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Everything posted by mist

  1. there have been, when I'm on campus - in a completely "normal environment", the peolpe I'm with talking about meaningless crap, I'll just get the urge to dance. I get a beat in my head, the origins of which I am unaware of , and all the chatter goes away. The next thing I know my feet start moving and they think I am crazy!
  2. people that I am school with are exactly like that: and I mean that literally. I am actually friends with people that think NSYNC is music, while trance is inferior because it "has no words". What a fucking load of crap - that's like saying that classical music is inferior! It is so much more meaningful when music makes you feel a certain way and takes you higher through music itself, rather than TELLING you how to feel ( in the case of pop music, with most of the words being shallow and cliche). fuck that! Don't get me wrong, I love rock and alternative, that's a whoel different category.
  3. I went out to the city for two nights this weekend, and I'm happy I did - they were 2 of the best nights in my life. To me, going out and seeing some great dj's is an amazing hightened sense experience - If something is to happen in NY, I would have at least lived life to the fullest! Last night, I did have a bad thought though - a thought that a overcrowded club can be a perfect target for a biological attack (especially Limelight which doesn't search anyone).
  4. oh man - yea!!!!!! ...but not anymore I have a shitload of work - this weeks is midterm week for me and I'm gonna be scewd! Hey- I wish you were there last night, it would make my night even more beautiful. I hope you can come down to the city one of these weekends!
  5. Augh…mugz that’s sweet. I completely share your feeling about being there yesterday when all this ugliness is going on in the world around us. I’m glad that you were able to enjoy yourself to the fullest. I wasn’t sure if you were having a good time at first – I expected a stomping hopping bouncing mugwump! I woke up today, 3 hours after going to sleep, and felt as if last night had never ended. It is 3 in the afternoon, and I still have the permanent grin! I am sitting here, by crobra’s computer, chewing on a lollipop stick, just realizing that I finished my lollipop like ½ an hour ago. When his friends came to pick him up for soccer today, I was on the front lawn hopping around to a non-existent beat and bonding with the big fat doggie – let me tell you, I got some weird looks…lol. We definitely have to hang out, the thing that sucks is that I can’t get into those 21+ lounges when you guys go on Thursdays.
  6. Howells was PUUUUUMPING! That was an awsome night and one of the best in my life! I experienced utter joy, stomping and stumbling, and forgetting that there was ground under my feet. I was just floating to the beats and the flashing lights. The ugliness of the outer world melted away, and nothing remained but beauty and happiness. I had such great time chilling some of you guys! Why can't life be like that always?
  7. I completely know what you're saying - this past week I kept on forgeting names, names of peopl I've known for a while, names of professors. The worst is when you're talking and all of the sudden you stop and forget what you were going to say. definitely makes me feel like I'm loosing my brain!
  8. OOOPS - that was me posting from CROBRA's computer - I forgot to log out of his screenname - sorry.
  9. I learned not to take my cell phone out to clubs and that a lot people are scum sucking son of bitches who want to charge you $25 after they find your cell phone - I also learned that I have a deep distrust of people - I couldn't go meet the cock sucker who has my cell, just didn't trust the situation. I was going to go with a shit load of people from the neighborhood, but figured that might lead to something really bad!! Finally, I learned to say fuck it, it's only money!!!
  10. I had a great time last night, though I think Keoki got better toward the end - and by 4:30 I was out of energy! I spent most of the time in the chapel room; which was a lot of fun and great beets w/ lots of room to hop around. trancsend, mugz, and dw: it was great talking to you guys, you all made it a great night for me! By the way I was the girl with the pink/white loveparade shirt and grey UFOs. ehem - as MUGZ reffers to me here, quite impersonally "crobra's girl". Hmmm mugz, I think this calls for some cyber bitchslapping! lol Anyway, hope to see you all at the next meetup!
  11. anyone know of a record store in Manhattan or Queens with a large selection of techno/trance CDs? Non of the major stores seem to have what I am looking for, and the stores that specialize in techno/trance that I have visisted tend to have mostly vinyl. ------------------ "One thinks one has cut oneself off from the world, but it is enough to see an olive tree upright in the golden dust, or beaches glistening in the morning sun, to feel this separation melt away." -Albert Camus.
  12. That's strange - they always write in magazines and E specials on TV that you get depressed and burnt out after you come off. THat's never happened to me: my E-like feeling doesn't go away for a day after I do it. I feel all relaxed and happy, even if I danced for 6 hours straight (and I'm not a sporty person at all). It kind of lightens up my whole week sometimes. As for 5HTP - well I took that once the day after and I started to Ex again!!! ------------------ "One thinks one has cut oneself off from the world, but it is enough to see an olive tree upright in the golden dust, or beaches glistening in the morning sun, to feel this separation melt away." -Albert Camus.
  13. mist


    In soho - On brawday round 8th or 7th street there is a store called "rubber sole". They have UFOs on sale for $30 or $40. Otherwise, you can get them for 50-55 pretty much all over that area along braudway. Another good store, which charges you the full $55 is "8th street lab" on 8th street right off of bradway to the west. ------------------ "One thinks one has cut oneself off from the world, but it is enough to see an olive tree upright in the golden dust, or beaches glistening in the morning sun, to feel this separation melt away." -Albert Camus.
  14. mist

    Lost Condom

    That's just plain weird. Wouldn't she feel it in her before the 2 days passed???
  15. reeeaaallly...hahaahahaha...that's very clever of you ..ahaha - I think you are annoying everyone your damn image "CROBRA" that's all I see all over the damn page. besides the fact that I a "newbie" only signifies that I have better things to do than sit glued to the internet all day.
  16. crobra - that is exactly what I meant by "concern" , I assumed that people who saw the program would know what I am talking about: but you wouldn't understand - with the e getting to your head and all: e-tard yourself!
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