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Everything posted by malanee

  1. OMG - I still don't have a voice and I feel like somebody kicked me in the head - did they? I can't believe how farking funny Jenny - D:Fuse's wife is. This is the first time I've really had a chance to talk to her and here are some of her quotes: "I'm gonna kick you in the patch: "So I yelled "Dustin - there's corn in my poop - I don't remember eating corn!" And the best was when she gave us a full moon heading out of Glow. And when I say full - I mean FULL!!!!! And did I mentiont that Dustin said he looked up cute in the dictionary and there was a picture of me???? *swoon* I"m sure Crank and TB are tired of hearing me quote that one! Okay - that was the best night EVER!!!!! *happy dance*
  2. D:Fuse played a crazy set - the crowd was so into it! And there was nothing better than looking around and seeing all of you there. After hours was even better! More than 30 people showed up - even D:Fuse and his wife were there! Needless to say, I'm dying for some sleep! What did you guys think?
  3. This is the eternal conundrum for moderators. IMO, unless someone is being personally attacked aka "Billy Bob you are a nigger" - then people should be able to use whatever language they see fit. Their word choice only reflects THEIR ignorance, and does not have any real impact on how the the board is seen as a whole. Besides, board trolls will find a way to razz members w/out that sort of language - so it is a losing battle! I've found CP to be a highly diverse and accepting place and would like to keep it that way. I vote for letting the people of the board decide through positive or negative reinforcement what is appropriate for their crew. If people don't like something someone has posted in their profile - I'd suggest not reading it and not responding to any of that person's posts. If enough people feel that way, the person will in effect be shunned and will likely stop posting here. That's my .02! Ruth
  4. This is where D:Fuse is playing on Friday in San Francisco: http://www.rubyskye.com It looks infinitely cooler than GLOW.
  5. If he's smart, the Congressman will deny any relation! Cookigirl - you rock!!!!
  6. I just wanted to point out what a diverse group we have: Vic, Gina, Zags: Spics Crank, Raver, Millie, Eggie, Shady: Chinks or close enough. Nautilus, lobster, Shlongus: Commie Red Bastards Kuro and Griz: Colored folk Malanee, Cookie, Pgiddy; Reval: Crackers Velvet: Token Jew Jasontowns: Flaming oreo asshole
  7. Shady - come to after hourse you slacker! I wonder if D:Fuse will play the extra hour for daylight savings????
  8. Vic - I would expect nothing less! Shifter - of course you're invited! This is going to be so much fun!!!!
  9. Woo Hoo!!! I haven't seen the Russians in quite some time!
  10. Oh Millie cuddles! She was a regular cuddle-machine at my party a few weeks ago! I think we should start calling her "Madam Snuggles";) 'Course - I'll take some from you too TB! I'm an equal opportunity snuggler!
  11. So who's coming to the pre-party? Who's going to Glow? Who's coming to the after hours party? We're going to have to start pretty early in order to be over to Glow before 10:30. PM if you need directions!
  12. Don't worry Shady - there will be plenty of snuggles to go around! Millie - just remember to share, okay?
  13. Millie - I love that philosophy! And I would just add, the life is all about finding balance. If you aren't being fulfilled in your daily work, concentrate on finding fulfillment and happiness elsewhere.
  14. I would never prostitute out my beautiful babies like that! Now where did I put that push-up bra.....
  15. Try being 30 and not knowing! Actually, I've been talking to a lot of people about this. I think the majority of us go through life searching for what makes us happy work-wise and life-wise. Adults change careers on an average of 7 times (or something like that)! I guess sometimes it's the journey, not the destination. It sure makes me envy those who have a passion or genius for a certain field, though!
  16. Zzzzzdeepdishzzzzzz.....
  17. Awww - thanks Jerami! As for the job, any hobbies beside surfing the net you can do at work? What interests you?
  18. You are giving me way too much credit! I've had about 50 nervous break downs since I made the decision! I have another interview with the California Courts when I get to SF. They said they were VERY impressed with my resume and last interview. So, I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll get the job. But one never knows! Plus - it is gubment work - and they tend to be damn slow in making their decisions! Have you tried asking your supervisor for additional work?
  19. Naaaah - I'm po' and about to get even more po' - considering I won't have a job in 5 days!
  20. Well, what do you really want? A good job w/ good pay? Or an exciting job that you are totally passionate about? Unfortunately - these things hardly ever coincide! You might try checking out this book: What color is my parachute. It's a good tool to help you figure out about your skills and passions. If you can parlay your passion into a well paying job - you're golden baby! Otherwise, try and find a job that isn't too boring, pays well and leaves you plenty of time for play! That's my advice! BTW, I would avoid going back to school just to go. Chances are you'll get out and be in the same boat. GL! Ruth
  21. I can't see this - what is it? I feel so left out!
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