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Everything posted by midiman

  1. I don't think there should be country samples in anything....even country music. In fact, I don't think there should be country music. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  2. Now everyone is a groupy gawking at the DJ and the whole place is clustered. I personally don't feel that the DJ should be the center of attention....THE MUSIC SHOULD BE. I'm there to dance, not watch the DJ. Don't get me wrong, I still love Twilo, the DJ's, the music but I think it was better before because people danced more. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  3. Jason Bye I saw him spin at the Home in Sydney several times and he was absolutely amazing. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  4. I guess I wouldn't have a problem with the new setup if everyone in the club didn't face the DJ. I loved it when everyone was dancing in a different direction. There was no front or back or anything. It made the club feel bigger to me. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  5. I must say that I usually don't meet that many people when i go to Twilo. Maybe I am not socially aggressive enough but that's usually because I am only the dancefloor doing my dancing thing. I would definiely like to meet some more party people though. I think I will make more of an effort to talk to people tomorrow. oooooh....tomorrow, I like the sound of that. Can't wait. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  6. I guess my question is how do you know who is there for the meet up and who is just chilling there. I'll try anything once, count me in. I'm usually not there that early but I will do my best to be there at 3. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  7. I was there for my second semester junior year...about 2 years ago. I was there from February through July. Jason Bye was the resident then...I'm not sure if he still is. man that guy was fucking good. He rocked my world on several occassions. I saw Lawler there once too. home kills Twilo....no comparison. I think home would do well here. Plenty of party people. They could definitely build something. They could have Lawler be a resident....he is going to be the next big thing. that guy is legit. They can pull names. Oak etc... Man, i would give anything for one more night in home. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  8. My answer is definietly home in Sydney, Australia. This place is the best club in the world. It is absolutely amazing, a treat for every sense. First of all, it is located right on the harbor so you have the water right outside. Inside, everything is aesthetically pleasing....marble floor around the bar, velvet curtains on the walls, plush chairs in the chillout area, nice wooded dancefloor. Everything is clean and the architecture is abstract and beautiful. The club is three floors and pretty much one big circle with a hollowed out 2nd and 3rd floor above the dancefloor so people can look down. Bathrooms are even beautiful. Men room has a waterfall instead of urinals that has TV screens behind it showing the DJ booth and other stuff. Hand massages after you wash your hands. They have a multimedia center that is musically themed which is fun to play if you are rolling. Music is amazing and the crowd is first rate. two other rooms playing different kinds of music. If you ever have the chance to go...GO! This club is the bomb. They were supposed to open one in new York. Haven't heard anything recently. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  9. I can't say that I like the changes they made to the dancefloor and layout of the place. I have made respect for the DJ's but I think putting them up high in the back has a detrimental effect on the club. The majority of the people all face the DJ and it makes you feel like you are at a concert and not a club. Its becoming like London where the DJ's are bigger than the music they spin. It was better before because people didn't all face one similar direction, people just danced everywhere and you could dance with different people all night. I knew who was spinning and could see them if I really wanted to. The new lights and stuff is cool but I liked the old setup better. I just dont like it how everyone faces the same direction. I don't like dancing to people's backs. Are we there to look at the DJ's or listen to the music? ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  10. Thievery Corporati did play here in October I think. It was a damn good show. I went to school in DC and used to see them all the time at this place called 18th Street Lounge. You should check them out, they are quite good in person. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  11. What's the deal with this whole meetup thing. Why does it seem like everyone on these boards knows each other. Did you all just meet at Twilo. I am there all the time. I wonder why I haven't met any of you. It's probably because I spend all my time dancing while I am there. What do you guys do when you meet up? Is there some sort of secret sign or handshake? What happens at the meet up? I know that's a lot of questions but I am curious. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  12. I didn't post this topic to gain approval that going solo is alright. I feel very comfortable in doing it when I need to. I was just wondering how many of the people I see in a club are there by themselves. I would have a lot of respect for someone being so down with it that they are comfortable doing that. I actually like the feeling of being in a club and looking around and seeing a sea of brand new faces losing their shit with me. I think that is one of the things that makes this scene and clubbing today so great. You do not need a partner to dance with (even during slower songs). Everyone is dancing together and feeding of each others' vibe. It would be nice though to meet a girl one of these days who I could rage with. Most girls I meet outside of clubland just aren't down with the music enough. Meeting a clubland cutie would definitely be perfect. Maybe this weekend? ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  13. I was just wondering how many of you out there go to clubs like Twilo or Vinyl alone. I do it sometimes and have no problem enjoying myself. I have friends but it can be tough convincing people to go to a club until 10 in the morning which is the way I like to do it. It looks like I may be doing it again this Friday at Twilo (or Vinyl) seeing how a bunch of my friends are going to be out of town. Oh well, this boy has got to dance. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  14. Has anyone heard anything about the opening of home in New York? I know they have one in london but I heard a while back that they were going to open one here in Manhattan. I haven't heard a thing recently. Home's website says it was supposed to open in 2000. I went to the one in Sydney a bunch of times and must say that it is the greatest club I have ever been too. The Home in Sydney blows away everything here in New York, even Twilo. I would to throw another superclub into the mix. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  15. Subliminal Sessions at centro fly is always good except the last few times I went there, the crowd was a bit whack. The music is always good though. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  16. I am usually all over the place. I love switching up the scenery and dancing around different people all night. There is nothing better than losing your shit in a sea of random faces and knowing that everyone is right there with you. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  17. Hey. How easy is it to just head down there and get into the parties. Do you have to get on a list and if so, how do I get on one? I need to be there. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  18. I want to go. I am trying to figure things out. Do you know how easy is it to just head down there and get into the parties? Any information that would help this fantasy become a reality would be appreciated. Thanks. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  19. I was right there in line with you...except I stayed and eventually got in. I knew they were bullshitting about closing the doors for two hours. Twilo is a business and they are going to try to make as much money as possible by cramming in as many people as possible. It's getting crazy. It shocks me that I waited in line for 3 hours to see Danny at Twilo when I see him practically every week at vinyl. Oh well, it was a sick show and when it comes down to it, I'm a dancing fool. ------------------ ------------------------ I'm a slut...I make love to music every night
  20. I wouldn't worry too much about everyone flocking to Vinyl. My experience with this board is that every show that goes down at Twilo was "the best show ever!". Everyone is riding the high of the weekend. (remember PVD last week). Next week it will be Digweed and so on. I think it is amazing that we have Danny playing at Vinyl every friday. It's dangerous because no matter what I am doing friday, I somehow manage to end up at vinyl. Love the DJ's Twilo has been pulling lately but I can't deal with the number of people. I like saving it for a special occasion and popping in at 5. Problem is that the next six weeks is packed full of special occasions. Oh well. We are lucky to have all of this. That's all I have to say.
  21. Too many people until about 6, but then it becomes alright. I can't stand being there before 6 any more...it's just too much. I need room to dance... and it seems like everyone in there keeps moving around bumping into you. It could be less crowded but I am fine with just rollin in there at six.
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