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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Oh god no, lolz, you DON'T want to move here
  2. (...and of course for anyone who is staying for Tiesto at Glow thereafter do contact me for list )
  3. YES YES! Come to DC! You can all stay at my apartment and keep me company! lolz
  4. Royal ~ Sounds like a good deal, I'm down for some chick time lolz, I'll give a ring as soon as I can ditch this paper I'm writing stupid papers... We should all do a meetup for drinks or something sometime too DCsGLOW ~ lolz "word to our sicilian in the VIP"
  5. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's gotta be the best thing I've heard (seen) all day! LMAO!
  6. OMG KNIGHT RIDER! Hellz yeah, I was sooooo in love with that car, Kit. To this day I still want a car that's gonna talk to me and drive around to pick me up... "I have you on my radar screen Aly, I'm coming around the corner now"... oh yeah, and Turboboosters? Awwww I miss that show! Only good thing on VH1 ever -- Anyone else remember THE STATE? That was one of the best shows in the world And IN LIVING COLOR? I wanted to be a Fly Girl.. I still do. And SOLID GOLD? As soon as I saw the Solid Gold dancers with their turquoise unitards and gigantic gold shiny pompoms with matching high heels -- I was set for life. Did anyone else want to be Paula Abdul? I still own both her tapes!
  7. Is there any salsa/merengue that ISN'T bad?
  8. Well, more precisely, H to the Izzo, V to the Izza ... H.O.V.A. What is that supposed to stand for?
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hanging on Trancend's left nut -- that one definitely got my attention :laugh: Sice -- I got that once too. The rest of the times it sounded like my bunghole cousin trainwrecking a mix while pretending he knows how to DJ Just what I want in the middle of my Tenaglia CD Damn pop ups
  10. CrownRoyal, DCsGLOW, DJSizeUp, good to see you all last night Hope you had a great time -- I'll be posting the pics here soon (hopefully tomorrow, I have to finish my roll of film). Now I'm going to go sleep through dance practice *yaaaaaawn* LONG ASS night hahahahha (but a good one! Acosta's set was SWEET).
  11. Throw on some: small, sparkley clothing Favorite to dance to: hard house & progressive house I don't think I have an answer to #3... I don't like grabbing. It's so impolite Therefore, I reciprocate by slapping the offender, or shreiking curse words at him. Craziest thing I ever did at a club was - take leave of hosting the VIP room for some sexual escapades in the owner's suite with the guy I was promoting for I love to: (let me be unperverted) DANCE WITH myself... dancing with guys just kind of keeps me from dancing the way i wanna dance. When I meet mugwump I want to: rape him haha don't worry i'm jk Dancing's great but -- we all know it (I hope!) SEX is better! The best way to describe how I dance is... check out any of your local dancers on the platforms, you'll get the idea The best time I've ever had was on the dance floor at Vinyl while Tenaglia was spinning And if Mugz was gonna take me to any dance floor anywhere... hmm tough question... somewhere in London but do I have to pick just one??
  12. HAHAHAHHAHA that was just right out of Beavis and Butthead (the most excellent cartoon show ever, btw... well one of them). Happy birthday to BOTH of you!!! *muahz* Hey when do we get to give birthday whacks?
  13. OK someone told me they saw Collins and she was terrible. Is that true? I'm a little wary of spending what little $$ I have if it's gonna suck. What's next week?
  14. Ewwww dude she's so NASTY! You could've at least picked a non-plastic one?
  15. PGiddy - I will not be dancing this week, as I have taken a temporary leave of absence to work on a top secret dance project that requires I be out of the cage for a while. However, you will be first to know when I reveal this secret wonder of the club world, and in the mean time I would love it if you joined me at superglow anyway -- it's about freakin' time we meet up! PM me or somthin' Ernextnation - some details about the club: New EAW sound system put in last month. There are a few issues with some remote corners of the club (i.e. on the couches in the VIP balcony) where the sound isn't as crisp as elsewhere but otherwise it's very good. Lighting - specifically installed for Glow: intelligent lights, huge laser system, blacklighting and video screen (check the site for more details) Crowd - Generally 20 to 25 years old, dressed nice, clean, good looking crowd. While there is no "Dress code" per se, don't show up in a t-shirt and jeans, esp. for this night, 'cause they might decide to be choosy. Price - Usually $12 Hope that helps.
  16. I was actually wondering what Vaiio's lyrics were too, here's what I have thus far: The night I laid my eyes on you the very thing (something) I'm nervous when you look my way 'cause you know all the words to say (something or other) All this time (something )where you been? mesmorize in every way, you keep me in a state of daze your kisses make my skin feel weak (something about melting) Mi amore don't you know, my love I want you so You make myself complete, the rapture tastes so sweet... So, if anyone can fill in the holes and/or correct my mistakes?
  17. Awwww yay Limelight! I was a dancer there this year Miss it! Anyway, if you are looking for someplace to go I'd suggest passing on DC Live. Not only is the music generally bad, but it attracts a lot of ghetto types and the scene is extremely cheesy. If you are looking for a Friday spot, check out Buzz (I'm sure everyone else here can give you details on that), and for Saturday, Glow. In particular this saturday is SuperGlow3, the 2 year anniversary party, featuring Acosta and Talla, plus an open bar and buffet pre-party from 8 to 10. PM me about list, etc. if you want to check it out. p.s.- what school are you at?
  18. Is he actually any good as a DJ or is he just a name and a lot of hype? Every time I've seen him on MTV he's sucked a nut, but I heard from those that have seen him spin at clubs that he is not too bad when he's spinning house rather than MTV crap. Anyone?
  19. Wow, out of my stupid question(s) comes one of the better threads I've ever read on this board Irony at its greatest. Are some of you (particularly dialectics) studying linguistics (or have already done so)?
  20. I was a lobster in second grade... that kicked ass. My mom made the costume -- red shirt and pants with big cardboard legs sewn on, a big tail and squishy stuffed claws for my hands -- I think I got more candy that year than I knew what to do with... it was still around at christmas time! Yeah, those were the days
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