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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OK here's me. This is the non-naughty one then you get two others... Me & my exxxxx...
  2. I was inspired by one of the DC topics which was, if it was your last day on earth, what DJ would you go see and why. I'm asking... would you go clubbing, who would you see dj-wise and what else would you do? I would: Spend the day suntanning on the boat and swimming, then go to manhattan for a last night at Limelight and Vinyl, TENAGLIA TENAGLIA TENAGLIA!!!! And if I had to pick a DJ to put at LL that night it would be Timo Maas I think...
  3. The Greek guys (I know, I really need to control my little fetish)
  4. T E N A G L I A *panting and drooling* Yes, yes, there is no other way... ya know what's funniest is that you know if it was our last day on earth we'd all be in a club! lol (btw for all you pervs i was panting and drooling about tenaglia's music/talent)
  5. OK u asked for it LoLz (sorry but it's not the one you wanted haha)
  6. Well PGiddy, if you're in charge of the taming then it will never happen if it's gonna take a long time ehi! I crack myself up!
  7. WTF!!!!!! It was a picture thread! I am being totally wrongly accused here. Shady is the raunchy one. Who brought up thongs and low-rider pants? SHADY. Who brought up jelly and mud? SHADY. Oh but to further deflect blame, DCsGLOW started the picture post, and you may note that PGiddy is overly suggestive in his posts as well. Vicman and I just play your devious games and look what I get for it! DISCRIMINATION!!!!!
  8. (and even that leaves PGiddy open for defeat)
  9. ...and everyone should note that Vicman displays wonderful taste and common sense, not to mention a fabulous prowess in betmaking
  10. It's the funniest thing in the world! I was expecting it would just tell you SN's of people that were active but it tells you like, exactly what they're doing too! Like "so and so is posting a new topic in the miami forum" and "this person is viewing a porn file in the sex forum" (well not really lol, it just says viewing an attachment hahahaha). I got a good snicker of that page
  11. *does the dance again* BRING IT BABY! JUST BRING IT! YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
  12. I was definitely dancing hard at several points in the night (just ask PGiddy lol) but at one point I was also napping on the couch in the VIP. (not a diss on Tiesto but i wasn't holding out well after the previous night's excitement/lack of sleep).
  13. *doing the spankster dance* YEAH! YEAH BABY! You *KNOW* you want this! You wanna be JUST LIKE THI- oh sorry. *glances around sheepishly and sits back down*
  14. thanks guys that totally helps. now if i can just get this guy to sit still for 10 minutes... lol
  15. i'll tell ya later... help pweeeease?
  16. Alright I have to warn you this may get long but I'll try to keep it concise. Here's the deal: I have been sort of seeing the res. DJ at a club I work for (as in, go out for breakfast after closing, hang out for a while, yada), and we had some physical and sexual relations over the past weeks. But I can't figure him out 'cause one minute he's cool and we can hang out and have fun but the next he's so wrapped up in making sure the guest DJ's are doing okay that he practically forgets I exist. This drives me nuts but I have been told by others that he really is busy (as he says). Well at any rate, I know how I feel about him. I started liking his personality at first and I thought of him as a good friend more than anything else, and I didn't even consider anything more than that until he brought it to the physical level himself. Then I realized that I like him as more than a friend and I think there's potential for things to work out really well between us. However if he's changed his mind that's fine 'cause I started out liking his personality first so I lose nothing in that transaction. A mutual friend of ours said that I should just tell him how I feel and this would put an end to the confusing "I like you, I am paying attention to the guest DJ" syndrome. What am not sure about is... what do I say and do I have to do it in person? is phone or email acceptable? I know he'll be occupied with a lot of crap this week but I need to know what's up so I can either settle in or move on, and the next time I see him could be the next night he's spinning and that won't help.
  17. Dude Gianni just killed you!!! :laugh: You can fix this really easy. Just tell her... "Hey baby, it's okay, you can still feel my man titties":laugh: :laugh:
  18. I also thought he was good, I wasn't moved the same way I was moved by Tenaglia but what can ya do, I can't knock the guy, he was a great DJ. As for your question I definitely want a mix of both. Particularly if I'm hired to dance. Just on a normal basis, I think it's fun to freak out when you hear that favorite song of yours that, yeah, everyone knows about but still... come on. But then you also want to be surprised, find something new to like and get excited about. On a dancing basis, it's good to have something familiar 'cause you know how to move to it, but some new, not-as-well-known stuff keeps the random "I just came here from Platinum (or in the case of NY, Exit lol)" hooches from trying to mess up what the dancers are doing.
  19. Haha Pangelid, I feel ya on the NY hard house thing. I didn't think Tiesto was bad, from what I could tell the crowd had a lot of energy but I was so exhausted from travelling, clubbing in NY the night before, mom ripping me out of bed at 8 a.m. etc, that I wasn't sure what was going on half the time. Highmay was there?? No fair! All these people, I didn't know they were coming, we should have had a meetup!!!
  20. Referring to your big redneck boyfriend with the bleach blonde mullet:laugh:
  21. Well that's what your mom says and you do hit on me constantly, but big bubba has the first hand experience (and the matching STD hmmmm) to prove it...
  22. vixenfoxxy

    Dear *Mr. Abby

    Funny as shit, but in practice totally lol
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