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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I may have spilled wine on your shirt but I have no business with your pants
  2. Hmm let's see... I went for dinner, then drinks at some hick bar in Clarendon or something, then to Ozio and to Platinum for a lil' promoting (ugh, that hurt). Oh wait wait, then, I remember, I WHUPPED YOUR ASS IN A GAME OF SPIT! HAHAHAHA:laugh:
  3. Ohhh, did you get lost in your mom's closet again pretending it was mine? Down boy, down... your wishful thinking is just pitiable
  4. PGiddy goes there a lot so he can pretend like he knows about getting ass...
  5. PM me regarding list, etc. We'll figure out a meetup (haha and probably a backup meetup place in case everyone misses it again!) sometime soon
  6. Well, here's how I make a distinction between hooch and non hooch clothing... Non-hooch: Follows the all important "one or the other" rule. Either you have a small bottom and a top that covers, or a small top and a normal pair of pants/longer skirt. Also, it's imperative that you be able to pull off your outfits. If you weigh 400 pounds and you've shovelled yourself into a size 2 miniskirt, don't leave the house. Hooch: either you have both a tiny top and a little miniskirt, or you committed the faux pax above. Or you're PGiddy, who happens to be dirty and diseased. Dressing like a hooch is, well, unattractive. It kinda distracts from the atmosphere and it also tends to excite the horndogs. People who have dressed themselves just flashy enough, just sexy enough, add to the atmosphere i think, and i also think it's kind of a nice way to break out of the typical routine (sweater and pants or business suit or what have you)
  7. Volkswagen Best car ever... okay okay, cutest little box ever I miss my FOX!
  8. :laugh: Let god be the DJ! HAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE IT!
  9. LOL dude, at least I'm doing better than Jimi! I at least remembered meeting you I just couldn't remember whose SN went with your face! I was halfway there, that counts for something! But yeah, I had just recently downed a vodka and red bull and then a double shot of GM, so things were a lil' fuzzy for a while
  10. Whoa! I think two other males just made me gay without asking me first! It's okay though, I know it's just one of PGiddy's many fantasies about me. I just don't know how to get him to stop thinking about me so much.
  11. BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA awwwww jeez Vic, that was harsh. You shouldn't make fun of PGiddy's habits like that OK for real though, hook-up scenes suck ass. I think I mentioned to Vicman on Sunday that there's nothing worse than some dude trying to freak a girl... on the house or trance floor. Clue to the cool guys out there - WTF are you doing?! I mean, does this look like a snoop dogg video to you? House and trance aren't meant for grinding, and certainly if you're gonna attempt, at least *ask* me first, don't just grab up on me and think I'm not gonna glare at you and run away Unfortunately a lot of people *do* go out thinking they're gonna get some ass off the first thing they dance with, and that kind of leaves the rest of us to fend them off.
  12. Hahaha phuturephunk, that was hilarious, and very true. Weyes - I be po... HAHAHAHAHHAHA :laugh: Feelin' your pain!
  13. Yes, do join us for Glow... *gasp* The legendary DaVe... I'm excited!
  14. Alright everyone, I'm coming back to dance at Hush this Thursday, the 15th, for the grand opening of Red. So, I was thinking that since I'm going to be in New York for just a few hours I would love to meet up with some more of the New York CP'ers (have been missing the meetups since I left in August). Would anyone care to join me??
  15. A drop out hm? lol, what year were you there? They're okay depending on where you go -- it's basically Nation, Red, Glow and sometimes Edge, or you're wallowing in top 40 crud S'aight though, I'm makin' it through on what I have!
  16. Hahaha yeah, but come on now, wouldn't you be just slightly frustrated after the 15th time someone asks you if (insert name of excellent house DJ here) is going to play Modjo?
  17. You've totally described the infuriating situation here at G-town. No one goes out. It's because 1) keg parties are cheap, it's free beer and whatnot, vs. $5 bottles of water in the clubs 2) They'd rather go somewhere they can easily stumble home from 3) The girls are afraid of guys harassing them (at least this is a GU issue) and all in all it makes me want to kick someone! Maybe everyone. I don't know. And sadly enough I mention something about house music and the general population goes "Oh, you mean like, Alice DeeJay?" :worry2:
  18. Did I meet you later during the night, over by the cage? I was rather tipsy around then but I remember Jimi introducing me to someone...
  19. It is supposed to close around 3 like most places in DC since they can't do afterhours there yet, but depending on the crowd and the DJ they will run later sometimes, I believe this weekend ended around 4 or so, but there were some factors blurring my awareness of time
  20. It appears they are blaming this on an engine malfunction and it is being treated as an accident.
  21. It was awesome meeting you all Had a good time both nights! I'm down for D:Fuse, there's a few others on this board that I know wouldn't miss it (coughcoughjimicoughcough) LoLz
  22. It's being labelled an accident, they're saying there's little evidence of terrorism. However, this crash is like, mere blocks away from my friend's house, and honestly it's getting annoying that every time this BS goes down I always have a friend right there in the mix
  23. how is Cyberia? I've driven past it a million times and never gone there. When I don't feel like driving to Manhattan I usually end up at Coco's (during the summer, what a toolshed that place is, but at least i can take my boat there) or what used to be District.
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