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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I agree, I think PGiddy's Audi and I make a fine couple
  2. It most certainly is Thanks for asking, whatever that had to do with anything...
  3. Moreover, *climbs on the school of foreign service soapbox* using an ABM system will destroy the current balance of power. Not that Bush would *know* what balance of power is because he only got through school because his daddy said he should, but hey, i mean, as long as there's pigskin and pickup trucks I guess it's all good right?
  4. PGiddy you can keep your germs to yourself thanks Actually, PGiddy and I don't hate each other, we have a mutualistic relationship. He lets me borrow his car and in return he gets the satisfaction of knowing that I was willing to be seen in his presence until I was able to grab the keys and run JK JK don't get your panties in a bunch, PGiddy!
  5. Wow that didn't even begin to be funny Why don't you go take a nap... I don't think your mind is quite nimble this evening. That's so disappointing
  6. Ew stop, you're making me feel even dirtier. Don't give me your nasty pickup lines!
  7. Which is where PGiddy likes to hang out 'cause then he finds people of his own maturity level
  8. OK wait so let me get this straight. You're jealous 'cause we're discussing someone else's sausage and suddenly you pull out the mother jokes and imagine some crackhead? I know I haven't been around Shady yet... so you're probably just delusional again, Mr. Strep Throat. Is that what you had in mind Santa, perhaps some bacterial meningitis instead? And if you're santa I'd hate to imagine what's in YOUR sack lmao :laugh: ewwwww man I just made myself feel dirty! Ewwwww Scuse, I'm gonna go get rid of that unpleasant mental picture!
  9. Shhhhhh!!! c'mon Vic don't start drama :book: Ain't nobody in here but us chickens.. minding our own business....
  10. Yeah just like you, you disease-ridden scumcart!
  11. Well you know, I have a sausage in staten island too but it's all dirty like it's been dropped on the ground a few too many times and maybe rolled into garden off the front walk as it fell out of the bag on the way to the front door but yours seems okay Don't worry I won't steal a slice!
  12. IM me or PM me... better IM me... omgomgomg do I have a STORY for YOU!!! lmao
  13. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is that really YOU? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh:
  14. Ohhhh what about Staten Island Sausage? Yo Chyna you know we're on that! Oh wait, wrong one! You continue to kick ass like I've known Go Chyna!!
  15. Hahah I wish I could claim that pic for myself but it belongs to one of other fine females on this board! But Siceone, I know you're so pissed its not i mean... she even has brown hair! Sorry but I haven't reached for the brown dye yet
  16. This topic has clearly gone off track but I gotta nominate this little chicky right here! Definitely the winner lol
  17. OK, now clever witticisms are always appreciated on this board but the drugged-up nonsense has GOT to stop
  18. No no, that's me.... word the home slices in the G section of my plantation, yo.
  19. Trip we are... just check my sig quote
  20. Quit fucking twisting my fucking words you unclefucker!
  21. BWAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: Is that what you tell to your next prey??
  22. Yeeeeeeep!!! *runs and hides*
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