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Everything posted by georgeacasta

  1. Definitely good kris............. Kris, do you ever go out to space after shadow? Sobe, I'm down so is Renee, kingstreet and D7........Let's meetup
  2. Shadow's site kicks ass! Those flash animations kick ass also the forum is kewl too. Very nice site. The forum seem's a little hostile though....I think I'll fit in quite well there. Last but not least kris posts on the shadow board Space, your website gets the job done but that's about it Things seem like they have changed within space but now it's time to change things in outerspace. I want a satellite with Edgar V's music being shot out to the whole solar system!
  3. It's very scary....I have heard several recent reports about it!
  4. georgeacasta


    Does this thing still exist?
  5. Why, you dare to ask why.....how dare you ask why....I dare you to ask why. I am over dare. Dare or here, where are you?
  6. Whatever, someone else figured it out not these pseudo hacker kidz...don't take credit for other peoples hardwork.....btw it's astalavista. Granted there are known hacks to some encryption schemes out there but there are many that you can only brute force hack. How about I encrypt a file for you and you decrypt it. PM me your email...if you can decrypt it then I'll be impressed. Until then this is all speculation.
  7. When is the last time your programmed your own compiler genius????
  8. They did not crack it a mathmatician cracked it. It's all math....128bit encrytion=3.4 10 to the 38 power. That's alot of possiblilities for a high school kid to brute force hack with a home grown password cracker program. Especially since our current cpu instructions per second are way to slow to hack 128bit encryption in any reasonable amount of time. That only leaves one other possibility. That would be the mathmaticians that invent the algorithms for the encryption.
  9. If you have a 32bit encryption key for a ciphertext output file I don't think that it's very realistic to brute force hack those exponents in 60 seconds. What do all of you people think?
  10. They both have there perks. Being single is great but a little lonely and having a partner is great but can be completely unbearable. Whatever side of the fence your on I wouldn't feel bad. No one is a failure unless you fail in life and turn 30 something without being married or having kids. I'm glad I'm not in that position.
  11. I'm a perfect 2.3....I feel I can dance worse then most. Sometimes people will even come up to me and ask me not to dance around there girlfriends. Every once in a while I'll get in the middle of a dance circle and start showing off my worst moves. People will ask me to teach them how not to dance as bad as me but I told them they'll have learn for themselves.
  12. I'll go out with you.......pick me up. I live in FL.
  13. I think mimid never passed kindergarten. She's a preschool dropout!
  14. You took her to escuelita. She's probably some gay guy inpersonating a girl on the messageboard.
  15. Ahhhh ha, I finally found you! I was bored, I felt like doing something stupid so I wrote this sensless post. As you can see I didn't go through with all of my threats on the Miami board.
  16. asfkasjfkjasf;lkasjdf;laksjdf
  17. I guess you've never heard of internet lingo. For example, BTW is an acronym for "Bye the way". Here's another example, the word stra8 actually means "straight". You must be new to the internet. Why don't you buy the book "Internet for Dumbasses". I definitely think that book fits your knowledge level of internet. How about the book "I have no neuro activity". Wait a minute, aren't you the author of that book? Nah, your probably not the author because that would require brain activity.
  18. Hey, that's the real JP, I know this for a fact...don't sell him out dude, it's pretty kewl of him to come on the board and chat with us.
  19. In my opinion the only city that truly knows how to do afterhours right is Juneau. But I'm sure none of you so called club heads have ever partied there! I'm tired of all this psuedo club talk. Go to Juneau and party hardy!
  20. I saw the video....it is awesome...he is soooo perfect for that video......great video. I really want to see it again.
  21. Twilo is kewl just that to many new yorkers go to that club.
  22. I like Hard Rock Cafe better then Twilo
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