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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I'm pretty sure you're mom's in her trailer. But who needs a santa ho when you have these two IRRESISTABLE LADIES?!!?!?!
  2. Yes, I love them. I'd like to bang them all. Multiple times. All at once. Oh yeah I almost forgot to add to my list of local DJ's... Darryl T. is ADORABLE!!! Devastation Central bwahahahahaha I think there's TWO of those! No wait wait just one, or was is DJ satan? OMG I'm sooo confused, I think I need to go take a cold shower.. oh wait wrong board (credit Shady)... oh WAIT now I get it... it was DJ MISCOMMUNICATION!!!! :laugh:
  3. Local: Elysium, I agree! pretty cute (oh yeah, hey Chyna word has it there's some other DJ... *snicker snicker* but I keep forgetting what his name is!) Elsewhere: ATB!!!! ARMIN VAN BUUREN Ferry Corsten
  4. Hahahaha whoops, well in that case, Vic's off the hook, Malanee you forgot my shoutout but having shady crap on your carpet seems a little extreme for that kind of mistake so we'll just pretend that didn't happen
  6. Sorry shady but I can't accept your Jalopie. If you have a nice Audi, a really nice one, I might be your friend and drive it around for you though. The ass is pretty much priceless, sorry....
  7. Hey BIGMAHS why don't u leave my girl Chyna alone and Just KISS MY.... (that one's for you, Kuro, lmao)
  8. Hmmmmmm wait a second... I thought that was YOU ho'in yourself out at the Hess station *snicker snicker*
  9. Woooooooooo I'm quakin' in my boots lmfao :laugh: Wait wait, lemme get my tissues out so I'm ready to start cryin'!!!! :laugh: fiesta fiesta!
  10. Oh yeah, like y'alls were at WMC hahahahaha Best DC: ATB at Glow in March Best NY: Tenaglia at Vinyl, Scot Project at Limelight (dancing wise anyway) Worst DC: That time I went to Platinum to promote Worst NY: by far Coco's college night hahahahahahah:blown:
  11. OMG OMG OMG This has got to be the FUNNIEST fawkin thread i've seen in a while! LOL Shady bwahahahahahha :laugh2:
  12. EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW that's fawkin' nasty! Yo Jimi don't let Shady in or you'll be cleaning up FACARD droppings for a week.. you may never get those nasty ass stains out of your carpet!
  13. Jimi, clearly this heinous wench suffered from something far worse than penis envy... would you believe... spike envy? it's okay, some women go through it. Fawk her, when am I gonna die your spikes some insane color?????
  14. Hahahha Chyna, look in the mirror.. who DOESN'T want to hit that? lol tell him you got another sausage up northward. JK, for real though, this is how I'd approach it (it worked for me in a similar situation). Tell him that you think it's flattering that he finds you attractive, but you would rather that he did not connect your grades with anything personal because 1) It is unfair to the other students with whom is not so well acquainted and surely there are at least one or two of them who have worked just as hard, 2) it is unfair to you, because then all your hard work is reduced in value because it's almost saying you didn't earn your grade by working, you did it by sleeping, and that's not what you came to grad school for. You worked for your grade and that is the grade you want, even if it's not quite an A+, but make sure you note that he can't be giving you a grade lower than you deserve (go back and check the grades on all your tests and papers, and give yourself an honest evaluation of how you did on anythign else relevant to your grade, ie class participation or attendance, and come up with a fair highest and lowest grade, have these grades and papers ready in case you have to report him). and 3) to make such an offer is degrading to you as a person because he is objectifying you, and this kind of treatment is not only immoral and unethical, it's also illegal. So play your cards here and tell him that you think he's a great guy and you appreciate everything he's done so much that you are willing to pretend he never said anything providing your grade comes to you as it was earned and he tries to approach you in the way one should properly approach a lady, AFTER he is no longer your instructor and there is no ethical question in that department (this makes him more likely to give you your grade AND leave you alone till after he's powerless to change it bc 1 he thinks he's still got a chance and 2 he knows you can smack his ass down if needbe). Hope that helps, you know where to find me if you need me! Good luck chica!
  15. Congrats, FOOL! You just bumped your own thread! Took the bait like it was never attached
  16. ...such as their favorites, Alice DeeJay and Amber... maybe a little Real McCoy on the old school tip, yo... mad hoes at Platinum! *hands Jimi the broom*
  17. And don't forget to take JasonTowns with you so you can take more pics in front of the eiffel tower together, that way you can photoedit yourself out and try to replace it with me
  18. Hahahhaa Shady, you're on a cracked-out roll today! I'm quite amused! (and I didn't mean roll like E I meant like that steady progression of things...)
  19. Which is why bigmahs' mom, sister and girlfriend are gonna be there!
  20. Hmm that would have to be Tenaglia Timo Maas Digweed Carl Cox oh yeah and Sizeup and Jimi to sweep the floors *puts on her best Britney voice* hahahaha I'm just kiddin!
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