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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by malanee

  1. I'd probably still be in the hip hop scene - so I'd still be clubbn'. Then again, I was already getting bored w/ that scene - so I bet I wouldn't be going out as often. I'd also have completely different friends. Who knows, maybe I would have settled down, gotten married and had 3 kids by now! Whew! THANK GAWD for electronic music!
  2. I was on hold for a total of 34 minutes before they hung up on me. Happy happy joy joy. I'm going to kill somebody!!!!
  3. I've been on hold for 30 minutes because they screwed up my bill again! Not only that, but the phone they sent me (not even the one I ordered) is already broken after 2 months!
  4. I would call you a raver - but that' just according to my own wacky definitions!
  5. Yeah - but I don't see any hardcore music heads hanging out at Heaven either!
  6. I would just like to point out a few things: 1) Crank and A1Wave are both older than me. 2) I look DAMN good for any age! 3) You are all on the short bus, not the short list!
  7. WERD - no doubt about that!
  8. Is there a difference? What is it? What do you consider yourself? Me? I think of Clubbers as people who enjoy the music and the scene, but aren't quite as serious as Ravers about who is spinning what. Clubbers will stand a little more cheese, while Ravers are very protective of the scene and can be snobby about DJs and clubs. I'm probably a Clubber more than a raver - because a fun night at Heaven is still better to me than hearing a great DJ in a crappy venue with a crappy crowd. Don't get me wrong - I truly appreciate good DJ skillz and I would never accept cheese on a regular basis. However the "fun factor" as one wise person put it - is still very important to me!
  9. This story from salon.com: Study: Drinking can ward off dementia - - - - - - - - - - - - By Emma Ross Jan. 24, 2002 | LONDON (AP) -- A new study indicates that daily moderate consumption of alcohol, which has already been shown to help prevent heart disease and strokes, may also ward off Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. The study, published this week in The Lancet medical journal, also found that it doesn't seem to matter what people drink -- the effect is the same. ---------- The finding adds to a growing body of evidence for the health benefits of moderate drinking. Experts say moderation -- between one and three drinks a day -- is the key. The adverse effect of excess alcohol is beyond question. Besides destroying the liver, several studies have shown that excessive drinking can be toxic to the brain. Alcoholics can end up with a shrunken brain, which is linked to dementia. There is even a medical condition called alcoholic dementia. "For people who drink moderately, this is another indication that they are not doing any harm. And for those who don't, if they don't simply out of health concerns, they might want to rethink that position," said Meir Stampfer, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health, who was not involved in the study. Scientists at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, conducted a six-year study of 5,395 people aged 55 and over who did not have signs of dementia. They were asked whether they ever drank alcohol. Those who said yes were quizzed on how often they drank and details on their consumption of specific drinks such as wine, beer, spirits and fortified wine such as sherry and port. The men mostly drank beer and liquor, while women preferred wine and fortified wine. The researchers also checked whether participants' drinking habits had changed over the preceding five years or whether they had engaged in binge drinking -- more than six drinks in one day. Everyone was categorized according to how much they drank. Four or more glasses of alcohol per day was considered heavy drinking. By the end of the study in 1999, 197 of the participants had developed Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. Those who fared best were people who drank between one and three drinks a day. They had a 42 percent lower risk of developing dementia than the nondrinkers. Those who weren't daily drinkers but had more than one drink per week had a 25 percent lower risk and those who drank less than a glass a week were 18 percent less likely than nondrinkers to develop dementia. The number of heavy drinkers, who numbered 165 -- mostly men -- was insufficient to draw conclusions about any affect heavy drinking might have on dementia. Recalculating all the figures for each type of alcohol separately, and comparing wine to other types of alcohol, yielded the same results. "This red wine thing is a myth. The evidence for it is meager," said Stampfer. "It happens that red wine, in most cultures, is more likely to be consumed in moderation than spirits or beer, so for that reason it can appear to be specially protective, but in fact, the type of beverage does not matter." Researchers suggested the blood-thinning and cholesterol-lowering properties of ethanol in alcohol may ward off dementia, which is often caused by a blood vessel problem. Another possibility, the study speculated, is that low levels of alcohol could stimulate the release acetylcholine, a brain chemical believed to facilitate learning and memory. Associated Press More wire stories - - - - - - - - - - - - Sound Off Send us a Letter to the Editor Salon.com >> News
  10. I may be old, but at least I'm not Vic's boy toy!
  11. We're still talking about spinning - right?
  12. Wow - that was your most annoying post to date! Congrats!
  13. For real do'! I was practicing again last night and I am getting better THANK GAWD! I was so very awful for so very long!
  14. Awww - I sort of miss being able to diss on Shady! *bump*
  15. Well, I think a lot of people on this board have seen her - but I haven't!!!!! I can't wait! I've yet to see a female DJ in action! BTW, who are you? You're new aren't you? Welcome to the board! Don't let the horse porn and Lost Tigres scare you off!!!
  16. I hold my head up high, but here's what else I listen to: Buena Vista Social Club Shakira Santana Staind Tool Angry chick music like Alanis Morisette and Ani Defranco Dido Mary J Blige Tracy Chapman Pink Old skool rap
  17. What's even worse is when you're fine, but your friends are so f*ed up they can't move! I don't want to mention any names though! (crank, chyna)
  18. Did you know that a whale's penis is called a dork?
  19. PARTY!!!! YEAH!!!! BTW, I think we're going to convert the scary basement into a party room. We'll be able to turn the music up much louder and the neighbors won't be able to peek through windows and see us doing very bad things!
  20. Did you just tell Royal he had a tight ass???
  21. Acosta is Feb 2nd - cool maybe I'll finally get to meet you!
  22. Yeah - when are WE going to here you spin? I've done it twice now and I KNOW you're better than me! And don't make it perfect, just make it from the heart. That's all a cool girl wants anyway!
  23. Hmmmm - we need to talk...
  24. *squeeeeeal* I love me some D:Fuse! Every time I see him I have so much fun!!!! And he's sooooo cute! Who's going? Huh? Huh?
  25. Awwww, Eggy - did you finally get a girl to talk to you! I'm so proud! How much did you have to pay her?
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