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Everything posted by musicbeat

  1. oh, i have lots of stories to tell but I had a mental BACKFLASH with this one ,,had to get it out and Yeah I Stalked them all night ,... actually they were standing next to me
  2. i remember during the dt/cox party this year at twilo there was this couple, i'd say about 21 or so that just couldn't stay apart. they were standing on the other side of the main floor by the main bar, just next to the speaker box were dancers would dance anyway, it was nonstop making out all night, gotta say the girl was a Hottie, with black shorts and top, and the most awesome body, a perfect 10, really pretty girl anyway, while they're doing their thing, just going at it, this guy comes along and takes advantage of the situation--he starts fondling and caressing her big butt!!i guess she thought it was her bf, and her bf was too into it to even notice, at this point I was just about to crack up!!! by the time they noticed something was going on, the guy had cut loose and left, they talked and looked around a little bit, and prooceded about their business last time i saw them that night, they were headed together into the men's bathroom
  3. I've been on this board over 2 years now, under different usernames--the board just goes through natural change like everything else. Change is actually good.
  4. well my point is that pretty girls get approached by many guys with "boyfriend potential" in a decent manner, lots of them are not given a chance ang get rejected, so it's not like she doesn't have lots of decent choices that she has to be alone,,, she's probably waiting for some fantasy dude
  5. Im a registered Republican, voted for Guliani and think he's done a great job except for Fucking with Twilo and nightlife in general. I guess I have mixed values. don't believe in drugs, somewhat believe in free sex, love clubs and music, believe in relationships, and lately I go to church a lot,
  6. Jilly, I know what you're saying, Im also intimidated by a pretty woman and afraid of rejection but eventually I take a chance and make a fool of myself and try to get to know her, usually to no use so really, if she's not meeting somebody it's 'cause she's not giving someone a chance, Im pretty sure this "pretty" friends you have get approached all the time, if not in a club, it'll be in the store or the street , etc.,,,women sometimes are very conceited and choosy--If some fantasay movie Hunk of hers approached her she'll be saying yes and getting laid with him that ver same night
  7. an attractive woman that has trouble meeting men must be either be putting out some seriously bad vibe or she's just being too choosy and not interested, trust me, pretty girls get hit on the minute they walk out the door
  8. the idea is that some girls have this fantasy that only an older, experienced guy might "do" her right so let's see, if u're 21 would you take a test ride on a 32 years old guy?? 40?? 45? I know that the Playboy guy doesn't have any problem getting young things(he's like 70 or something) but im sure that's because the lifestyle that he represents
  9. I think that for the most part all the good women are taken. Let's face it, a hot girl gets propositioned all the time so she has plenty of chances to pick and choose. Luckily not all of them are in happy relationships and some are in transition, so when she's in this stage it gives the rest of us a chance. This a numbers games and you gotta be out there playing until you luck out.
  10. I read it at work sometime last week in the same edition in which it was posted that LL and Tunnel had lost their licenses. It was a small article headlined something like "Twilo party still goes on Ebay", stuck somewhere in the middle of the paper. Sorry I didn't keep it but maybe their site still has it.
  11. A few days ago I read a little article in the NY post in which Twilo's lawyer Sullivan said that the person putting up those auctions had no connection to the owners. He also said that they're still appealing the decision. So who knows?? Twilo might still rise from the dead. It seems like nobody has the true story anymore and that you can't believe everything you see.
  12. The case should be made that Limelight and Tunnel are NOT Twilo which just took once license revocation by city and it's dead and gone. There must be a lot of political influence, legal savvy and powerful connections behind these two clubs 'cause the city has tried to shut them down for years without success. Limelight and TUNNEL forever. They've stood the test of time and are true legends.
  13. Ok, society says that girls that go around approaching guys are "sluty" so the norm is for the guy to do the approaching. Otherwise, the girl is left hanging and the guy goes home alone. Now, sometimes a girl will feel harrassed, or bitchy and she may complain to be left alone. However this just puts the guy on the defensive when he's actually playing his role dictated to by society. It's fair to say then that girls like and expect to be approached, that guys should do the approaching, and that if it doesn't work he should move on to the next one who might welcome his advances. A girl will think less of you if you don't do the approaching and the bitch shield she sometimes puts up is for the most part Fake.
  14. This is all normal part of life BS. Unfortunately, things like this have always happened and will happen again. Best thing to do is wish them well, live ur life, and hope for the best. Bad news is best avoided or it will cloud ur day.
  15. It actually makes a lot of sense. Some of those items don't have any inherent value ( a banner, for ex.) but it does have "emotional" value. Any of us who experienced Twilo would love to have any of them just for the memory. Since people are bidding for them, more money is fetched.
  16. I read they lost their license, and now regained it back under strict limitations. Their owner Big Beat, however, is under receivership and is highly unlikely Home will reopen. Their other clubs are for sale. Poor clubs are not getting a break. That sucks. And we were hoping to get a HOME in NYC. Guess it'll never happen. [This message has been edited by musicbeat (edited 06-14-2001).]
  17. The Lionel Richie concert a week ago was well-packed. He played U're Angel 3 times in a row. I guess Vengaboys will have a decent crowd. BTW, Vengaboys is really headed by 2 djs/producers who make their music and stay in the background. I first saw them at Webster Hall about a year and half ago.
  18. I think it has to do with the realization that life is passing by quick, that just playing around has gotten boring and that if you ever expect to have children and see them grow up, this is your last best chance to do it. Age puts everything into proper perspective for most people and time definitely flies.
  19. How do i get there? Ok, go to City Hall park, when you see the corner of J&R Music World, go down one more block on Brodway and turn East all the way to the EAst river,,,that will lead you straight to South Street Seaport.
  20. FREE..it's part of their outdoor concert series. KISS--they produced that track, Airscape remixed it...used to light up EXIT when it was really hot We Like To Party, Boom Boom--some of their mainstream hits performed by their singing act. Check them out. Should be fun
  21. so what's this thread supposed to accomplished??? bad word of mouth??? we could get together and spread bad word of mouth about Twilo or any other club and it'll be gone and dead in no time when you have the NY Post, and people constantly posting neg stuff on boards like this ofcourse the club it's going to have a bad time
  22. by some Svenson & Siegel, i think--don't know if i spelled that correctly anyway--that's a great track, producers sometimes have their moments of genius and come up with amazing musical expressions [This message has been edited by musicbeat (edited 04-30-2001).]
  23. In my opinion, unless they're prepared to dump some loads of cash in rennovations and a new name, they should never turn away Tunnel's base crowd. How do you expect to draw an A-list crowd there otherwise??? Not with with Tunnel's reputation and the competition--that's a lot harder to do. Should have kept the Nero/Renegadelineup, put the Chicago hard house back in the Mezz, and focused all their efforts and money into promotions, and theme parties and guest stage performances. Gotta be consistent. Why do u think Jr. and JP pack their dance floors every week??? A base crowd that always keeps coming back. Keep switching around every other week---no base crowd. If ur main floor dj is Jackie, then keep her there every week, build her party, PROMOTE it and stop switching around.
  24. Just wondering if other stuff make people more open and less shy. Preferably something natural without many side effects
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