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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Awww yay Long Island! From Huntington personally, and in the event anyone cares, I'm at Georgetown *Go HoYaS!* (subsisting on what may be called a club scene down here hahahahaha!)
  2. Let's just start by asking *why*, if I got home at 5:30 a.m., I am awake again at 9:30 a.m. (gotta love the parent visits zZzzZzZZzZzzzz...) Now, my attempt at a coherent review: Alright, so Corsten's set was quite respectable, I thought. His music selection was really good and his mixing was smooth (obviously). Although he started out with what I felt was kind of a low-to-medium energy level (maybe that was my feeling, don't jump all over me!) he definitely brought it up nicely for the second half and by the very end of the night he had the crowd freaking out. I kind of liked Armin Van Buuren a little better though The meetup was a little disorganized, a little late and considerably smaller than we were expecting. It was nice to see you all anyway, of course, those I did see. And those I didn't... well... you should be ashamed of yourselves! JK Lastly, my review of my shirt: two words for the future. DUCT TAPE. Wow, that was *not* staying on by the end of the night Stressful situation lol
  3. Hahahahahaha awwww damn I forgot about clue! LoL what a no-talent hack. Yeah him too. Can I have more than one kick?
  4. Shady, if you return to us without solving the mystery of the coriolis (toilet swirlie) effect, you'll be the disgrace of the board. But be careful with those kangaroos, esp. if you're trying to steal a baby one for PGiddy, they might get kinda nasty about that...
  5. Awwww Thanks guys! You rock my world Looking forward to saturday!!!
  6. Vasquez, for refusing to spin or throwing little snits when there's women in the room. Misogynist.
  7. Maybe try posting on the "clubbing in other areas" board? There might be some people from that area in there.
  8. Oh look everyone, here's Trance00 to save the day Let me clear up his misconceptions. 1) Correct, I do dance at Glow sometimes, but my dancing is far more often through the club itself than through panorama. You may hold your opinion as to how I dance but honestly your opinion doesn't mean two shits to me because when I go back to New York I have many promoters that appreciate what I do and request for me to dance at world-famous clubs on a regular basis. 2) Sneakers, etc. are allowed, perhaps I didn't make it clear that I was *suggesting* that people avoid those things largely because it's a general rule at clubs (regardless where they are, and there are some exceptions to this general rule) that if things start getting filled up and they must pick off the line, those people dressed in sneakers and a raggety t-shirts won't be the ones going in. So excuse me for trying to ensure that everyone gets in okay, I just like to make sure of things like that, I feel really bad when my people get turned away. 3) I actually do work for panorama. There's been a disagreement therein for a while between two persons in the higher management, especially because for a time my promotions were, I will admit, rather disgraceful. I go to Georgetown, I have a lot at stake as far as my future is concerned, and if I have a choice between high numbers at Glow and high grades on my transcript, I'm sorry but I have to choose what is better for my future and I'd rather shoot myself in the head than be relegated to promoting for the rest of my life. So, maybe, Trance00, you should be a little more careful in what you say. You do not know me, my situation, or the politics of my employment, and I'd appreciate your staying out of it. I will tell you straight up that I'm just as angry at myself for my low numbers as Antonis is, but I really had no choice. Thanks for wasting my time, and be sure to come say hello on saturday, I'd be more than willing to give you a little more of a clue into things, certainly that would be the mature thing for you to do, rather than having hissy fits on the board. ADN
  9. My faves: Beef Curtains, Rusted Nutts, CottonCandyDream PrincessLolita, you definitely win the best signature contest, I *love* that little pic you have!
  10. Safety Dance!!! Anyone remember The State? "I wanna dip my BALLS in it!":laugh:
  11. :laugh: That was totally uncalled for I hear PGiddy could use some personal improvements though, can you work something for him? :laugh:
  12. I LOVE that show.. I think my favorite thing has got to be the part with the props... that's just excellent
  13. OK, that was my first time visiting their board and my immediate take on it was: 1) We couldn't cut it at CP and people made fun of us 2) We're hypersensitive and couldn't take it 3) We resorted to this bootleg copy of it and are now like a lil' support group. Wow kids, the Exit2 12-step program where's the signup sheet? Point here is, they can talk all they want, make all the generalizations in the world, and for those of us that have a life outside the boards, it doesn't really matter two shitz.
  14. HOLY SHIT! Nobody listen to this nonsense. Back to the Glow meetup...
  15. Is there an "ass" icon on here so you can kiss it? All I see are smilies.... Some PR rep YOU are!
  16. Well I'd be entering the race in 3rd place but i'll give it a shot... I think everyone on the board is way behind NY's Trancend though, he has like over 5,000 posts lol
  17. Uh, PGiddy, tag! you're it.. you're the P.R. department today hahha Hey everyone! it's my 400th POST!!! YEEEEEAAAAHHHH! Movin' it on up! :D
  18. ...something PGiddy clearly can't help out with himself...
  19. How is Cipriani's on ID? I am just dying to go but my fake is just OK, I don't want to pay $56 in advance only to be turned away at the door. Rumor has it S and D are gonna start a new residency here sometime soon anyway, is that true? If it is I'll just wait or should I risk it now?
  20. Skribble... haha they brough skribble to Glow? I couldn't imagine why. Anyways... For the meetup, let's say 1 a.m. underneath the VIP stairs (that's a pretty obscure location where most people aren't). If you're lookin' for me -- tall, blonde, I'll be wearing a rather small and semi-seethrough black top. I'll be with DCsGLOW, the spikey-haired crackhead, and if you're looking for PGiddy he's the one in the big rainbow color clown suit. Jimi ~ Call me or PM me, we'll discuss. Royal, DJSizeup, you guys joining us?
  21. I'm down. Egg- I most definitely did write you back about the list! I put you and your 5 buddies on it! Was the guy with the orange sticks (the stringer) one of yours? He was incredible
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