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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Alright everyone what should I wear tonight? A pink sequin EXTRA short skirt and black tank top with ho shoes, or black pants and a sequin violet tube top?? (and "niether" ain't an option!!! ) I'm soooo indecisive tonite, please advise
  2. Y'all people need to GET OFF THA DRUGS!!!!! Fiends, all y'all! Fiends I say!
  3. Did you know that if that happens you are not obligated to pay? If they got hostile contact the police and/or the chamber of commerce and report them, but don't pay them. That's a scam usually.
  4. Yo Crown I'll clean your place, but you and Kiyo can't be effing while I'm there!! I don't need to see none o that lmao
  5. Hahahahahahhaa I think that's the first time anyone called Georgetown thugged out! Yes, I do go to school there and my dance team is one of the school teams, they televise bits and pieces usually, so it's worth a watch Unfortunately I don't get paid booooooooo with all the tuition I pay we *should* have enough $$ for a payout!
  6. A big F U goes out to Kosta for never being online, and another big F U to the stupid ass dance group that was in the studio last night when they never had practice before so I had to give up my practice time. FAWK YOU, Biatches!!!!
  7. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Snoop got EJECTED! That's pretty funny
  8. Hey duke can have whatever they want... I have no beef with Duke Maryland on the other hand...grrrrr... I am fully assured the Hoyas will win tomorrow, and everyone don't forget to come see the halftime show starring... ME hahahahha
  9. vixenfoxxy

    For Sale:

  10. I know a lot of people who are brilliant, I would stand far from considering myself stupid, and yet none of us think we are perfect. Those people who do consider themselves perfect may or may not be intelligent but in any case are foolish. Such people may be written off as conceited and no one will blame you for it. But to go out and say all smart people are stupid or conceited or windbags or whatever you want to call them makes you no less foolish than those you accuse. Glass houses, sweets...
  11. I can under the following two conditions: 1) Don't shove your shit down my throat. Trust me, I'll getting there and if you force the issue you're gonna make me gag 2) I can't do it over and over and over again, eventually you're just bound to get the timing and/or position wrong and hit your gag reflexes. Once or twice, then again a little later... and so on, not a continuous deal lol
  12. Why don't you just hack it yourself?
  13. Has he considered donating it to a worthwhile children's charity such as the "Vixen Needs a Benz Fund"? This charity is excellent in that it guarantees 100% of his donation will end up in the hands of a needy and deserving college student who will treasure his gift always. Remember, nothing is more fulfilling than putting a smile on the face of an underpriviledged young person, and where better to start than with a young person who is motivated, intelligent and hardworking but just happened to get the short end of the financial stick here at school??
  14. LMAO Malanee you used the crickets chirping! That's my fave Anyway I'd put my money on PGiddy and Kuro. PGiddy's already on the hot seat and both are unemployed, they could use some other people's stuff to keep them going.
  15. So watch it, I see a comeback (now that the kickline is back! go danceteam!) JRoo y'all can attest to the skill right? Just you watch, Hoyas are gonna bring it back and whup the shizzang out of Maryland this year... Terps are gonna be sucking a big fat dong (I hope) lmao
  16. Okay so let me get this straight... smart people are stupid people who talk too much shit. So what you're saying is that people who have been revered for their intelligence, from everyone here at Georgetown and every other great college out there, everyone all the way up to Aristotle, Einstein, and everyone else who is still in school or never even set foot in a school yet is still positively brilliant, really isn't intelligent? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you can't possibly mean that. Rather, I will trust you mean "smart" in the sense of 'sassy, snippy or sarcastic' in the manner that someone replies to posts, especially since this would explain the "talk too much shit" thing? I hope that is the case because otherwise you may have incriminated yourself as being... a number or things
  17. Word, I'm talking house that makes me dance around my room topless and get wild on the dance floor!
  18. Look at all this worthless, dirty, trash you have all posted! you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! Naughty naughty naughty!
  19. What's blue room like? CD you know how I feel about herb DJ, although I'll be obliged to show up at Glow for at least some amount of time if this blue room place is good i'll skip over there too
  20. Joaquin Phoenix... and well, I'll leave the other one unsaid, esp. cause you, Chyna, know him and might not think well of it
  21. Deep.... Tribal.... HOUSE!!!
  22. LMAOOOOOOOO Rabbit girlie you hit it RIGHT on the head
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