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Everything posted by covetoys

  1. The Tempest. One of the most original stories, taken and used by Hollywood for years. Although Hamlet has two of my favorite characters of all time, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (sp??). Good non-club question!
  2. Another neighbor!!! Canal and Greene! So-Ho kicks.
  3. SVA is School of Visual Arts. Soho checking in. <Canal and Greene>
  4. Got Verizon DSL, pain in the ass. Doesn't always work. Problems with Mac's. Get a cable modem if you can.
  5. Anyone ever been enjoying a nice, rare night of peaceful sleep, when all the sudden, you are woken up the hee-hawing of your roomate with his/her latest conquest? My roomate and his girlfriend have such explosive bed sessions, that I have feel as though I am listening to the Vienna Boys Choir.
  6. It is like living alone. Space is 2600 sq. ft. Soho is what makes it unaffordable sometimes.
  7. I am looking for a roomate for my space in Soho. Quite expensive though, $2050 per person. Huge loft space with views of downtown and Soho. Looking for May 1.
  8. Simple reply when your Mom asks you if you are doing drugs. "No Mom, are you?"
  9. Mistakes are made on both sides. Security has a huge job to do in order to keep Twilo open, we have a serious amont of partying to do, without getting caught. Both are huge jobs!! Agree, anyone rolling on A Wednesday night has a problem. Mondays and Tuesdays are better!!! He he!
  10. My disco buddy was searched in early fall. He was carrying Altoids. He was pissed, because he missed a little bit of Junior. Otherwise, he said they were quite civil, and very professional. I guess they (bouncers) see alot during the night? Maybe we should be a bit more responsible as well and not make Twilo (or its staff) have to work so hard? A couple of stupid partiers can bring the whole show to an end.
  11. The pursuit of love is much stronger than the pursuit of fame, fortune. If you get love, fortune follows.
  12. Vanilla Ice --- bad name, sweet drink Stoli vanilla and 7 up! yum -Me
  13. By the way next week my birthday att Bar-B. www.subliminalbeats.com line-up includes yours truely.
  14. Isn't the walk of shame tradionally also when your roomate or neighbors find you sneaking back into your house at 11 am during the week. The catch is you are usually wearing the same outfit you left for dinner and drinks the night before.
  15. Orange Leather Pants, black mesh v-neck t, matching green and black leather wrist-bracelets, deep blue (like a parliment ad) chinatown sunglasses, bright-white Lotto kicks and soaked pair underwear. This is not the way to get out of a taxi in China Town at 12 noon Sunday. Too earlt to be fashionable, too late to be up and out without the help of serious hardcore narcotics.
  16. I was throwing my wednesday party at Bar-B and intended to make it for all of Spoony-d's set. But after our stellar reviews on Citisearch and in the Voice, Bar-B was doublemad-packed with honies and getting better by the minute. I bolted at 11:45 to check out Spoony's last 35 minutes. Well worth the risk of getting a speeding ticket.
  17. Spoony D rocked the house! Start a petition on the Twilo board to gring him back for a Friday night opener. Well deserved gratis to Spoony D and Twilo!!! Even if they have card woes!
  18. Thanks to all the kids who came out last night and rocked from 7pm till 3am at Bar-B. GBH crowd every Wednesday, now at Bar-B. Feisal, Daniel and Tony Mac were top notch and She-J and Rockman through me for a curve ball with thier deep house arrest. NICE ONE BROTHERS!!!
  19. Just got tix for tonight. I love Penelope Cruz.
  20. Bedroom DJ Night at Bar-B and Star Search at Twilo Tonight!! Anybody wanna meet up??
  21. Did anyone read the Ministry article about GBH?? If so, what did it say and is it available here?? My Laser's are in the article. CoveToys
  22. I'll be there directly after Bedroom DJ Night, to see the new talent and to see Madame Oo.
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