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Posts posted by djfrosty

  1. Like I said before...Oscar was on fire.

    Fuckin great set to a packed house.

    Hell, friends went to Level to see Acosta play. Said the place was dead as hell at 4 AM.

    You and Edgar are the best. Space is lucky to have such talented residents.

    Edgar if you read this... need to know the name of the song you played in the beginning of your set after the awful Duane King.

    Female vocal song where you were going absolutely crazy. Sorry can't describe more than that.



  2. If you like trance, DJ Wag "Life on Mars" YOMC mix.

    House. The entire renaissance Nick Warren CD along with Danny Howells CD. Well worth buying.

    I like the NW CD better, but that's just an opinion.

  3. How about Kimball Collins? JK...

    for house - Danny Howells/Nick Warren

    deep trance/progressive trance - Chris Fortier

    slammin trance - not sure if he is any good live...How about CJ Stone? He produced some solid trance tracks a while back.

    Talla vs Dumonde ?

  4. You guys are comparing apples and oranges. I bet if you asked 500 people from each city where they would rather live... Miami would win hands down. Shit, you always hear about New Yorkers moving to Miami but hardly vice-versa.

    Why, because winter sucks ass.

  5. Sucks now but you'll appreciate so much more and you will understand why it is the way it is when you hit upper 20's. I am sure most people over 25 would agree.

    You know how the old saying goes...it's not what you know, it's who you know.

  6. Are you kidding? Miami is the MEKKA. Vegas is close second. (for different reasons) New York distant third.

    Beach, friendly people, good music, good clubs, good times, GREAT WEATHER, women. What more could you ask for?

    New York... such a pain in the ASS to get around. My best friend lives on Staten Island going to school. We would go out to some clubs in Manhattan and it would take us 1-2 hours to get home. Not cool.

  7. I think it depends on what kind of what job you have.

    I do see your point about people being obsessed with their jobs. I work with these people everyday. However, I am 28 yrs. old and the average age of the people I work with is probably 40, have kids, married, picket fence, etc. So, of course, they are going to act like that.

  8. Since the topics on this board tend to be about music, I thought I would start a different topic since music tends to be accompanied with drugs/alcohol. I wanted to get your opinions on how to prevent hangovers, substance hangovers, etc.

    Alcohol - usually a bloody mary in the morning works. Some say avoiding foods and drinks high in sodium and sugar prior to when you are going to drink and while you are drinking.

    Beans - some friends in Med school tell me to take an anti-depressant the day after. Then there are the rumors about certain amino acids, 5HTP, etc.

    Blow - never heard of complaints from a hangover from that.

    Weed - no hangover besides stupidity/being aloof the next day.

    Your thoughts?

  9. His booking agent also manages Sasha Digweed, Dave Seaman, Jimmy Van M, and a buddy of mine. (JJ Boogie)

    I can provide the contact info if needed. Plus I don't recall him being very expensive. Unlike Oakenfold who gets paid 40K for spinning at Space.

  10. Festival was August 11th. The incident I was referring to was in mid June. Didn't go to the Music festival though cuz it was probably cracked out kid fest and didn't care to see Oakenoverated.

    On another subject...Is it me or does Red Bull and Vodka give you a TERRIBLE HANGOVER.

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