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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I need an address! an address! where do I find your decks?????
  2. But only bring the hoochies if they're under 17 years of age! Oh wait, let's not freak out our visitors by revealing Shady's kiddieporn obsession!
  3. OMG yeah that thing FREAKS ME OUT!!! Let me add to this message by saying that you should NEVER EVER buy it even if it DOES work. I have chronic knee problems (that's right, one day I won't be able to dance anymore noooo!!! but i'll be like 70) and have been through physical therapy multiple times. For treatments they do the same thing to me... put these little pads on my knees and send electric shocks through to infuse medication and stimulate the muscles, but it is the most REPULSIVE feeling in the world in some cases it even hurts. I would NEVER put that on myself without 1) a licensed physical therapist and 2) a clear need to do so. Oh yeah, and just wait till you have to use that blue gel crap.... *shudder*
  4. Let ME finish that sentence... cause she can't seem to get enough DECKS... that's right Shady, you said I could come over and play with your decks and then you never *actually* invited me!!! I'm so insulted!!! What a tease!
  5. :laugh: :laugh2: i just snickered too loud and woke up my roommate lol
  6. Hey trancend u little motherfucka, i will fucking be home on the fucking 19th so you best fucking believe i better fucking be dancing at your fucking club... so tell your fucking friend Thorin to get his fucking wallet out and prepare for the most fucking amazing dancing he's fucking seen in his fucking life, oh yeah and i will fuck you both up if you fuck up and don't fucking get this all straight! You fucking comprehending what I'm fucking saying? You little fuck!
  7. Whoa Is there somethin goin on between you two I should know about???
  8. Nope, but I do have my blankies!! they're the most wonderfully soft things in the world and I *still* don't sleep anywhere without them whenever I can avoid it!
  9. In touch with his inner child, or touching the insides of other children??? Ask yourself folks, is there a child molester among us who preys upon drugged up underage raver girls? Oh there is! It's SHADY!!!!
  10. Begging for mercy... very manly indeed tough guy
  11. Well Shady, Mr. Club God, you asked for it so here it is... Who will it be? Vicman, a little revenge for the taco bell comments? One of the newbies 'cause there's never been a better time for a first crack? Or perhaps Kuro wishes to exercise his excellent wit? PGiddy maybe wants to try his not-so-excellent wit? Hmmmmm
  12. ..reinforcing the important difference between laughing AT and WITH
  13. Hmmmmm I so wish you could have reinforced that earlier regarding a certain person at... well maybe you can just PM me if you want the story lolz
  14. I can offer you list at various places and for certain parties, PM me if you want the details, I've said it a bunch already though so i won't bother posting again. Anyways, check out Red... great little place. Also check out Modern Sundays, I haven't gotten there yet but you can ask the others here
  15. vixenfoxxy


    No no Shady, on the contrary, just because you practice chastity-due-to-incapability doesn't mean the rest of us are sluts
  16. vixenfoxxy

    whats up!

    If you like DnB I'm pretty sure I'm dancing at a party for such this weekend, I'll keep you posted. For trance, I have a list at Glow and yada yada PM me when you'd like to join us. And old age? wtf? you're 23 dude! OK I'm supposed to be doing something productive and i'm still on this board... time to get back to studying
  17. EW EW EW EWWWWWWWWWW if there is one thing I NEVER want in my pants it's GOT to be.... his! Especially not with Little Miss Psychosis on the loose
  18. yeah suuuuuure it wasn't
  19. Hahahahahaaaa Chyna if only u hadn't left so early... you missed... "I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY PANTS!!!" :laugh: Ewwwwwwwwwww Sorry I couldn't make the party, i really must invest in a car!!! Or rather, just bring mine down here from NY!
  20. It's okay Shady we're just poking some friendly fun. You know we all love you dearly
  21. vixenfoxxy

    whats up!

    Benvenuti! Feel free to join any of us any time... what's your scene?
  22. Ahhhh yes... Monday. I'm going to sleep allll day because... It's monday, and I ain't got shit to do! That's right, classes are over so technically for the next week and a half I have the option to just sleep and drink alllll day every day except the 6 hours allotted to my finals. But I won't do that 'cause I'll fail. But still the point remains, I'm here doodling around doing nothing and Shady has hours and hours and hours of miserable work ahead of him!
  23. vixenfoxxy


    wtf? that's what I thought too, and it seemed absolutely heinous to me that it would be that much for Saeed and Palash, but 3 different, totally unconnected people told me $30. What's up with that? Oh well. I'll get over it. So Shady, finally got some action friday nite eh?
  24. vixenfoxxy


    This weekend, I... 1) Decided there was no f*ing way I was paying that much to see Saeed and Palash at Buzz (what are they joking? I heard it was like $30 cover???) and went to visit my ex bf's (both of which work at The Spot), they subsequently got myself so plastered I couldn't venture past the DJ booth without falling over. Went home, got locked out of my apartment, threw up for the first time due to alcohol allll over my friend's bed (the most vile thing i've ever done) 2) Missed Chyna's party 'cause I had no way to get there 3) Went to Glow, met up with Vic and Chyna (omg girl, how fucking funny was you-know-who, you totally missed him at the end, do i ever have a story for you!! ), and was thoroughly not into the night at all... i spent most of my time trying to take a nap in VIP while repeatedly falling prey to these E-tarded assholes who took it upon themselves to paw all over me like I was part of the couch or something WHY CAN'T THESE MOTHERFUCKERS LEAVE ME ALONE!?!?!? AAAAUGHHHH!!!! I have to say though, as cheesy as The Spot is, that was the highlight of my weekend, a wildly entertaining ride on the booze rollercoaster (up until that puke incident)
  25. I don't know guys... just spend a year outside the NY club scene and you'll not complain so much. If I had my way I'd say put Twilo back, and bring DJ's like Timo Maas and Digweed to the area more often. Oh yeah and send help to the DC scene... it's so weak
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