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Everything posted by mist

  1. pads: 95% tampons: 5% coke: 59 pepsi: 41 blonde 84 brunette 16 girl 61 boy 59 russians 56 greeks 44 I love this one: Russians76 Italians 24 democrat 32 republican 68 anal 93 vaginal 7 LMFAO doggie style 2 girl on top 98 electric chair: 24 needle: 76 a-cup 100 c-cup 0 yeah!!!! I swear that's what came out!!!!!
  2. so I guess this is a 21 and over party GRRRRRRRRRRRrr what the fuck, i wanna go too. but no, just because of this idiotic stupid rule I have to stay all alone on valentines day. I'm telling you mugwump, its the alien gods getting me back for being against the anti-valentines day thread lol. Now its my turn to whine and whimper and feel sorry for myself. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhh\ whine whine whine :( this day sux.
  3. yeah I see what you're saying, how the phenomena is amazing and all. But when you actually learn about how they do it, it seazes to be assurance of a divinity. Whales use pheromones to send signals to each other. (Pheromones are not tools of sexual attraction in animals) they are chemical that stimulate nuerons in the whale's brain. In accordance with the chemical compound, specific nuerons fire nuerotrasmitter molecules which eventually force the whales into action. It has to do with adaption more than inteligence Even bees, some of the most brainless creatures, have these pheromones. When a bee stings it automatically releases pheromones that "tell" the other bees that there is danger, causing then swarm around the intruder. Yes this is fascinating and all, but it is highly mechanical and onconscious. It is designed specifically in way to suit environmental needs. One can even use this mechanical arguement to disprove God, but to me this phenomena is neither a proof or disproof. The planet SEEMS so highly mechanized and self-sufficient. What is interesting, though, is that the materialist view of the world (science, psychology, certain philosophies,) does not even come close to accounting for intellect and reason and SOUL above all. The idea of an inner self and the ability to reason and the desire for things of no necesity, the experience of pleasure and of the higher pleasure of love, cannot be accouted for by any science. Becaseu science attaches an evolutionary usefullness to all action. And think about how many useless, yet delightful things we experience each day! How about art! For a human being ot be able to create such a piece as the sistene chapel, for example, goes beyond anything that can be inferred from any empirical study!!!!!!
  4. you know something, I just realized I hate Valentines day too: BECAUSE OF ALL THE WHINING!!!!!!! Personally, I think every holiday in this country is commercialized and is another way for big businessess to make money. TV networks, candy companies, Victoria Secret, Greeting Card companies - what cards costing $4 (it is a fucking piece of cheep paper with a mass-produced picture, damnit!), Jewelery companies (selling diamonds that are products of capitalist exploitation of developing countries) the list goes on forever. How about christmas! In no other country does society place so much emphasis on gifts. In europe, presents are given only to children. The commercialization of holidays sets an entire standard of behavior, it makes us expect presents, it makes us want more and more. Look all the video games coming out around holiday season. Look at how the game systems are getting more and more pricy: sega used to be like $100 when it came out, PS1 was about 200, now Playstation II is $300 (and they don't even give you a second remote control anymore). And if you don't follow the standard of behavior you start ot think that something is wrong with you. Like the underlying, but not expressed, idea that to be happy on valentines day you need to be with someone. And when you have noone you end up feeling even more inadequate than you already feel just not being with someone any other day. And then mugwumpians are forced to go around composing threads like this t in order to negate these nausiating standards, standards that should not be there in the first place!!! ( don't get me wrong I still think that the mugwump is a bitter little freak)
  5. I wouldn't be talking about underage if I were you - I know you still wear childrens clothing cause adult sizes are just too big for you!!!!
  6. My god this is the stupid thing about having these idiotic drug laws. It is 100% fact that they are not going to stop anyone from doing a drug. And in addtion, the laws only increase the likelihood of death from an overdose - as people will fear to report thier condition. "the need to protect the children who he said were incapable of making decisions for themselves concerning drugs" and the laws would help them make decisions??? hahahahahaha these conservatives are ON CRACK!!!! :bigfinger
  7. :cry: I know the reward of more than 20 years of soccer by the way, where's yours? hahahahahahahahahaha
  8. and stop trying to hook up with my boyfriend, you demented mofo!
  9. Pleaaaaaase - I would make the effort to find a picture of a freak and insult you by saying that it is you - but MUGSHIT there is no need for that, your are scary as it is. you stretched earlope little freak!!!!!
  10. I think I've got the lowest score yet - a 55(mediocre) not even close to being a bitch I wonder why this measures bitchiness in relation to men, and says nothing of it in relation to other women? what constitutes a real bitch is her catiness!!!!
  11. oh puhleaaaaaase. just keep telling yourself that. HEY what do you have against russians anyway? All the people I know in Moscow love greece. it is one of the most popular vacation spots for russians. + theres the whole religion connection.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA youre joking right! nothing beats blue-eyed slavic men!
  13. Well I don't know about that - yeah we cannot compete with the italians that's for sure. But the greeks-no way! The russian foods you listed are homefoods. Think about what russia is famous for - only the most popular and finest delacacy in the world BALUGA KAVIAR. And what about King Crab - that is like the best and most expensice crabmeat!!!!!!!!!!!! + I don't care what anybody says, but the best icecream I've ever tasted is the the "LAKOMKA" (if anybody's from moscow you know what I'm talking about). Well, actually the amount of Gellato flavors in Italy totally kicks our ass, but never mind. lol.......as far as worldy contributions to science, literature, mathematics etc, the only countries that compete with (and may be better than) russia are Germany, USA, England, and France.period. But Italy obviously has the best art
  14. LMFAO - you got that right!!!!!!! And, even though I'm russian, I totally agree with your comments about the brooklyn skanks. However, hardly any of these people are actually russians. They mostly come from ex-soviet republics - ukraine, kazakstan, uzbekistan, etc. A very small portion is actually from russia. Brighten Beach is even nicknamed "little odessa" which is a city in ukraine. The funny thing about these "russians" is that they cannot even speak the proper language. I'm from Moscow - and believe me I can tell!!!
  15. OOOOOOOOOOOO- I crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrying for you mugz ooooooo hahahahahaha LMAO Is this a desperate attempt to get sympathy sex?????? oooooo Looks like mugz is trying a new apraoch - I really didn't think he would stoop down this low Get a grip baldy and come to your senses!!!!!! or else crobra and I will tie you by your goatie to the bumper of the crobramobile and drag your freak ass through the streets of astoria. And then I will personally take you to EXIT and tie you to a speaker while DRAPER does a 12-hour marathon set!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  16. I know, but when I went for the opening of Sexy Roxy it was supposed to start at 10, but I ended up standing in the cold till some time past 11! And in general, the bouncers and other people that work in that club are such assholes. That place just gave me such a bad 1st impression.
  17. don't know if I'll be @ Roxy though, if it is free till 12, they might just open real late like 11, which means that I'll probly have to stand on line for an hour and have to PAY anyway! no
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