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Posts posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Originally posted by xxlea

    I saw them last week at Flushing Meadow Park. I was rollerblading around the soccer fields and they were doing some type of charity game w/ little soccer leagues. My cousin took a bunch of pictures with them.

    I'm SO hugely jealous!!! :jawdrop:

    btw OT - looks like you lost a bianco e nero family member - sorry to see that, Saturday will be a year since we had to put my little white furry buddy to sleep :( hope you're okay! that is way tough.

  2. Originally posted by sutogame

    to all the juventus fans is david trezeguets face still in your memory before he had to take the penalty kick in the final



    It wasn't just the penalty kick. He played an awful game that night, totally scandalous :blank: What a sucker...

  3. Originally posted by elementx

    Just have a friend call that night... Have a fake conversation as if it is your parents...

    When you hang up... Just tell them that your parents are coming by for a visit in the morning... (If you don't live at home of course)

    Usually ladies have enough respect for themselves to not be caught in a mans place in there B-Day suit when the parents come along... ;)

    :rofl: brilliant!!! :idea:

    you should've been a girl, with the way you think! :tongue:

  4. Originally posted by silverbull

    this topic isnt even about websterhall. Im just trying to make a point about ya regards to TOURIST AND FOREIGNERS. Why not respond about that. And i guess your life is now in danger cause i mentioned RICK and DANNY in the same sentecne again (big deal). Rick looks up to danny as shuld everybody else. So did anybody see my point about NYC and these CLUBS that will open soon with non NYC owners and non NYC djs.

    OK I will toss you my two cents on that one...

    I really think no one here has any problems with tourists, provided they respect us and our scene. I personally have no problems with foreigners or tourists (provided they respect a few basic guidelines as will be elaborated below). I was living in Italy up until last week and there, I was a foreigner - what I saw in Firenze, which was where I was living - was quite enlightening. Firenze is FULL of tourists - the better part of the economy depends on them. But there are more than just one type of tourist/foreigner. There was my type - we speak the native language, respect the people who live there and make a point to experience and learn their culture courteously. There is the type that can't speak the language but are respectful and try their best to get along even when it is difficult to explain themselves. Then there is the type that end up in a foreign country and want everything to be the same. They show up in Italy and stay at the best western and eat dinner at McDonald's, speak english to everyone and can't even make the effort to great people with "ciao" or "buon giorno" instead of "hi". Then, there are various degrees in the middle. IMHO, those who come to other countries and want everything to be the same as their home countries should stay home, and those who come to other countries to hit on and harass the people who live there should really just crawl in a little hole and stay there till they get a clue. As many have said, the tourist types at Webster Hall tend to be grabby, clueless, etc. Okay if they can't speak English, cause if I took a vacation to China I sure as hell couldn't speak Chinese, but a bit of courtesy and general respect would be nice. If the crowd at Webster isn't acting that way, that is not good, plain and simple. If the crowd at Vinyl, which I know includes a fair amount of tourists, experienced the same problem, then I would say the same for vinyl.

  5. Originally posted by frank4g63

    My fav player on AC is Shevchenko, and although he had a terrible year he is still one of the best in football...

    I swear Shevchenko looks like PGiddy...

    I am completely in love with Nedved, btw... he is BEAUTIFUL (even if he does look a bit doofy on many occasions)

  6. Originally posted by pgiddy

    hahhahha don't ever call me little munchkin cheeks again, that is definitely worthy of running you over.

    Yeah I still have the car, you still have that gash?

    OK little munchkin nose... what gash are you talking about? :confused: The one from when I parallel parked and accidentally mashed the car behind me? :tongue: (JK)

  7. Limelight is closed, I believe... anyone care to confirm that? and supposedly it will reopen - either under the name avalon or under the same management as avalon boston. One can never get the story straight with these sorts of things so I will leave that open.

    Otherwise, the big huge clubs open right now are of course SF and Exit. Vinyl, well, Arc, is still open, Centro-Fly, and a whole lot of smaller places.... but I can't really say more than that cause I have been out of hte country since February and thus don't know how any of the parties are anymore.

  8. Well of course it will be overdone in a porno... everything is!

    but personally I LOVE it when my bf is "vocal"... he's never excessive with it but when he does do it... between that and how freaking hot he looks when that passion is written all over his face, i MELT... :drool:

  9. Originally posted by destinyschild

    I am sorry you are right. But it is hard to comment when everyone who is a opinionated hater always infiltrates our threads. I mean then again there are plenty of witty comments throughout this thread.:blank:

    lol yes i know. but you just have to ignore what everyone else is saying if you truly feel it has no merit (the other side of that, of course, being that you should maybe look into the possibility that someone else has a point too... not always but usually..) Otherwise, people are just gonna keep picking to get a rise out of you all. Personally, Webster isn't my thing ... haven't been there in years and only went once... but if they offered me to dance there I'd def take it. Last I was there the dancers had rings on the stage and all that, looked like one of the most fun places to dance I've ever seen.

  10. Originally posted by revaluation

    argh! but that is exactly the problem. and that's why most of us who take our music seriously get kinda vicious about it. you guys don't really care about the art, the artist, or his creation.....it's a bottom line, a profit margin.

    In the late 90's, if you made any money off your DJing or production, then you started your own label. And that's where we're at now....artists said, 'the label doesn't care about my art, so I'll start my own thing'. Counterintuitive as it may seem, this saturation actually helped the market for dance music, while the monopolies of the mainstream killed the pop market. Everything on the radio is cookie-cutter, no big deal, been-there-done-that. And now the kids don't have to pay for it anymore so the big labels are going nuts.

    True, the dance market has taken a hit from dling music, but we all still buy vinyl...and the labels who continue to make a quality, upfront, affordable, cutting edge product -- Bedrock, Yoshitoshi, Release -- are still making money.

    And now dance music is more popular than ever -- and no, we don't consider Darude in the same category --, so popular in fact that pop stars are now flocking to dance producers to make their tracks.

    That being said, I appreciate your remarks and your candidness, even if I find it discomforting.

    Preach it, brother!!! :D

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