices were pretty reasonable too, I expected it to be worse, and the bartenders kept lighting things on fire to put in my drinks... I think they were orange peels or something. Anyways, good times all around, I thought it was great.

  3. I actually recently banished all the superior wit and humor from the board because it was threatening my measly blessings.. :tongue:

    Hi, I'm Aly, I'm your moderator, and I may actually be poser shit moderating the London forum, but I try my best :D

    Welcome to the board :) It's not all that fast paced around here, but if you get bored at the end of the month check out www.djaly.com - that's me - and it will launch completely probably in about 3 weeks :)

    so share with the group... where are you from? where are you now? other random tidbits?

  4. So i'm trying to figure out...

    I know in Italy the Juventus games usually fall on one of about three channels, one of which is a pay per view...

    and now that I'm here in the states I'd still like to see them but... I don't know if I can order like, a soccer channel or something so i can watch them in real time...

    anyone know anything about this?

  5. I feel like I already said goodbye when I left Italy :(

    Now I'm just getitng into some new stuff - internships at Yoshitoshi and the cultural branch of the Italian Embassy....

    so that's cool, but i had an excellent summer. Everything from beaches at Vada and Viareggio to hot springs in Civitella to getting a day off of work to sit on the boat 'cause NY had no power :tongue:

    But I'm still hoping and hoping and hoping ot go back to Italy soooooooon!

  6. LOL omg the one of the crew team is just PRICELESS for anyone who's ever rowed in their lives :rofl:

    btw... those lightweights are packin' some serious heavy equipment lol

  7. I don't see why someone has to be wasted to be enthusiastic. I personally can't whistle loud enough to make a difference... but if any DJ at all drops something I like you can be damn sure I will make an ass of myself about it if needbe, and that includes dancing around, jumping, yelling and singing... cause that's what we're all out here for right? And I have never rolled in my whole life...

  8. Originally posted by djmikebugout

    i've seen u post that the scene is so hurting and how nothing is good anymore...

    hate to tell u this aly but when johnny opened with this track, the vibe in that place was OFF THE FUCKING METER-- clapping non stop, whistling, chanting, screaming, hands in the air...something i havent seen in nyc in a while (at least with my own eyes)

    plus that was the fucking roxy anthem when it first came out and being that this was a 'reunion' it made perfect sense....

    Whoa calm down there killer. I never made a comment about the vibe, or anything else. My plain statement was to imply that I think the crowd song sucks, as it always has. I was also aware it was a reunion party, and as such I didn't comment on the rest of the older tracks, that's fine, reunion parties and nostalgia tracks are cool. But no matter what situation you play that stupid crowd track in, it will always suck, as far I'm concerned. Just my personal opinion.

    As for the New York scene, yes, it is desperately hurting. Even in Italy, where I was living in the most commercially-motivated, americana-friendly city there, clubs played house and dnb, tracks with soul, and those clubs outnumbered the cheesy tourist traps without question. Maybe I was imagining things but I think New York used to be that way too. If Roxy can start a trend that brings dance music back into the new york clubs, that is great. Is it possible? sure. Did I say it wasn't? No. Did I say I didn't want that to happen? No. Isn't there a track you just don't like, and aren't you free to say so? I would bet there is.

  9. Originally posted by revaluation

    1. Buy a computer

    2. Buy Creative's Audigy Platinum Sound Card. Prolly get it for about $150 now. Comes with recording software.

    3. Connect your mixer to your computer with RCA cables

    4. Hit record and don't trainwreck.

    And that's reval's easy home studio!

    Then you can get Cool Edits 2000 for about $50 now and use the Dynamics Processing to fill out the sound, add effects, or cut tracks. No need to pay $50/hour for some half-ass "studio" time when there are tons of software that make it easy to do yourself.

    And barring all that, just post-party with us some time, come to my place and record your mix on my setup :)

    Lastly, wtf are you doing recording to cassette?

    I don't have enough dough for a new computer :( The one I have now is so slow that molasses could beat it...

    I didn't record to cassette before (duh, pgiddy, did you read? oh I forgot, you CAN'T. go collect some more Las Vegas hookers) but last I checked the radio station didn't have the software I was looking for to record to the computer and burn it out. Mind you, they might have installed it during the summer but I'm not sure. Without it though the only option is the cassette deck. yarf.

    Thanks for the party invite btw, I would be down to do that sometime but I guarantee I'd mess up cause I'd be like "fuck.. i'm being recorded....**WRECK**" :(

  10. hey everyone, question(s):

    1. does metatrack still exist? it does, right?

    2. if so, how much do they charge to record a demo CD, and what's included in the price?

    Thus far, I've tried 3 times to do the same CD, finally got it right and of course it wouldn't burn out correctly and sounded really scratchy and uneven, although it sounded fine in the file on the computer... so I need to try again, but I know it isn't a guarantee that I'll get it right the next time I do it, and I don't want to pay lots of money for an hour of studio time I may very well throw out the window (I tend to freak out when I record and mess up things I have done a trillion times before) :cuss:

    Also, if I were to record myself at my radio station, onto a cassette tape, is there some way to then transfer that to CD? Where can I find someone with the means to do that?

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