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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Hey everyone, It was so nice to meet all of you! (and see those of you I haven't seen lately!). For those of you who were unlucky enough to see me towards the end of the night, please excuse my alcohol-sodden state I was particularly graceful almost falling on DaVe, LoLz Can't wait to see the pics! lol Malanee, you gotta help me find cool green hair stuff! Everyone have a good time? hope so!!!
  2. Is there any moment Trancend *doesn't* use for a cheap plug for LL Fridays?
  3. Chickarina!!! I have been eating that since I was like, 2 years old. And for some reason they don't sell it in DC, I almost had a heart attack 'cause I thought they stopped making it altogether, there was this ghetto imitation of it on the shelves down here. But mommy found me some in NY! *phew* Chickarina forever! Anyone else chicken and stars when they were little?
  4. Alexis (aka Aly/Lexie/Alex) is "defender" (that's right, mess with me or mine and I'll regulate on your ass ) hahahaaha VixenFoxxy is the way my friends refer to my Volkswagen Fox when they wanna make fun of it.
  5. Damn, you're a genius! Thanks So let that be a message to all yoshi customers - no more free-shows! lol
  6. As of right now I have the following for comps: Ernextnation CrownRoyal MentoBento Malanee RaverMania Vicman DaVe A1Wave Velvetgolmire ...ask for Aly's CP list and make sure you get there before 11:30 'cause lists will close promptly at 11:30 Any of you who have friends you plan to bring (Ernest and Dave, I have yours, but Dave, check your PM's) please send me their names by 9 pm saturday as well, as many as you'd like, and they should all ask for Aly's List for reduced admission (remember, this list will also close at 11:30 so show up by 11:15, hey, that means you'll have time to get 100% ruined before the meetup and the REAL fun!). Meetups are 1 and 2 a.m. at the back bar on the main floor. I do not know for sure what I'll be wearing but hopefully a little blue sparkley top thing... See y'all there! PM me with any more lil' concerns
  7. So true - Shady what rock have you had your head under? jk But really, they look cute and all but they can kinda be a pain in the ass. ex. I went to yoshitoshi the other day with my friend, wearing a pair of these hip huggers, and i bent over to check the size on a pair of pants. I mentioned to this friend that they would probably fit but I was worried they'd look silly, and he said "nah, I'm more worried about the royal blue thong that you just displayed for everyone here." DAMN. needless to say i didn't bend over the rest of the day
  8. Always glad to toss in some free procrastination material!
  9. Well diggity-damn! If I knew it was *that* easy I would have had... oh nevermind very cute. But Vic, be careful of PGiddy. I hear his fridge is stocked and well... we already know he plays with himself plenty senza beers... so watch out
  10. Okay everyone, I got PM's from a lot of you guys, I am setting up lists and I will post back and/or PM with confirmations. BUT... I am running on one hour of sleep and it hurts, so I'm going to go take a nap in class first so be patient :zzz:
  11. Hi Kids Some info: 1) I received all the names sent to me thus far for comps, you will ask for Aly's list at the door. Any of your friends that are coming, send me their names for reduced admission 2) If you don't get a reply from me till tomorrow (Friday) afternoon don't worry, I'm going to New York to dance at Hush tonight and I will not have internet till I get back tomorrow morning, then I'll finish things up, so PM me if you need anything. 3) We should decide on a place to meet up, then a backup location. I'm thinking first meetup can be at 1 a.m. under the VIP stairs like last time, and then the backup "oh no i forgot" location can be at 2 a.m. at the back bar on the mainfloor. Or we could just make both of them at the back bar. What do we all think? 4) Don't forget, those of you using lists, that lists close after 11:30 so make sure you get there by 11 or so (even if you're on the line at 11:30 they usually don't give you the comp unless you ask them for it before that time). OK it's off to NY I go (YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!) I'll be back tomorrow
  12. Well, it took a while to decide, but then I finally came to the conclusion that you had to be the pretty blonde one Cute pic
  13. ...and whatever you're doing... add a trip to Hush to it! I'll be back in NY for just tonight, dancing there, it's gonna be sweet -- come say hi!!! I have list if you want it -- under "Glitter" -- the party is a 21+ lounge, house/hip hop Come visit!
  14. TENAGLIA AT VINYL! Nothin's gonna compare to that!
  15. I was going to comp y'all? Guess not?
  16. Hahaa yeah I made a mistake. Well actually, no one *can* watch MTV anymore 'cause it's pretty much negativeMTV... there's no damned music on it
  17. I don't think I've ever felt so ill in my life. I am going to have to a keep an air-sick bag next to my couch if this kind of crap continues. I was not aware that such inane bullshit could possibly be put on the air. I mean, her songs are cute and all but the minute she opens her mouth it's like the blonde bimbette of the century contest (and coming from a blonde that's worth something:o ) *goes off to gag once more*
  18. Everybody loves long island! lol (represent!) But... I gotta go with shots of GM if I want to get really plastered, or a midori sour/amaretto sour if I'm not looking to be totally shitty BTW, this weekend at Glow, please feel free to provide me with shots of GM. The goal is to get shitty this week
  19. Ahhh the things I could say S'aight though I'll just keep picking on PGiddy
  20. After. We had a nice little jog around the neighborhood . Thanks for asking. It was a good way to burn off the extra calories from that coke-with-lemon i drank.
  21. Yeah I think your friend.. was it Lance? was just a little hard on those spankings. I totally had to leave the room when he took his belt off. But if that's the kinda thing you two like it's all good
  22. I would reply to that rejection thing except that if I exposed the real truth you'd never be able to show your face here again So we'll keep it on the DL so I have someone to mess with when i'm bored online
  23. no you blockhead! we were playing slaps, which means either player can slap the smaller pile. besides, i was out of my cards first all except one time.
  24. Hmm I bet that wouldn't leave much to occupy oneself with
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