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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! ohhhhhhhh god I just fell off my chair! I totally needed a good laugh like that, it's been a rough day (starting around 1 a.m.). Yeah so I have one thing to say... TeNaGLiA iS My HeRo!!!!! I would marry him right now but I don't know him that well... Damn I miss Vinyl!
  2. They forgot two: Volkswagen Fox ~ My parents have money and they don't want to share it with me. Alfa Romeo 164L ~ I made my daughter buy a VW Fox so I could laugh at her.
  3. vixenfoxxy

    Balls/Cock names

    I call mine... oh wait. Nevermind.
  4. Hahahaha nah dude, you don't conceal it in a maxipad that you're wearing!!! Ewww!!! You take a wrapped, new one, take the pad out, wrap it around the camera and stick that back into the pink wrapper and it just looks like a pad. Am I a genius or what? hahahaha
  5. Are they really? sweet ass, where'd you hear this from? if that is the case I may put it off a lil' while. How is Cipriani's on ID? I don't want to pay the $$ and get turned away but then again I'm sooooooooo set on seeing them...
  6. Dress code is really just common sense - no boots, no sneakers, no jeans, not your ratty old t-shirt from high school No cameras, which really bites, but I successfully disguised one as a maxipad once I'll be there, if there's gonna be a lot of us again why not have a lil' meetup?
  7. But what can we really expect from Amber anyway? I mean, her function is to be KTU cheese... unfortunately I know of several DC clubs that will be playing it nonstop (and which I will be avoiding like the plague). I miss good house...
  8. Go to Limelight, I wish I could!! I miss NY!!!! *Counting the 8 days and 23 hours till I can go back*
  9. Hey, I couldn't agree more! I'd totally be down for that, but here are some really bad dates: Thursday Nov. 15th (dancing in New York) Friday Nov. 16th (dancing for the Hoyas) <--also will be dead tired from an NYC all-nighter How about mmmm.... would a Sunday be really whack? Did I just whack? Wow, I'm in Kris Kross. If not maybe a wednesday and I'll ditch practice. Are we talking really soon or after thanksgiving?
  10. When and where is this going to be? Because rumor has it that it's the day before T-day and if that's the case I'll be home in NY anyways.... I AM FAWKIN DYING TO GO! Lemme know lemme know lemme know!!!
  11. That would still leave the club short $3 per head of what they'd have been doing with the promoters bringing them guaranteed heads on lists. Honestly, promoters aren't bad people. Some let their egos get away from them and turn into real assholes but for the rest of us... you get the idea. Personally, if I'm going to club and I happen to access a promoter who can save me $$ I'm more than happy to have dealings with him or her.
  12. donations my ass -- someone needs to send you to the clinic to get tested for strep 'cause you're an infectious carrier. You're so dirty. What was I thinking? Now everyone KNOWS that you're dirty mwahahahahahhaaha And you're excused, 'cause I parked your car once successfully, I was just afraid of scraping it up. I, being poor and in college, don't have nice Audis to bash up and repair like it's nothing. Don't worry though, I'm well on the track towards Yuppie status just like you. (wait, I think we've brought this topic back full circle to college!)
  13. Can't handle my alcohol?! Who was driving your car around because you had a few too many? Who totally outdrank you and still was more sober? Jeeeeez. Besides you can't get strep from cats and no one invited my blankies into this.
  14. You're feeling kind of sick?! Which one of us is on antibiotics and can't drink for another 4 days? Yeah that's what I thought. If anyone's owing anyone anything it's definitely you that needs to be begging for forgiveness.
  15. Does it bite? You're totally on puke duty if it throws up. Oh yeah, and what do I owe YOU for???
  16. As a matter of fact, you did. Being that you're referring to, well, the set of people you are, I couldn't agree more (nothing quite as exciting as some nasty asshole groping all over me because he assumes he's hot shit...not even asking first if i'd like to dance). Provided your statement isn't generalizing clubbers on the whole you're correct to say that there's an element at clubs that isn't quite enjoyable...
  17. My high school had those, but they were the automatic flush kind, which didn't phase the guys much but every time a girl tried to use one of these things, it was a fiasco. The stupid sensors just get motion so it went something like this: sit down, toilet flushes, jump off the toilet to avoid the geyser, sit down again before the sensor reloads (repeat part 1 until you actually get there in time that the sensor doesn't go off again), be scared out of your wits when it flushes again as you reach for the toilet paper, then, when you get off the toilet the sensor hasnt' reloaded yet and you have to flush the stupid thing yourself anyway. Ahh, irony... Then someone figured out that we could put band-aids over the sensors and that solved the problems permanently. Was this thread about college?
  18. Blowflyii, if you think that all clubgoers are so dirty and stupid and poorly educated and you have such disdain for the people that go there, then why are you making yourself a part of the scene? Yes, a lot of the people in clubs may not be of the upper echelons of society but that doesn't mean they're horrible people, and at least some of them are there for the right reasons -- the music. I mean, I don't want to sound snippy or anything but it seems whenever I read your posts it's something snide about the caliber of people either on the board or in the clubs in general and it's entirely wrong to be categorizing us like that.
  19. *glances cynically up from her 800 pages of reading before returning her personal enrichment* :book:
  20. Is there a smiley in the shape of cheese?
  21. ...because clearly this is the reason behind my opinion SizeUp, wtf, where were you???? And Eggmok and PGiddy, same question goes out to you - did you make it last night? (and PG if you were there and couldn't find me you are officially the weakest of the weak )
  22. I thought Edgar V sucked a nut... Armin rocked my world, the music was great, I think I almost peed myself when he played Rapture (I somehow got really addicted to that song) and he was such a fun person, I had a blast in the booth -- great party overall, Jimi you're a big chump for missing it btw Jimi, did you call me earlier today?
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