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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Well then let's do this! A pants-shitting, orgasmic experience of CARL COX nature wheeeeee!!!!
  2. Hi I'm Vixen and I'm new here.. my hobbies include beating the daylights out of PGiddy and prostituting myself out to Shady... oh wait... whoops let's try that again. Hi I'm Vixen and I like to prostitute Shady out to other people... PGiddy is his best customer. Hmm was that what I meant to say? I'm practicing real hard but I'm not so sure I'll make a good schizophrenic... (hey PGiddy that's a big word, maybe you will learn to spell it by the time you are 46)
  3. Hey Pgiddy, how about you try getting your own lines and quit biting off of mine? Georgeacasta, don't worry what they say, you're a hottie, wanna do it? LoLz prob. better to look like that than a rolypoly trance dj (waaaaaa Chynadoll! Hearin' that?) hahahhahaha
  4. OMG OMG CARL COXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!! I just had like a minor orgasm over that one and I'm not even pierced yet lmao Is he just going to Philly or to DC too???
  5. Don't y'all know my name already???
  6. Aly, International Law major at Georgetown, promoter, dancer originally and always New York... from Long Island
  7. VIXEN 1) Is a yachtie, yes I admit it, I am one of those yuppie children that grew up charging thousands of dollars in chipwiches for my friends at the yacht club snack bar after swimteam practice, and cruising to the vineyard. 2) Is a dancer. You guys knew that. I spend many hours a week at dance practice or just fawkin around in the dance studio choreographing and rechoreographing rapture like 1,000 times (or my living room with the DTGU cd, right Chyna?) 3) Spends too much on club clothing 4) Loves to drive and will do it for hours and hours just cruising random parts of Long Island if you don't stop me. 5) Does about a thousand other miscellaneous things: crew when i'm at home with my sculls, i play flute, piccolo, piano, and yada yada yada....
  8. Well if it matters to y'alls I can set you up a clubplanet guestlist at GLOW if you want to go there. Let me know what you decide!
  9. BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA McDonald's restroom WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA awwww jeez guys I'm cryin over here I'm laughing so hard!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  10. Heyyyyyyy Tunnelbandit! A visit from one of my NY'ers! Do you wanna tell the narcs first, or should I? I think it's your turn hehehe jk
  11. "Ever since I lost imagination... sometimes, the sound of goodbye is louder than any drumbeat" ~Perpetuous Dreamer, Sound of Goodbye It's actually trance but whatevs... applicable lyrics Yo HIGHMAY... You in MY hut now! I'll HOUSE you!!!
  12. Yes, invest in the booty barn! You'd make a great proprietor for a male strip joint...
  13. Personally I'm lovin' allllll these visitors, it makes the board fresh More visitors! More more more!
  14. hey vmisglow, maybe you can be a drill sergeant at your alma mater lololol i'd laugh soooo hard
  15. Hell Yeah! LMAO "double discount special this weekend!" hehehhehee
  16. LMAO Glowbanana that's great Meli!! I would open a male stripclub in the shape of a giant golden butt like the one in the sir mix-a-lot video and call it the BOOTY BARN.
  17. whoa you can lick your own balls? Now that's talent! (as another thread goes raunchy)
  18. Vampie this is really offtopic but I loooove your sig it's so cute Looks like me at practice... endless toe-touches ouch hehehe
  19. 5 years from now: Graduate of Columbia or NYU Law (ohpleaseohpleaseohplease) pulling down $80k or more per year driving something better than my volkswagen nice house in Great Neck or maybe a sexy modern apartment in Manhattan or Forest Hills every weekend at the NY clubs maybe dancing at webster or factory or... I won't say just yet Just as single as always Maybe I'll have a cool dog though Hey Shady you wanna apply for that job? LoLz
  20. When you're from New York, it's that bad... vinylvinylvinylvinyl....
  21. No actually I don't... I was thinkin more like that "Smack up Shadythebitch" game, ready? *WHACK!* oh hey lookie there! I think I won! ...Shady? Shady? You okay? Uh oh.... Yo get up dude! I was just playin, I swear...I... hey anyone want a beer?
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