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Everything posted by musicbeat

  1. People..smarten up and stop trying for Tunnel to be the way it used to be. Why does Tunnel have to be like DTour all the time?? Tell me, why??? GEt over that party already, it's long time gone and dead. Appreciate Tunnel the way it's now and stop comparing it to what it used to be. Otherwise, u'll always be dissappointed if u keep comparing each new party there to DTour. Tunnel is an amazing place and it just needs better attitude from the people that work there and the people that go party there. I know Im rambling but it's this attitude that sucks and keeps good parties from taking off there. Let's move on and ACCEPT the NEW!!!. That's what it's all about. New music, new atmosphere, new parties. Same venue but new changes. Spread good word of mouth about the place, promote their djs, have fun, forget the past and enjoy the new parties. That's what it takes.
  2. this one falls in line with all the other theories out there, including science in fact the most absurd model so far is the scientific theory which basically states that some subatomic particle shifted out of nothing, created a big bang and here we're this infinite universe the question "how did all get started?" defies logic and will never be answered in my opinion-- the truth is nobody knows
  3. change is good, i hope it happens- NYC nightlife needs a revolution-- a makeover like this would be great As for Tunnel, I hope an owner with deep pockets gets it. I would love to see that place modernized, with great a soundsystem and all the latest-- it needs an image makeover too, anything is possible
  4. so what happened to his PC?? did he say? long time he doesn't post on this board somebody should get him a Net connection
  5. if u want to see tunnel again I suggest the sooner the better before some tight-assed judge shuts it down permanently--if the city lucks out with the right judge--it'll just take one decision and Tunnel will padlocked and gone forever btw, according to today's papers that's what the city intends to do as for the incident, apparently it occured outside the club during tunnel's sunday night hip hop party. this party has caused the club lots of problems---they probably only keep it 'cause it provides the club financial support it badly needs
  6. u're too much--im already a fan! female djs are the best
  7. well this is a little problem that Tunnel has--some people are still stuck with the mentality of a party that happened about 3 or 4 years ago--really in a different decade, in a different century, under different circumstances GET OVER IT people-- when a party is over it's over--to try to bring it back is like trying to bring back a dead body back to life--it'll never happen--if u were lucky enough to be there appreciate the memories and move on--don't be stuck in the past, it's not good anyway Now--that doesn't mean u can't enjoy the NEW TUNNEL. New faces, fresh djs, fresh music--new parties!!! That's what life is all about--enjoying the present and what's new!! People that are stuck in the past get OLD quickly--u dont' want to be like that. Trust me.
  8. Any resemblance to anybody from the board?? LOL And who's that DJ?? what the f*ck is he spinning on?? futuristic gear?? LOL
  9. It's about time TUNNEL goes to the TOP!! once again,,it deserves to be there
  10. mike rizzo?? jackie christie?? louie devito?? can you review any of these djs?? [This message has been edited by musicbeat (edited 04-04-2001).]
  11. Man, this really SUXs---why do Jersey guido juiceheads always have to ruin the party??? somebody should take away their dumbells
  12. Is this for real???? a new beginning starts april 7th--DJG Records Tunnel presents the official WMC DJ Homecoming WMC 2001 delegates & new tunnel saturday residents main floor ktu's dj mike rizzo nervous' dj jackie christie e-lastik dj louie devito basement--hot97 dj finesse mezz--dj chris the greek performance by becca, "more&more"
  13. I believe that life is a big mystery, that no one has all the answers, and that yes--the signs point to something else beyond some empty, meaningless mere existence other than that, i've kind of given up trying to know all the answers 'cause i never will, choose to live and let it be what it may
  14. let me guess, were you "fucking pissed off"??, Nero, that was the most intense set i've ever heard--makes some of those so-called superstar djs look like they're pussy-playing--AWESOME-- what was that track u were playing around 1:15 am that sounded like a theme song from a movie or tv series?? great track also, what's the story wiht that Mike Rizzo, KTU flyer they were giving out?? i hope it's not what im thinking
  15. oh, let's not get off-topic here-- u know where u want to be this SAT.
  16. F**cking TUNNEL is going to be F**cking awesome this SAT-- the coolest club in the world,, Dj Nero coming back, DJ Renegade keeping it on, and I heard a special performance by some Jackie Nova!!! That night is going to be the BEST!!! F**cking off the hook TUNNEL, you definitely should be there.
  17. this topic keeps getting hotter and hotter, seems so far like Durex is getting good marks, more responses please,,,let's find out what's best for doing HMM HMM,,,
  18. **Bump** this one, let's get more responses,, this question is important, we gotta come to agreement as to what's the best condom out there i think DUREX is getting high marks,, more opinions please
  19. I gotta go with old reliable Trojans,,U?? Share the info.--we all rely on them. girls's input would be good too
  20. Oh, Im not trying to diss him at all, Im just wondering 'cause probably it's a more serious problem he has and they're not being straight about it. For example, being in the studio is no reason to skip ur once a month residency in my opinion. U never know. just wondering.
  21. So far he's had broken backs, broken eardrums, hard labor in the studio,,etc I wonder if all this excuses are right.
  22. That's so EXIT but I guess it's cool in a way. They should try for a different effect though.
  23. "Touch Me" by Rui Da Silva They don't come better than this. I know it's already old news in Europe but here every dj should be playing it.
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