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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. lol no thank god. well actually i take that back, just a little teeny bit but my pants were a ruination. btw I LOVE your sig quote, toooo funny
  2. Actually I think I puked long enough after drinking that I don't associate it with any one drink I had, just I think I need to be more careful next time!!
  3. ...UGH I went out last night to celebrate the end of classes and got myself TRASHED BEYOND BELIEF, then I came home and was locked out of my apt. and stayed the night at my friend's dorm. So I was borrowing her bed (the top bunk) and I woke up around 9 a.m. and I didn't even have a chance to sit up before I just yarfed all over. It was the most VILE experience of my life And i had made it all this long without puking too! waaaaaaaaugh I'm gonna go out and drink like, orange juice all night... and never touch alcohol again (yeah right).
  4. I was trying to be like you, seeing as how you only ever wear that same shirt EVERY time I see you. do you even OWN any others? Get thee to a walmart!
  6. PGIDDY YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!!!! YOU TOO SHADYGROOVE!!!! Did I not say "Don't post that picture?"
  7. Oh and calm down about that last comment Shady 'cuz u know I'm just a and I would never accept sexual favors from Egg. Or anyone.
  8. Wow PGiddy, way to bite off someone else's wit
  9. LMAO!!!! :laugh: Actually, I'm athiest. If I had to choose a religion it would probably be shinto anyway. As for the ho-bag part, it's clear that you've been on the crack too much when you're confusing me with the female members of your family Remember, only YOU cannot see your addiction. But through 12 easy steps--
  10. ...led by yours truly, the naughty catholic school girl
  11. wtf! are you stalking me? (just what I need, another one ) I went there cuz I wanted to steal the smilies. btw, the dreamer board... it's kicking CP's ass on smiley selection. Step it up, Egg. We're counting on you!!
  12. OMG PGiddy, congrats, I think you've got your talent back! :laugh:
  13. Oh right PGiddy, like you're gonna help or something. I was thinkin' that Hot DJ at Chyna's party..? And you'll notice I can walk just fine thanks. Shady's just jealous 'cause he gets no love...
  14. Shady, if I got nearly as much ass as you take drugs, I don't think I'd be able to walk straight anymore! I gotta give ya credit though, that was a good one You are using your crack-damaged brain well today!
  15. Shady leading a "Stay Off Drugs" campaign... Welcome to the worldwide professional academy of supreme hypocrisy!! :laugh:
  16. *glances frustratedly at drunken fools before re-emersing herself in Tolstoy* :book: Why is it that I took a final today and yet I'm not intoxicating myself in celebration? Hey PGiddy I'ma go crash your car because I'm feeling bitter. LoL actually no I changed my mind. I'm just gonna keep it. Have fun with BIG RED TOP mwahahahahaha
  17. Highmay does this mean you're paying us a visit soon? I'll go if you pay
  18. Glow - 714 6th St. NW next to MCI center www.clubglow.com has directions Buzz - 1015 Half St. SE (correct? i think?) www.buzzdc.com Red I forget, it's right off the intersection of 18th and Connecticut. (in Dupont circle)
  19. :laugh2: Represent, I'm one sexy motherfucker!! :laugh2:
  20. Kuro, WHERE did u get that smiley? That's fawkin HILARIOUS!!!
  21. Trancend, I thought your mom gave you money for the My Little Pony movie! How dare u go spend it on PG-13 trash like that!!!
  22. Ahh yes, a classic, a classic
  23. dgmodel deeeelicious. Oh yeah and Petp still needs to submit his application
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