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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by clubmouse

  1. they changed to hammerstein ballroom, then that got cancelled, they still havent announced, but im with you, exit sux!
  2. im having such trouble even signing on to morpheus, does anyone know a good program to download???
  3. so any girls wanna come over listen to the system in my car, then we can go to a monster truck show, all the while i'll be farting and blowing snot rockets, i hope none of those get stuck in my beard, and on the way i can stop off at my ex's for a quickie, becuase she is so much hotter and skinnier than you...after that i'll take you out to dinner and a movie (one with pamela anderson) while wearing my pink polyester suit, but you dont have to worry about the movie, because you'll be down on my oversized wang for most of it...then i'll take you home, never call you again, and tell all my friends what a hoe you were.... btw did i mention you're paying for the whole night !! So, that should leave me dateless until middle age:D -_-MiKeY-_-
  4. hey clubkat, is there any way you can post the scared mouse pic of me at psuedo, i dont have a digital cam, and i cant get a pic up for the collage, thanks hun! -_-MiKeY-_-
  5. fuck to each his own, hes asking about it as a club, and as a club it absolutely sucks ass
  6. god bless our soilders, and may they hunt down oakenfold and eliminate him, and take out bin laden while they are at it
  7. memories, most of them hazy,all one hundred percent amazing, my introduction to the entire club scene was with all you guys in the corner of twilo, chillen on the stairs, playin around with photons, and ive never looked back, I never got to really know most of ya, and its a lot harder now that im down here in delaware, but whenever i go home, i see the same faces wherever i go, and it keeps those twilo memories always present in the back of my mind.... See y'all under the Ball!!!!! -_-MiKeY-_-
  8. Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, you know em from tourin with dave matthews, check out this new mostly instramental album, just got it, and gotta say im impressed, they can play... anybody got any new album recommendations??????
  9. you know that the guy who sings that is like NSYNC of India, all his songs top the charts and all the women want to f@ck him, the real music video is sooooooo funny, he dresses in multicolored outfits and does a dance combination of disco and the macarena, you can find it on morpheus!!!!!!
  10. well, if you guys cant wait, S&D is playing Philly on march 30th, tix on sale, should be a good time, check philly board for details
  11. freud thought it was unconscious sexual energy, therefore you dont know why you're doing it....but..it really doesnt matter...and hey... if he was so smart then why is he DEAD!!!!!
  12. of course he's gonna be nervous, he's either thinking about masturbation, or his unconscious is through a repressed sexual need, coming from the id, when the id is not satisfied we experience anxiety i.e. nervous.... but of course, to freud, everything was about sex and aggression....this is great, i have a personality psychology test today, and this is a great study aid.... :D -_-MiKeY-_- :D :
  13. Freud says its a sign of sexual frustration that should be released through masturbation, release through sex will not satisfy the leg.....true stuff, read it in Freud's Three essays on the theory of Sexuality...good reading
  14. i know a few kids here who could round up a million each if it came to it
  15. there are DMV's where they still dont use computers????
  16. this is the first time ive seen the morning hours in a month, i love going to a college where partying is more important than academics!!!! Go Blue Hens.... 25 days until S&D in Philly!!!!!!!
  17. how much would it cost to buy TWILO...I figure we got a few hundred people on the boards, we all come together, pitch in all the money we could, who needs college, or an apartment, or a car, we could all just live in twilo, i know i wouldnt mind....
  18. I picked up the cd after i heard DT drop Always at the Be Yourself three year, and i listen to the cd almost everyday, its perfect for just chilling out to, so relaxing... -_-mIkeY-_-
  19. pubes that coincide with the phases of the moon, hairy during a full moon, and shaved during a new moon, crescent in between, requires dilligence in keeping it right....
  20. ALCOHOL: "The cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems!" - HS
  21. yea, sasha and digweed....they could be playing in an alleyway in the worst part of the city, where im guarenteed to get mugged and shot, and then charge 300 for an hour set, and everyone else there is a tourist, and id still go...id go reallly reallly reallly fucked up, but oh hell yea id go....S&D march 30th in philly,road trip, scotty scribz, i know your down, check the philly board for info, lllllllaaaaattttttterrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzz -_-MiKeY-_-
  22. cmon people, 420 is the BEST day to go to a rave, especially an outdoor one, why celebrate this holiday alone in your room getting obliterated, when you can listen to amazing beatz, be surrounded by a great bunch of people, and still get completely stoned out of your mind....just my $.02 -_-MiKeY-_-
  23. damn, you guys got my hopes up with CC&DT, it would have been a nice repeat of last presidents day, you know what im talking about..... oh, and by the way, i dont really care who is opener is because it is only making me more depressed that im broke and stuck here in DELAWARE until i get my paycheck, which becuase of a computing error doesn't get here for about a month, hopefully it will be in time for S&D in Philly, which will be the first real party ive gone too since i came back to this microcosm of hick society..... just venting, hope the opener kicks ass, have fun -_-MiKeY-_-
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