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Everything posted by gothzane

  1. white clam over linguini drowned in garlic salt.
  2. You have to just laugh when you see a religion so pathetic it has to obtain morals from a cartoon. Then again....humans were never the most logical of creatures
  3. Heres a web site that will solve all your problems... http://www.iamanidiot.com/
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,62938,00.html Here you go neighboroony.
  5. I have no idea what your talking about
  6. I wish mine was detachable...so I can leave it at home... the damn thing is nothing but touble... fun trouble..but trouble. I can do a 50 foot pole vault with my penis! So ha...or something.
  7. I work under the guise of contentment and under the whip of tyranical slave laborers. ...oh location? 63 Wall Sreet.
  8. ...i think....i just...burst my aorder or something laughing..elp......
  9. ROFLMFAO!!! DUDE!!! *dies laughing* Your my hero joeg!
  10. but isnt it more fun that way? to stuff banannas in your ears...wear nothing but your pants on your head like a hat, one sock on your *cough* and one of those kid pajama super-man robes marching down the street like an orchestra waving around a road-kill cat like a baton singing "Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts!" into the wind at 4:15 in the morning in the rain. Its all about the laughs
  11. wow... and i thought I was gone...damn im impressed...
  12. How about you go to an AA meeting and score a girlfriend... Just bring a bottle o' Jack D and a smile.
  13. Okay ...challange...your task... take the chainsaw smile -> and throw a pink bunny rabbit suit on him... why? cause insanity is fun! and we all are just THAT bored... first one to post his autistic creation... wins a cookie...or something. ps. and you win a whole unknawed cookie if its still animated. pps. if it does little bunny hops too...hell ill throw in a whole unstale box only slightly dusty and steped on.
  14. Your post might be here....but your long gone my friend...long gone...but dont worry...on the other side of sanity theres plenty of pink easter bunny suits and rusty chain saws to go around...so suit up..and enjoy the fun!
  15. gothzane

    pussy licker

    but does the sex toy have a "fuck you silly function"? or a "make you breakfest in the morning" mode? I do!
  16. gothzane

    Do you care?

    I suppose all this nonesense is just an analytical disection of lonleyness...a question of why we need the presence of others in our lives to get by.
  17. gothzane

    Do you care?

    You could run down 42nd butt naked, loot and pillage toys r' us, set las vagas on fire just for kicks, do loop da loops on a boing747, sit in waldenbooks and read every last page of every last book in peace and quiet, basicly do anything you sporaticly wanted to.
  18. Do stripclubs count? I was at CBGB's last friday...had to be 330 ish in the morning... place closes around 4 something...so I was slapstick drunk off reddevils and I stagger into the bathroom to find this guy doggystyling his girl hard and she was moaning wickedly...(now this bathroom redifines skanky...worse then a shitter in a pub in scottland) ..me I shrug walk in up to the urenal and release the borrowed beer (because you never really own beer...just borrow it for awhile) So while im wizzing way they happy horny couple never even breaks rythm but then as I was finishing the guy said hey I said hey she said hey I smirked...he asked me if I wanted some....I stumbled back up the stairs..he waved goodbye...she moaned even louder...*snaps his fingers* ...if I only had a rubber on me...naa I was drunk enough to want to but sober enough not to. Moral of this story...if you want to cum come prepared!
  19. gothzane

    Do you care?

    Put it this way...if you woke up to a vanilla sky (movie refrence) and you were the only person left on the entire planet...no people...no animals...no bugs..no birds..just you and the world...would you say "fuck it" and go have yourself some fun? or would you fall on your knees and claw your eyes out?
  20. Bingo exactly what i needed to hear...thanks a bazillion.
  21. Tell me about it :screams: Lets throw up a "for instance" here... Lets say youve been someones "everything" and youve givin them everything and more...to a fault of sacrifice. And youve fallen for that someone hard in all aspects....as a friend, lover, protector and whatnot. But now you introduce others into the picture to expand experiences. So the person youve been "everything" doesnt need you anymore and you feel like a teacher that lost a student....a mother that lost a son....you just feel lost...unapreciated. Where do we go from here?
  22. Very well said....you have my humble applause. Im not sure where im going with all of this...somethings buggen me and im knawing at it till it goes away...so far...youve all been a big help.
  23. Do you think having a wide variety of friends dilutes the pressure of intimate relationships?
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