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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. All fools cordially invited for the April 1st party (That means Eggmok and PGiddy, especially). Everyone else is invited too.
  2. Hahahaa no no dear, you have it all wrong.. that's so when my beautiful boys are out on the field we can all drool all over ourselves watching... ...I am kind of lamed out by the idea of soccer jerseys becoming a "trend" ...go figure out what the team is all about before you pick one cause you think the colors are pretty or someone once told you the team is cool...
  3. Matter of opinion. Personally I think Italy is the best place to live, not that it's without its faults but the quality of life I experienced there was optimal. It's hard to say that one country is the best for everybody, everyone's looking for different criteria.
  4. Hi ...remember me? Just thought I'd confirm that I'm alive. Carry on! (big sister is watching you! )
  5. I am not entirely certain but I think that Panorama has at least a temporary party at Home on Saturday nights that is supposed to have a trance floor, but i'm not really certain - maybe something is up on their website? i'm pretty sure it's www.panoramai.com ?
  6. because she has no degree related to fashion, made up her super high-paying job and her glistening success story, and knows damn well that if she names anything in concrete anyone could figure out in 10 minutes that she's bluffing.... that would have to be my guess...
  7. Just wondering if anyone went to Spank last night - there was a rumor floating around that Deep Dish was spinning there. Any confirmations on that? Did anyone hear their set?
  8. I feel like that could only be a help... the venue sucked nads. Hey Glow people, can I suggest something? Seating areas closer to the dance floor! It's kind of annoying to have to trek up to either the VIP or the second floor just to sit down, then go running back down again when the next good track comes on...
  9. www.printtheory.com pm me and i can get you hooked up with the ppl who run it
  10. you dipstick, what part of "always been a razor kind of girl" didn't you get? You, on the other hand, you hairy croatian bastard...
  11. So that's what happened when your mom had you, hm?
  12. :clap: and rightly they should have... that's good news for the females.
  13. *sigh* about the one on the bottom right...
  14. Woohoo! Thanks Kitty! You da best! Does it hurt a lot?? This will be my virgin voyage, I'm always been a razor kinda girl
  15. Hey Ladies - I know a while back someone recommended to me a place in NY that does brazilians for $35... I was hoping to re-find the name of that place and/or get your recommendations and price suggestions for other places... any ideas?
  16. You should tattoo "DJ Aly" on your wang, so everyone knows how much you worship me
  17. I don't know but I know where you're coming to on Friday night (hint: Andalu) Bring your catholic school friends too
  18. You can't afford one I'll burn u a copy when I get up to New York, but you have to come find me and get it from me
  19. I don't even want to get into this fray, but two things: 1) Dom can spin. I've seen him do it myself, he has and can use vinyl just fine. 2) What the hell is with calling out a DJ on a public messageboard because he/she had a bad set? Haven't you ever played a night where you were just off, and your set didn't come out sounding the way you wanted? How would you like it if you woke up the next morning to find someone on a messageboard trying to play the bigshot with you? Bottom line is - If you think you deserve another DJs spot, saying crap on a messageboard doesn't help. Go to the club, bring your demo and tell them how you feel about it. If they're interested and if you're good enough, it will speak for itself when you replace whoever you feel you surpass technically.
  20. omg that's SO bad but I can't help myself, that was SNL-worthy!
  21. well that's the thing.. she IS... it's kind of sad to see her put up these posts I mean, she invited all the crap, apparently, but still... this girl needs some serious assistance
  22. Aww yay, I was sticked! I the mods! Dammit vic, one of these days I'm going to follow you to whatever city you're going to, then you're going to have to listen to me spin! [evil laugh] mwaaahahah [/evil laugh] Hey Addy, I know what you could wear! How about that black shirt with the white stripes on it?
  23. Hey everyone, it's that time again! Now that you people know that I don't spin whatever variant of 80's pop you thought I did, please come out and support... We need your hizzelp for a special cause.... Namely, Hook the Captain and I are looking for a sweet little turn out for an early-night event that will hopefully become our new weekly! 10 pm to 12 am this Friday, December 5th at Andalu - I will be spinning, and anyone who drops me a PM will be getting in free, y'alls know the drill by now I am doing a shorter set, early in the night, so come out and join us, support our hopefulness and PREGAME... 'cause it's Friday, and you ain't got shit to do! Hope to see everyone there!!!
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